Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cats on Tuesday

Cats on Tuesday Me and my humans were in Switzerland last week, in a place called Château d'Oex. You can read all about our trip here. Today, I am sharing some photos of myself playing in the chalet in Switzerland. My humans brought along some of my favourite toys so that I would have something to play with. I had a great time in Switzerland but I am also happy to be home.

If you are having trouble viewing the slideshow, you can check out the photos themselves:
Dragonheart Playing in Switzerland

Cats on Tuesday To join in with Cats on Tuesday, check out Gattina's Blog.


Tara said...

You look like you are having so much fun! And you look great on the blue spread! Tara

Ingrid said...

You behave like a star ! and the blue background is just as if created for you, lol ! I am happy that you are such a nice and brave cat and that you even enjoyed your holidays. I can tell you not all cats are able to do that !

Puss-in-Boots said...

Aaaahm Dragonheart, you are a real spoilt cat! I don't like travelling at all, so I'm really happy to stay home.

Glad you had a lovely time.


Daisy said...

Wow, you had everything you needed for your vacation. Did you pack a separate suitcase for all of yer toys? I loved the photo where you were upside down!

srp said...

Wow! My mom would never take us on vacation... of course there are so many of us it would cost too much and all our stuff would fill her van and the airplane wouldn't want us there. We prefer to have the nice lady come and stay here... we can get her to let us have extra stuff like food and treats.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Mr. Rhett

OreotheCat said...

You ares such model material! No temptaions in Germany?!? What an outrage! they are the best thing to ever hapen to the kitty society, well besides our food ladies or food dudes! I also ned to talk to Abby about planning me a vacation that is as fun as yours looks!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

It does look like yoo haded a grate bacation. We used to git da gerl next door feeding and playing wif us whin mom and dad wood go away gut she moofed to some place called "collej" so mom and dad are looking fur a replacemint. We don't want a replacemint, we want Marissa back! She wuz fun.

Forty Paws said...

Der's no place like home, der's no place like home, der's no place like home. Oh, u dunt haf no ruby slippers. Nefer mind.

Luf, Us

LZ said...

You're so lucky you got to go on the trip with them. My People just got back from a trip but I didn't get to go and that made me sad. It looks like you had so much fun!!!



I am glad you had such a fun time on your trip. Switzerland is such a beautiful country.


Anonymous said...

Wow that looks fun. I wish my humans would take me along for a vacation!

Hot(M)BC said...

You were so polite! (But yoo always are.) I don't like travellin further than the back sunroom. hehehe We's glad youre home and bloggin. Good you had a good time tho :) Mommy says it's ok yoo weren't here for her day, yore nice note wuz just as good!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree

marianne said...

what a special cat you are - not too many kitties get to go to Switzerland for vacation. looks like you had a grand time!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I am glad you had fun while you were vacationing! I had fun on my trip (in December) too!

FelineFrisky said...

What excitement! A vacation to
Switzerland! How was your dining? What was your favorite site? Do tell! D :)

Andree said...

I saw all your photos and read your Switzerland adventure. You look so regal and dignified! I kept wondering how you kept out of drafts but I see how well cared for you are! Have a wonderful week!