Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Dragonheart Sleeping
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(To learn more about the Sphynx breed, click here.)


Lux said...

That is one lovely picture, Dragonheart (I'm whispering) ...

Unknown said...

THats a very nice pic

JHS said...

Hhhhhhmmmmmmm . . .

Daisy said...

Ohhh, you look very, very sweet!

Barb said...

He/She looks comfy!


Wow! how curled up he is.
Mines up too.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

dere are no wordz to describe da eksepshunal cat u are!

Unknown said...

Oh... *shhhh* you´re so cute!
Now I need a nap, too. =)

Liebe GrĂ¼sse auch an Deine Mami!

P.S.: Please visit my WW #7 - Thanks a lot =)

Anonymous said...

that is just too cute :)

Happy Wednesday, Caylynn...

Viamarie said...

Thanks for sharing that info. In the beginning, I thought they belong to a ferocious breed.

Happy Wednesday! My WW is up too.

Anonymous said...

How interesting that you have a sphinx kitten! I've seen photos, but never actually "met" one.

Jodi said...

Ahhh off to dreamland!

Anonymous said...

LOL - soooo funny!!! I chuckled the moment it came up!

Anonymous said...

This little fellow has taken my heart. He is so sweet! Love this shot. Hope he is not cold!

Mine is up. Happy Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

I need to go curl up like that a get me a snooze!

Unknown said...

you's look so comfy Dragonheart!!


Ingrid said...

Dragonheart you leave me meowless !So sweet !

Celfyddydau said...

You look very comfy

Anonymous said...

Nap times = good times

LZ said...

That is a very sweet picture! I'm tempted to snuggle with you to warm you up a bit.


Anonymous said...

I've seen pictures in books but your picture captures his skin texture. Very cool.

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh cute Hairless One. You are so adorable.

Anonymous said...

First of all, cool name! Secondly, the fact that you are hairless amazes me. And last but not least, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.

Sandra said...

You need a blanket! but you do look cozy!

Gemini said...

You are always so cute in those photos! Momma loves them.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We want to put a blankie over you too. Brrrr.

KK said...

Wow, Dragonheart, you are most gorgeous! Happy WW!!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

wow, I can't get my feets 'ahind my head.

Anonymous said...

Fetal position!! Funny picture!

Anonymous said...

I'll be honest, I wasn't sure what I was looking at! I thought it was a new-born bird! Now I think the doggy is cute!

K T Cat said...

I think this is about to become lunchless Wednesday. Good Lord, put some fur on that thing.


sammawow said...

Oh, little Dragonheart, you are so cute but we hope that you got under your blue blanket after the picture was taken! We love blankets - under and over us!

China Cat & Willow

YellowRose said...

Awww, what a sweet little kitty!

Happy Wednesday!

Lisa said...


EHT said...

This is a very interesting breed. They certainly eliminate the cat hair argument.

Fingers To Toes Photography said...


Rebecca said...

Wow. Interesting. That's just how my cat looked when it was wet...

Anonymous said...

you gots really long legs, don't you. are you gonna be very long and tall when you're all grown up?

Susie said...

You need some nap-time P.J.'s

Pfingston said...

That reminds me of a dog for some reason. Very cozy! Happy WW.

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Were not sure thares anything to say. Yoo luk soooo soooo relaxed and super cute.

Anonymous said...

Oops!! I'm sorry, I thought you were a doggy!

Mo and The Purries said...

Drake: what a great pose!
cat naps are always good wordless wednesday pics!
I just wanna wrap you in a blankie and cuddle with you!

Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) said...

a good nap? i think my neck would be sore.