Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Toesday and Cats on Tuesday

Here are a couple of photos of my toes! I was sleeping with my hind legs on either side of my head, and my head down, which my mom thought was very funny. You can see my toes rather nicely in these shots.

Dragonheart napping

You can also see some of the brown wax and oil build-up on my claws. As I've mentioned before, since I have no fur, the wax and oil that my skin secretes tends to build up, and my self-grooming isn't sufficient to remove it all. So my mom cleans my feet, toes and claws once or twice a week, as needed.

Dragonheart napping

Cats on Tuesday To join in with Cats on Tuesday, check out Gattina's Blog. To take part in Toesday, check out the Cat Blogosphere.
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Ingrid said...

I can't write anything sorry, I am laughing too much ! Mr. Gattino put a finger to his front !

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, I always love to look at your tootsies. They are so cute and unusual looking.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Well that's the cutest thing. You can really see the definition of yur toesies.

Anonymous said...

These are the kind of shots I am always looking for! The unique and unusual poses. Great capture of cat toes or should that be cat paws! I love it!

sammawow said...

That is a terrific pic of your toes but did you get a stiff neck sleeping like that????

China Cat & Willow

Jodi said...

Oh my!! How funny is that! What a great photo!

Anonymous said...

You have a funny way of sleeping :)
I like your little video and your TT as well.
from helen

Anonymous said...

You have the best toes Dragonheart!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Ha, ha, those are pretty funny pictures. You are so adorable.

srp said...

How horrible that you have to get a bath every week! I hate baths! It takes so long to get my hair dry... maybe it would be easier if I didn't have any.....

PS: Your toes are quite handsome.

Miss Willow

Skeezix the Cat said...

Theeze are the funniest pikchers I've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

those are great pictures! and what a funny way to sleep.

Susie said...

Those are some cute naked toesies!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

thank u fer sharin doze luvlee pikshurz uv yer toez.
yer a verree intrestin cat an i'm happee to be learnin mor an mor abowt u!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hey, yoo gots big feets doncha. yoo know wut dey say bout kitties wif big feets...dat dey ushually have big ears to-hehehehe~Speedy

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Hi Dragonheart!
I'm a little late in posting because I couldn't get into the blog comments yesterday!! It was terrible.

Those are sweet pictures. Your mother must love you to bits.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is kinda a funny way to sleep...but I like the picture of your toes!

Molly, Charlie & Mr Darcey said...

hehe what a great picture!! Mr Darcey loves it!