Monday, February 26, 2007

Movie Monday

My mom featured this video on her blog last week, for Cats on Tuesday, so some of you will have seen it before. For everyone else who hasn't seen it yet, I wanted to feature it this week for Movie Monday.

My mom and dad are training for a marathon, which means that they run really far. They drink a lot of Gatorade and Powerade during their training. I don't know what those are, but I do know that the bottles have clear plastic tops that are lots of fun to play with! So here I am, playing hockey with the clear plastic bottle tops.

If you are having trouble viewing the video, try clicking here.


Karen Jo said...

You are certainly having a lot of fun with that bottle cap. I love the way you got the wiggle on just before you pounced it by the rug.

Daisy said...

Great movie Dragonheart! You are so athletic. You might be drafted by a hockey team soon. Maybe the Florida Panthers!

(S)wine said...

Hey, awesome post. Blogmad hit.

Anita said...

You are trainning for the Feline World Domination.. Muhahahaha!!

Are these carpets of Ikea? Muhahaha!

sammawow said...

You are certainly very fast and athletic. That little wiggle seems to have propelled you right to your hockey puck!

China Cat & Willow

LZ said...

Wow, I bet you and I would make a really good hunting team!! Now, how do I get to Germany? Can I stroll there?


Anonymous said...

Wowwwww you could be a hockey star for sure!

I really really enjoyed this movie :-) you are so energetic and you are FAST!

cute cute cute!!!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo are a grate hockey player, furry fast! Love dat butt wiggul.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You're better than Wayne Gretzky!!!

TorAa said...

That was fun. And you are a great actor. Will you wing "Oscar" next year. We will vote for you. Tomorrow it's COT. Hope to see you around.

PS. Do you think your parents have any progress with their marathon training?

=^,^= =^.^=


Wow Dragonheart I didn't knoos yu wuz so gud at Hockey! I fink yu will make a great star on da ice.


Luna und Luzie said...

Ein tolles Video, ich habe es mir gleich zweimal angesehen. Du hattest sicher viel Spaß, Dragonheart!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Furry entertaining movie, Dragonheart! You should have gotten an Oscar® last night for the great cinematography ... Fellini-esque!

Shaggy and Scout said...

We love that butt wiggle shot at the end!!!!
Mom & dad love hockey. Our boy was a goalie on a junior team. Our TV has the NHL network on every night. Mom & Dad's first date was in mom's basement watching Hockey Night in Canada!!!
"Let's go Drangonheart"

Tara said...

Oh I love it, I bet you, I and Latte would make a great team! Tara

Anonymous said...

great skills! has ya effur tried that in the tub? it's lotsa fun. we most 'specially liked the part where ya wiggled yur butt before ya pounced.