In this next photo, if you click to make it larger, you can see my umbilicus (the cat equivalent of a belly button) which is where my umbilical cord was attached. It is the small, pale pink circle in the gray portion of my skin just above the centre line. With most cats, who have fur, you can't see the umbilicus, although when the belly is shaved it becomes visible. With female cats, it is often used as a landmark during spaying.

If you look closely at these photos, you can also see that I'm a little dirty. These photos were taken a day or two before my weekly bath, when I tend to have a lot of oil build-up on my skin. It is especially noticeable on the pink-coloured areas of my skin. It gives me a bit of a striped look when the oils accumulate in my wrinkles!
And I thought you held a little coin in your paw ! lol ! Your pose in your sleeping bag is priceless ! Apparently you are also sleeping in funny ways, just like Arthur who sometimes stretches all four paws in the air and lays his tail on his belly ! We always have to laugh when he sleeps because he always looks different. It seems to me that you do that too ! By the way we had a hail storm here what a noise ! Poor Arthur hid under my desk, the others made huge eyes !
He looks so cute asleep on his back. Especially with his mouth open like that. Does Dragonheart snore? I only have one cat, Miss Chloe, that snores... a little sinus trouble like the rest of her human family. They would all love his sleeping bag.
Very interestng Dragonheart! I'll have to look for my umbilicus! Hopefully Daisy will read this, a good lesson for a future MD!
Ooooh Dragonheart...very sexy. Next thing we'll be seeing you as the centrefold in Playboy.
They have bunnies, why not cats?
Have a good day, mate.
With Dragonheart's mouth hanging open like that...Does he snore???
I didn't know if Cat's snore.
My two cocker spaniels snore very loud.lol
Of course I HAD to enlarge both photos. I saw yer belly button, I saw yer belly button! You look soooo relaxed. Sleeping bags are great.
And I don't know why, but I am still very interested in looking at yer feet. They are so cute.
Very special interesting Photos. I enlarge them and think it is very privat to show his belly bottom. It really looks like he snores :-)Cosy and sweet in his sleeping bag.
Don't feel bad if'n yu snores. I snore. In fact Momma wuz on the talkin box the oddur day and the purrson on the oddur end, asked what wuz dat noise and she said it wuz ME! See that purrson could hear me snorin.
I thought that furst pixchur of yu wif yur mouf open wuz so adorable.
Dragonheart sorry I haven't been around in a while but my job keeps me busy and tired! No more cat naps in my day for me! :(
I find your skin very fascinating an wish I could reach through the monitor and pet you! It really looks so smooth and soft!
Your human caught some really wonderful pictures of you! They are just perfect!
Great poses for the camera! I know it's natural for you, but your hairlessness make me shiver! I am very aware of cold. Do you wear a sweater in the winter time? D :)
Dragonheart, you look like a sleeping baby in the first picture. You are soooo adorable.
You are so smart, you could be a doctor too, maybe a .... *shivers* a V-E-T for kitties.
I hope you have a snuggly day. I love your sleeping bag, especially with YOU in it <3 <3 <3
I never noticed before but Dragonheart barely has whiskers! Is that another characteristic? How fascinating! I wonder how his behavior changes without whiskers. I continue to be amazed at how beautiful he is. His feet are amazing.
we love looking at you dragonheart! guess it's because we are covered in hair, so we don't get to see ourselves too closely.
Those are some of the cutest cat pictures I've ever seen. What an expression in that first one and how balled up in the second! They certainly started my day off with a big smile.
The top picture was so great! You look relaxed!! You are such a stunning kitty to look at, Dragonheart!
Dragonheart, you got nice abs! You've inspired me to work out more so I can loose my beer belly :) I guess I should start by cutting out the beer! Cheers, I think I'll go take a nap now, you look so comfy in the pics :)
Wow Dragonheart, you look like you are having the best nap ever!!! Thanks for the info on the umbilicus, I did not know that! You are always teaching us new stuff.
Hi Dragonheart!! We luf that wunnerful pikshur of yur mouth hangin open! Too kyooooot.
And then your whole hed disappears in the next pikshur! How u do that?
Yes, we biggified so we could look at your toes, and we see they are kinda dirty. Very interesting! And we're wondering if regular cats would have toes that big if they were shaved? We think Obi might. He has HUGE Feet!!!
We can see the umbilicus on some of us. It's a little teeny bare spot right almost in the middle of our tummbly. But we examined yours too. Very interesting! Quite educational.
Luf, Us
Pee Ess. Thanks for wishing Jenny a Happy Birthday in German!!! She thought that was really cool.
Dragonheart - you have a very cute belly. Do you always sleep with your mouth open or did you just get caught having a dream?
mommy wants to know if you snores when you sleep - your mouf is open like hers is when she snores. OOPS, i didn't mean to say she snored. - Miles
oh, and we has "belly button furs" when mommy brushes our tummies or pets them, there is a tuft of furs that sticks up where our belly buttons would be.
Dragonheart you are exquisite!
And we didn't know about kitty belly buttonS! YOu are so cute when you are asleep!!!
We loved that first photo with your little tongue! You are so cute.
OMG !!! I don't like cats but Dragonheart is so cool & noble ! I would love to have one like him..
Visit me sometime
Have a good time
Hehee, you are just too cute in your green sleeping bag! In the top photo, you look kinda like Emma in her tuxie tummy Tuesday post today!
Mom wanted to rub yoor kyoot little belly. She bigified da pikshers and sed Awww. She laffed cuz she sed yoo hided yoor hed in da sleeping bag like doze medical fotos she sees. Yoor just too kyoot!
Nice sleepin form: and I KNOW good sleepin form!
Hi Dragonheart! You looks vury comfy in your sleeping bag. Our meowmize finks you a vury cutez, especially your tummy...Sia
How neat, that you have your own sleeping bag, Dragonheart. We're jealous! (Socks, Silver and Stevie speaking here.) We don't like baths, although Socks likes water, but we can see where you would need them. You are a most handsome kitty!
DH - I really, really loved the top picture - it is the best one of you yet. Big Purrs FAZ
p.s. have a look at my tummy today on T-cubed Toosday - it's definitely not as good as yours though.
oh oh oh! mommy & I think that is so cute! Look at your little belly. Mommy said when she gets home, she's goin got look for my "belly button" umbilicus. When I sleep upside down my mouth hangs open sometimes. tee hee hee
Oh, Mommy wanted me to say she knows that ACDC "I've got big balls" song too and she was thinking that same thing! ha ha ha
You look very cute sleeping on your back in your sleeping bag with your little mouth open. You also have a cute belly button, but where did your head go?
Great poses!very interesting belly botton!
You look relaxed. `·.¸♥
`·.¸ )
(.·´ ♥
`°. ♥
(``·.¸(``·.¸ ¸.·`´)¸.·`´)
«´¨·.¸¸.♥ Lunita =^.^= ♥.¸¸.·´¨`»
(¸.·`´(¸.·`´ ``·.¸)``·.¸)
Great Tummy Tuesday photos!!!!!
I've never seen a hairless cat in my non-virtual life. What does it feel like to pet them? Is the skin smooth? Soft?
i never knew cats had an umbilicus! wow!
Now that's what I call nappin'!
This first photo is too adorable for words! This breed of cat is amazing.
Hi Dragonheart! We love your picture. Thank you for teaching us something new about umbilicus- din't know cats had one cause they are always covered up in fluff.
Now that my friend is one of the funniest pictures I have ever seen! You look SO SO SO SO SO cute and adorable. You know what, I think I am falling in love with sphynx cats and may have to get one, one day!
I just got home and I had to come back and have a look at your sweeeet little face Dragonheart. You are loved <3
I got booted when I tried to comment earlier -- good old AOL. :-( My cats have been saying ever since seeing Dragonheart's sleeping bag earlier that they want one! They are glad they don't get baths, though, despite understanding why Dragonheart needs to have one fairly often. :-)
I read this on for Felicia and Rosa. You know what? They starts to lick their bellies. I hope Felicia still will remember to lick my armpits. She is a good washer. But hi, do you really need oil to prevent your skin?
=^,^= =^.^=
Dragonheart... I am baaaack, again.
I think you are sooo cute.
I am sending these pictures to my daughter in college (Blizzie, the little one). I hope you do not mind. She will be very happy to see you.
(gosh you have like a zabillion comments here.. you are sooo adorrrable, that's why)
Wow, that's neat-o to see your umbillikoos! I'll have to look for mine. Hey, maybe that's a better thing to look for than my lost nuts 'cause I sure have an umbillikoos. It isn't like an umbillikoos bandit can come and take it!
You look so comfy and purr-ty in your sleepin' bag.
Do we gots a bellybutton too? we can't find ours cause we are too furry!
We LOVE these photos, Dragonheart! You look so warm and sweet!
The Artsy Catsy houseful
We like your cute little pink tongue!
Doood! They make you take a bath?!?!? Like a PEOPLE bath????
I love your sleeping bag and think you are just too cute! If you want to see it, I posted a Tummy Tuesday photo today.
Yoo are just the kyootest kyootest kyootest thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha...these 2 photos are really funny. What a sleeping style!
oh my goodness, that first picture of you is SOOOO adorable! With your mouth open and seeing your tongue and the little paw raised. I could just eat you right up, you're so sweet!! Okay, pardon the gushing from a cat-lover here. :-)
awwwwwww! besides the cute tummy, we love the little fangs in the first picture!
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