What do you mean, you can't study when I'm sitting on your book? I'm trying to point out the important passages! Silly mommy.

Besides, your desk lamp gives off a lot of heat. I'm nice and warm sitting here!

Where's your pen? That's lots of fun to play with! No? Fine then, I'll get down. Some people just don't appreciate a bit of help!
Guten morgen Drachenherzchen ! You are already busy to help your mum by sitting on the papers as a paper weight ? Is it so windy ??
Isn't it funny how, as soon as you open a book, a cat comes along and sits on it? Or if you decide to blog, a cat will come along and sit in front of the screen and just look at you. Strange, really...
How helpful you were being, Dragonheart! Don't give up!
Hilarious comments and excellent pictures. Cats loves to sit on papers, all sort of.
Dragonheart, you are a great help I am sure. And I see you have the Cat Blogosphere up on yer computer! Very smart.
It is a good thing you had help. I am sure there is a proverb that says you will pass your test if a cat meows at you after it reads your textbook through it's butt. If not, there should be.
Thanks for playing.
guten morgen drachenherzchen (i coppeed dat one frum da grate gattina!)
mi mom told me dat she haz to rite 12 "individualized education plans" for her stoodentz dis week on da compyooter ... an i can't help her.
i feel yer pain.
I understand, you were only trying to help. YOu are such a sweet and thoughtful kitty.
I hope you have a great day.
(I loved A+P.)
Dat wuz furry thotful of yoo to help yoor mom study. Maybe she shood get yoo yoor own desk wif a lamp so yoo cood stay warm.
Oh DH! You look so stylish and photogenic sitting on the book! You are both a great model and study helper! What more can a human want in a kitty?
I have a nice desk lamp like that too, and of course, get a cat underneath it whenever I turn it on. I just relinquished some space and put a blanket under it on my desk.
Oh, Mom hated those classes! She was once studyin to be an audio... oddeo... ear fixit bean. But she realized she hated it an quit an now she plays wif data on puters instead. Maybe she didn't haf enuf cat help wif her antomy an fissy classes.
Good for you for helping. I'm sure your mom appreciated the distraction. My mom remembers well studying on Sundays....she's glad she doesn't have to do that anymore. Now, however, sometimes she has to work on sunday mornings. Tara
ooo you is so nice and helpful, they is well lucky to have you :)
Oh Dragonhart your mum must be one of the very few clever humans to be able to study something so difficult!!! I am impressed. I bet she isn't as clever as you though. I imagine your help is what is getting her through her studies MOL
Oh yes! Cats must help their beans. And what a good job you are doing! Nothing like a cat butt on the page to put off studying.
Luf, Us
Dragonheart, you're my type of cat, one who supervises the humans' every move to make sure they get it right! OK, I gotta go check on mine now; I'm sure they're messing something up...
You are certainly a helpful cat Dragonheart. Humans can be so ungrateful sometimes!
How very nice of you to help your mom study! My Vader would just lay in the floor and take a nap. (I guess that means that dogs are lazy?)
You are doing a good job of helping your Mom, Dragonheart. How would she know which were the really important parts without you to sit on them and point them out?
Guten morgen Drachenherzchen - hahahaha! We copied that from Jeter Harris! Although, Mommakitty says it's probably not "morgen" any more. You should teach us more German words - our Grandmakitty is from Heidenheim, but she doesn't speak German when she visits...except she tells us "schlaff gud"...which we finks means "have a nice nap kitties."
Dragonheart is an awesome looking cat!!
Guten tag Dragonheart... we don't understand why the humans don't appreciate the help that we offer them.
Ha, ha, we can see you are learning all about DNA.
That is so nice of you to help your mom study. You also looked very handsome doing it!
My favorite place is on the newspaper when mom is reading it.
PS: when it is time for her to take her test, make sure she rubs your head before she goes. It's good luck.
I know exactly how you feel, Mommie was cutting out a pattern and I was just holding the pattern down, she didn't think that it was very funny either. However, it was not as important as studying for a class.
My cat would do the same thing. I love your blog.
Dragonheart, you are a very beautiful and statuesque kitty! I love cats of your kind ;-P...
LOL My cat does that too! Any time I'm using the computer he thinks its a signal for him to stand on the keyboard or sit in front of the screen! Or he goes on the back of the couch, which is behind me, and taps me on the shoulder with his paw! Right now, lucky for me, he is asleep on the chair next to me!
- Angel
Cats are always SOOO helpful! (Where's my pen gone? Where's my other knitting needle? Why is there a big cat-shaped paper-weight sitting right smack dab in the middle of the page i was just reading? lol)
Dragonheart has one of the most incredible faces I've ever seen! And his pose, with all four paws so neatly together and tail wrapped all around--oh, certainly THAT cat would never make ANY trouble! (I did see the video--fantastic. So I can only begin to imagine the mischief...)
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