Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Château d'Oex, Switzerland

View from Chalet Balcony, Château d'Oex, Switzerland(Click photo for a larger image. Description in first comment.)


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

This was the view from our chalet's balcony during our trip to Switzerland last week. You can read more about our trip here

Biker Betty said...

Wow, that is a gorgeous view. Lucky you!! Happy Valentine's Day.

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful view !

The Minute Man: Colin Chang said...

Beautiful Mountains...

M said...

Beautiful! I've been following your trip. Love to hear more about it! The Alps are awesome.

Anonymous said...

that's an awesome picture. I love switzerland. what a great place.

Unknown said...

That is bee-you-te-ful!!


Anonymous said...

Lovely picture - the sky is an amazing colour.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Beautiful WW picture!!

Raggedy said...

Great Picture!
Happy Valentine's Day!
The valentine card was so cute!
Thank you for your visit.

Anonymous said...

Now THAT would be a romantic trip. It would be hard to leave!

Happy V-Day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day! I must say that is one gorgeous view! I'm jealous!

Hootin Anni said...

Very majestic!!!

Happy Valentine's Day...

Beckaboo said...


Anonymous said...


meh said...

Oh, it's sooo beautiful. I love moments like that! Happy WW Valentine's

Anonymous said...

Very Very beautiful.. What a grand view. Thank you so much as always for stopping by.

Happy Valentines Day.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous!! I am jealous--I bet your trip was awesome!

Anonymous said...

A very pretty photo! Switzerland is a beautiful country (except I think Zürich is far from pretty...) It's expensive there, though!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Stunning picture! I didn't even know you went to Switzerland. Lucky you, I'm jealous:) Happy Valentines Day:)

Unknown said...

That's a gorgeous picture. Thanks for sharing and coming by My Photo Blog. Happy Valentine's Day!!

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely stunning. I love mountains :-)

Shaggy and Scout said...

Sitting here in Minnesota it is hard to believe such places exist in the world! (I need to get around more)- SSS's mom

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture!

My WW is up as well.

Latharia said...

Just beautiful!

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

What a gorgeous view! Happy Valentine's Day.

Unknown said...

Dragonheart, that´s a gorgeous view. I wish I could be there =)

Shaz said...

What a fabulous valentines Wordless Wednesday post, well done x