Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen

#8 - 13 Photos from our Trip to Château d'Oex, Switzerland

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The Rock Chick said...

Wow! What an original post. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. You have a novel there. I enjoyed the pictures but the slideshow put them over the top. Thanks for sharing them!

Tara said...

That was a wonderful show! Switzerland looks like it was lots of fun! Tara

Uisce said...

what beautiful scenery. and that harness you're wearing is just stunning! Happy TT, mine's up!

Raggedy said...

Cool slide show. I loved the morning photo from the balcony. It looks like you had a fantastic time!
Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
My TT is posted.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy TT'ing!
(")_ (")Š

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, I was really hoping you would show pictures from your trip! Those mountains are so beautiful. And riding on the horsies looks fun. I am a little worried about the skin on the wall of yer chalet... it wasn't from a vishus deer was it??!?

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

dragonheart ... 2 kweschunz:
#1--would i be able to climb da mountainz?
#2--wut kinda d-o-g wuz on da wall in yer chalet?
jus wunderin.
mi mom wantsta go to switzerland now!

Ingrid said...

You really had a great view ! Did you learn some french or do you still meauw in german ??

Carmen said...

looks cold, but beautiful! Dragonheart, you are lucky to have gone!

MaR said...

Wonderful pictures!! only the skier in me is missing some snow as it is mid-february!!!
It seems you all had a great time.
happy TT!

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures Dragonheart. You looks so happy. The views were spectacular!

I hope you have a happy day :-) <3

LZ said...

That is a great post! Thanks for sharing those cool pictures, I'll never get to see such an interesting place.


Darla said...

Lovely photos, Dragonheart--you're very photogenic! And the scenery wasn't bad either. :)

Julia said...

WOW that was great photo! I enjoy all the beautiful scenery photo. Look like you had great trip too! Thanks for sharing!

And thanks for visiting my blog..have a nice day!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Lovely pictures!!!!!! I am a bit concerned about the thing on the wall....

Mary said...

Very pretty! thanks for sharing those. :D Happy 13!

Shaggy and Scout said...

EEEKKK! We wanna know whose pelt is nailed to the wall too! Yikes!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

What beautiful pictures! My human slaves recenty went on a coach holiday that took them through switzerland. They said it was absolutely gorgeous. I, however, haven't quite forgiven them yet for abandoning me. That was six months ago and I am still making them pay.

Your pics look fab though! xx

Anonymous said...

so furry purrty! the only thing we can see from our balcony is a busy street and an airport - yuk. apparently our balcony is in the wrong place. but why is the outside of some animal nailed to the wall? that's a little disturbing.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Wow! What a great trip. That was such a beautiful place and you looked like you settled right in. You always have such a creative post! Cute little kittyhead.

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Wow. Looks like you had a great time.

Unknown said...

I was so looking forward to have a look at your Switzerland-pictures, Dragonheart. I knew they would be beautiful, but they are much more beautiful than I guessed =)

Thanks for sharing!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Those are some furry beaaauuuutiful picts of your trip Dragonheart. Although what was that furry thing hung on the wall? Hmmmmmm look kinda strange ~Merlin, SHadow, Ko KO

sammawow said...

Such beautiful scenery! What a great vacation to go on...

China Cat & Willow

Scribbit said...

How beautiful! I would love to go there. All these places I want to see . . .

Anita said...

Ohhh!! Fantastic place!!
Mi bean loves your chalet!

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

That is a list most anyone would love to have for their own!