Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sleepy Sunday

Dragonheart Sleeping
(Click photo for a larger image)


Daisy said...

Lookit the expression on your FACE! Dragonheart, you are too precious. I wish I could give you a little kiss on the nose.

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Dragonheart... you are the sweetest boy.

We like to sleep all curled up like that too and sometimes we cross both of our paws over our faces.

PS -- did you recover from that wind storm?

Ingrid said...

Pookie fiends you very "séduisant" ! little snail ! You should come over to Arthur on our cat blog he found a very nice coat for you and other cats when it's very very cold ! He also does his Winterschlaf !

Lux said...

Dragonheart, you look so very comfortable!

Tara said...

My favorite thing to do on a sunday as well. You look so sweet! Tara

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

dragonheart ...
yer makin a circle wid yer body.
veree intrestin.

Unknown said...

It's a good day for a nap here in IOWAH too!! It's cold and snowy.
Thanks for the kind words about our Man in Green!


Anita said...


Thanks for your visit. I wait for you another day.
Lazy purrrrssssssss

The Meezers or Billy said...

you look furry handsome Dragonheart! you're so sweet!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

AWWWW, daisy is sooo rite. The eggspreshun on yer face is super super cute!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are all better from your trip to the vet! We have been thinking about you. It is cold here,and if you were here I bet you would have three sweaters on!

May my mama send a friend one of your pictures to prove to them that hairless cats are cute?

brandi at Catitude.

sammawow said...

We had snow here so we're pretty much curled up like you are, Dragonheart! No reason to get cold on our porch today! You look quite adorable all curled up there!

China Cat & Willow

The M's said...

You are just the most precious thing, other than Munchie(sorry). Girl bean says that you are so very cute too.

Unknown said...

thats a really neat photo

Forty Paws said...

You look so snuggled in your blankie. How adorable. Very peaceful.
Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

My goodness, you can certainly curl up into a tiny little ball. You look adorable and very comfortable.

Anonymous said...

My goodness, you can certainly curl up into a tiny little ball. You look adorable and very comfortable.

Anonymous said...

that's just adorable!

Anonymous said...

It looks a lot like our weekend.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You look so very serene and cute curled up like that!