Here I demonstrate the proper technique for cleaning Sphynx toes. This photo also gives you a nice view of my tongue and my teeth. In this photo, my toes and claws are fairly clean, as my mom had recently cleaned them. As I've mentioned before, wax builds up on my toes and claws due to the fact that I have no fur. My skin secretes oils, and since I have no fur for the oil to be distributed through, the oil builds up, attracts dirt, and forms a waxy substance.
In other news, I overhead my humans talking. They have been in contact with my breeder and plan on having another Sphynx join our family! My breeder is hoping that my half-sister will have a litter in the spring, and my mom and dad can have a kitten from that litter. Since the kitten won't be able to leave my breeder until he or she is about 4 months old, it will be a while before I'll have a new brother or sister (although technically, I guess I would be the kitten's half-uncle!)
I'm not sure how I feel about this development. In some ways, I like being an only cat. The humans' laps are always available for my enjoyment, I have my choice of sleeping spots in the humans' bed, the toys are all mine, and when I want to play, my humans happily play with me. Once another cat joins our family, I'll have to share all of these things! On the other hand, I'll have another cat to play with, wrestle with, and snuggle with when the humans aren't around. So I guess it will be okay. At any rate, I don't have to worry about that for several months to come.
Great photo Dragonheart! Nice technique, for sure. Wow, a new brother or sister, that is exciting! I'm an only kitty, and while its nice having everything to yourself, it can be a little lonely. Tara
That is a very pink tounge! We finks you would like having another cat around - we likes it! But what will happen if you gets scratched? You do not have furs to protect yer skin likes we do. Hmmmm...
You have great toe-cleaning technique, Dragonheart. I think you might like having another cat around. Kitty wrestling has always looked like loads of fun to me.
Very good toe-cleaning technique! Oh, and I am sooooo excited for you to get a little brother or sister. You will see, it will be GREAT. You can wrestle and play together.
Great pixchur Dragonheart!!
I knoos yu will enjoy havin a little sisfur around to play wif.
abowt da noo brudder or sistah ... i jus got finished playin wid mi noo brudder matsui an i havta say ... i had sum fun! we were chasin eech udder an laffin an laffin! i think u will hav fun wid yerz, too!
That is great news! The People got me to keep Chase company and then got Kaze to keep me busy. I think you'll love having a friend to play and snuggle with!
Grate tekneek. Having anuffer kitty to play wif iz grate! I'm sher yoor mom and dad will still be avalabul, but when der not den yoo haf sumone to play wif.
Wow, very cool picture. Oh a little brother or sister! We can't wait.
Good toe technique. And you've got the most awesome toes, Dragonheart. Oh, and just don't let your Mom and Dad get you FOUR sisfurs. That's a bit much, but don't tell Sanjee, Boni, Mini, and Gree I said that.
your bud Pepi
With another cat you can curl up together for warmth.
Meowm squealed "Lookit those toes!"
Concats on getting a baby furling!
Das ist ja ein interessantes Foto.That is an interesting photo. Wie schön, dass es bald ein Kätzchen gibt. It is wonderful to have a baby cat. And it is better to have two cats.Ich finde es schöner für eine Wohnungskatze zu Zweit zu sein.
Mein Post für Cats on Tuesday ist leider zu spät fertig geworden.
Love the tongue and toesies! And how exciting! Getting a new brother or sister! Believe me Dragonheart, you'll love it!
Luna - You speak German as well?!? What a smart kitty! :)
Grate shot of yur tung and toes! I lick mine toes all the time too but I got lots of fluff between them. And yu'll like haffing anothur kitty to play wiff. Tiger and Bebe and me play chase all offur the howse.
Terrific photo of you! We think that you would like a new brother or sister cat. That way you can always have someone to play with!
China Cat & Willow
What an *incredible* photo!
I've always been so curious about Sphynxes! And what beautiful ears and teeth I see in this demonstrtion!
I must now peruse further, to see more!
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