Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Cats on Tuesday

Cats on Tuesday Last Friday, the weather was beautiful here in Munich. It was warm and sunny and felt very much like a spring day. The temperature was between 12 and 15°C so it was nice and warm. Due to this warm weather, my humans let me explore outside in my harness.

Dragonheart in our yard
I explored our patio, checking out all the interesting scents, walked on the grass, and checked out the fences between our yard and our neighbours' yards. It was very exciting! I hope to go outside again sometime soon (always on my harness and leash, of course.)

If you have problems viewing the video, try clicking here.

In other news, my "papers" arrived yesterday - my registration and pedigree! My registered name is HairNSkin Dragonheart, since my breeder's cattery is called HairNSkin. And guess what? Did you know that I'm a descendant of a Jedi Knight? Yep! My sire is Champion HairNSkin Obi Wan Kenobi! Isn't that exciting? I wonder if I'll start demonstrating any Jedi abilities? I think that would be very cool!

Don't forget to VOTE FOR ME for Mr. Litterbox 2007. Thanks!

Cats on Tuesday To join in with Cats on Tuesday, check out Gattina's Blog.


Ingrid said...

What an adventure for you Drachenherzchen or do I have to name you "Hoheit" ? What a wonderful title you have got ! I could see in the video that you were not so sure to go on the grass and look at these white things called daisies ! But you will see, next time you won't want to leave anymore ! All my cats were also very suspicious when they first put a paw on grass and then it was the same with snow ! Unknown things. But I have to say, you walk very well with your harness !

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

o, Dragonheart, u's looked like u's haffing so much fun 'n such a purrty day.

we'll be watching fur Jedi ability, won't we.

purrrs, KC

Karen Jo said...

I can see that you really enjoyed your walk outside. I think it is really great that your catdad was named Obi Wan Kenobi. We'll all be on the lookout for signs of Jedi abilities.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Wow, a descendant of Obi Wan Kenobe! I'm impressed, Dragonheart. Unfortunately, I don't know my father. I think he was a big fluffy tom down the road who had a thing for my mother.

Daisy said...

Wow, Dragonheart, that looked FUN! I am starting to seriously consider whether I should get a harness and leash. It would be a completely different experience than going out in the stroller, because you get to actually sniff things!

I am very amazed and proud of you that you are descended from Obi Wan Kenobi!


Wow what an adventure Dragonheart...and you are a jedi too? wow.


Anonymous said...

You're so lucky Dragonheart! The weather looks great over there... we just had another snowstorm :( I haven't been outside in ages! You're very good with your harness and leash, I can't stand mine! Cool you're a Jedi descendant eh? "The Force is strong in this one".... purr purr nudge nudge!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Dragonheart, I voted for you. Well, Caesar and Prinnie did. Caesar thought you looked very sweet (which he is very conscious of because he is "the love tiger") and dashing in your daddies Mess Kit, and Prinnie just thought you were very handsome.

Caesar and Prin has never been outside. They sneaked out once. They do enjoy the smells and views from the screen door in the Spring.

It is supposed to get warm this week, so I hope to have the door open for them.

I am pretty sure you have some Jedi Knight abilities

Have a very happy day today

Anonymous said...

I have a harness and a leash, but I don't enjoy it as much as you, Dragonheart. You are my hero! No one can call you a ::whispers:: Scaredy cat...

And you are absolutely correct in that Colorpoint are simply colorful Meezers...

Anonymous said...

You have the first pedigreed cat I've ever known! How cool that is. That is pretty much unheard of around this area....it is all about dog and horse papers here. Congratulations!

Forty Paws said...

Awesome!! Do you think you're related to our Obi? He's really hairy though.... And his Obi stands for Orange Boy. Oh well, 6 degrees of separation and all that.

Luf, Us

FelineFrisky said...

What a marvelous video! Such bravery and daring!

What a special name you have! and Jedi abilities??? Whoa! The girls will go crazy! D :)

Luna und Luzie said...

Dragonheart du siehst so süss aus mit deinem Katzengeschirr um. You are looking so cute with your leash ! Hat es dir draussen gefallen?
Du mußt unbedingt Katzengras probieren, es ist toll.You must taste Cats grass. Das geht ganz einfach.
I have a pedigree too. My real name is Luna "Fantasia" vom Katzenparadies. Toller Name, oder?

LZ said...

Congrats on your title! Kaze was all excited when she got hers. Looks like you had a lovely time outside.


kuanyin333 said...

Ah titles are great, aren't they? Especially when people bow and grovel to you and give you more attention! Congrats!

Andree said...

How exciting to have such a pedigree! I loved your movie, and OH I VOTED FOR YOU! You are such a handsome guy, I had to!

sammawow said...

That looked like a lovely adventure that you had outside. We're impressed that you are titled and can't wait to see what you do with your Jedi abilities!

China Cat & Willow

Mr. Hendrix said...

Wow, what a great day! It is great when you go out you are safe on your leash and harness. oooo, Jedi heritage!!! Obi Wan is the coolest Jedi.
I am very impressed.

Suzanne R said...

I have an old computer so have trouble watching YouTubes, but I can tell that Dragonheart is a majestic and dignified kitty -- he suits his jedi ancestry beautifully. The harness is a great idea -- I wonder if I can find one around here so that Silver can go out once in a while, since he loves it out there so much. I don't dare let him go out on his own because he tends to get hurt, the silly boy.

srp said...

I am so impressed that you will walk on a harness. All of our kitties just sit down or lie down and won't move. You are so cute and funny too!

Unknown said...

We (well Dazey and Jesse) like to go out on our harnesses too! Conner is a scaredy cat and only steps one foot out of the door!
We gave you all 3 votes for your Mr. Litterbox entry for formal wear (on accounts our dads are both in the military!)


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Great video! It looks like you had a great time!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

You always match up the best music to your videos!!
What fun that must have been for you, dude! All those smells can be overwhelming at first though.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wow - we is jealous! It's hailing here again today - brrrr!

Unknown said...

You are very valiant my sweet dragonheart!! I´m afraid!!

Mattingly said...

Wow Dragonheart, you are so brave to go Outdoors! But I guess it's no surprise since you have Jedi blood in you! We know a lot about Jedi over here (something about Mom and Dad being a bit geeky), so we were excited to find out that you are descended from one of the great masters!

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness. I better not share your name with my puppy, he might have to use the Force to hunt you down. Of course, he'd lick you to death! He seems to really like cats but not other dogs :)

DK & The Fluffies said...

Oh my a Jedi - that's very cool!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, it looked so nice fur yoor walkies outside! It snowed here, not good weather for going out. Ah, a decendant of Obi Wan Kenobi, may the force be with yoo.

Tara said...

Obi Wan Kenobi is way cool! And I love how you patrol your patio, that is just what I do. You need to look for all those Chewbaccas hiding!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

We are luvin yer videos Dragonheart. You are so cute ~Merlin, SHadow, Ko Ko

Anita said...

Do you like to walk?

Reverse Barometer said...

Now I know why the term "cool cat" was invented. This one's a winner!

Meow (aka Connie) said...

What a great adventure. You look very handsome in your harness.
Take care, Meow