Friday, February 16, 2007

Frootbat Friday

Dragonheart enjoying the sun(Click photo for a larger image)

My mom took this photo of me relaxing in the sun in the Chalet in Switzerland. She really likes this photo. Here's another photo she took at the same time:

Dragonheart enjoying the sun
Yesterday many of you asked about the furry thing on the wall of the chalet we stayed at in Switzerland. I honestly have no idea what it was and neither do my humans, although I'm pretty sure it wasn't a Vishus Deer. We were just renting the chalet for the week so it was already there when we arrived. It certainly smelled very interesting! When I stood on the back of the couch, I was able to reach up along the wall and smell the strange skin. Here's the picture for those of you who didn't see it yesterday:

Chalet's Living Room

Are you Frooty? Leave your link below!


Ingrid said...

I think the fur is from a goat. You look very cute with your big eyes !
My friend went to a cat exposition (she forgot to tell me and now I am angry with her !) and she has seen two cats like you she could take one in her arms and told me it felt like baby skin and that the cat was so friendly and social ! She told me her husband wants to have a cat without tail (forgot the name) because the 4 siamese she has put their tails in his soup !
Your mum must get a double personality ! She has her own blog and then she is your secretary. You are lucky you found a good one, that's not often the case !
Could you comment on my cat blog and your mum on the other ?

Karen Jo said...

I'm glad you are back, Dragonheart. You have gorgeous eyes, which show up very well in the pictures.

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, you are so photogenic! I agree with Karen Jo, yer eyes are beautiful. Happy Frootbat Friday!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Dude. Wish I had a chalet in Switzerland!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

yup ... u hav frootbat eerz!
i think dat'z a d-o-g!



Yu are furry photo-gen-ick.
Dat is a catastic pixchur of yu.


Christine and FAZ said...

Firstly you look very elegant in that photo and very distinguished.


p.s. It might have been a vishus deer in a previous life

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo look furry regal. Mom sez she dun't know whut dat iz but it'z pritty ded.

LZ said...

That really is a gorgeous picture of you. It really shows off your sweetness as well as your ears. I bet that thing on the wall smelled really good! I would have sniffed and sniffed and sniffed some more!


Anonymous said...

Gattina is right... that is a goad skin baaaa baaaaaa baaaaaa baaaaa baaaa

I love looking at you sitting there.
You look so happy and I know you are loved very much. I bet you behave all the time and never ever get into things and make a mess.
I can just tell by your sweet face. Now if your mom and dad should get another kitty for you to have as a sibling... well, that kitty will most probably be very very naughty.

I hope you have a terrifical Friday and a happy week-end at home.
Keep warm <3

Anonymous said...

Oh you look so lovely there in the chalet!

The Meezers or Billy said...

that's such a lovely pikshur. Our mommy finks you are so cute!

Forty Paws said...

Wat a luverly pikshur. U luk so content.

Luf, Us

sammawow said...

You look so beautiful in the chalet!

China Cat & Willow

Tara said...

Great Frootbat pictures! I'm glad what every that furry thing was, it didn't get you! Tara

Shaggy and Scout said...

A beautiful picture as usual DH.
We think that is a wolverine skin of the wall. Mom at first thought a beaver, but its too big for that. Do they have wolverines in Switzerland? Dunno.

Anonymous said...

Never mind the skin.What's that scary thingy by the lamp?

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Dragonhart you are so gorgeous, but I know you already know that! Was it cold in Switzerland? Especially as you are a little bit furless? xxx

Anonymous said...

very handsome pictures! you have the most gorgeous coloring.

Lux said...

Wonderful pictures of you relaxing, Dragonheart!

Kimo and Sabi said...

You should have used that as a fur coat!

Piggy and Grover said...

You look so regal! So noble! Those eyes! Welcome home!