Monday, March 12, 2007

Movie Monday

I recently discovered a new way to have fun! There is this red dot that moves very quickly around the house. It is very sneaky, because try as I might, I can never catch it! And I'm a very good hunter. I have no problems catching my toy mice, my wand toys, my Gatorade bottle tops, or other items. Clearly this red dot is challenging prey!

If you are having trouble viewing the video, you can try viewing a different version here.


Daisy said...

Yay, a movie!! I loved it, you are so fast! I especially liked the part where you ran in a little circle. Those red dots, they are tricky.

Anonymous said...

Woooooo!! Dragonheart you are amaaaaaazing. We have a red dot here, but Caesar and Prinnie chase it much much much slower, and sometimes they can not see it so well...
I really enjoyed watching this video. You are wild!! and absolutely so fun to watch!

Lux said...

You sure are fast going around in circles - I've never played with one of those. Looks like fun!

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

We are so Dizzzzzzy watching. Oh we need a laser light! You were so fast! Wow! Purrs and Good Day!

Anonymous said...

We want to hunt the Great Red Dot. Wonder when it will show up in our house?

LZ said...

We had the red dot at our house last night!! It must be pretty fast to get from your house to our house. You're very good at hunting that dot, its pretty crazy!


The Meezers or Billy said...

you look like you is hafing eleventy seven different kinds of fun! we needs to get a red dot!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Hope you don't barf after going in circles like that! Those darn red bugs are the hardest things to catch!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dat red dot comes to our house too! It's furry hard to catch and even when yoo pin it wif yoo pawz it sneaks away! Yoor a furry good hunter.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I can't catch that red dot either! And I hate it when it makes you run in circles to try to catch makes me so dizzy!

DK & The Fluffies said...

WOW - look at you go!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Hey...that red dot shows up at our house too! It makes us spin in circles...and we gets really crazy when it goes up da wal to da ceiling!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...


I am having a contest! Please go participate...Meowm says we can ship prizes out of the country!

Forty Paws said...

The red dot doesn't play fair. You can never catch it. We have all tried, and other poodins have posted their own experiences with it.

And it's not fair that you don't even have carpet to dig into while they've got you racing around in circles!!!

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

we wuz gettin' dizzy! you sure are fast. we love that dot, but we've never caught it yet.

Andree said...

Encore! Encore! You're a star, Dragonheart! See you next Monday!

Unknown said...

We're with Daisy! when you were going in the circle, we all laughed! We need to get us a red dot!!!


Spoiler said...

Oh great. Something else to spend my money on. Catsby says he wants me to go get one NOW.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

We're so dizzy! How did you manage to keep your balance? You're very impressive with that impossible to catch red dot.

(Note to Mom: Even though we're geezer cats, we think that we might like one of those red dots!)


Artsy Catsy said...

Wow, Dragonheart, you are one red hot red dot action movie star!! And perfect soundtrack!

& the Artsy Catsy houseful

Tara said...

We have that same red dot too, and I can't catch it! It really gets around the world, doesn't it? Great movie! It looked like you were spinning with the music!

GAB said...

awww that is so cute! I loved it. My puff probably would have just sat and watched but pumpkin would have been all over it like dragonheart was.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MaoMao said...

Excuse that deleted post just above -- that was me messin' up, posting a comment using Momma's account and not mine!

Wowie, we've got a red dot here, too, and it's so much fun. You move like my slim, black sister, Dorydoo. I bet you and she'd have great fun playing together! You're a Mighty Red Dot Hunter!

Karen Jo said...

You never took your eyes off that red dot for a second. I hope you didn't get dizzy going around in circles like that. You are a mighty red dot hunter, but those things are impossible to catch. It looked like you were having lots and lots of fun, though.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Man, if I ran arownd in that many circles, I'd be blowin chunks for 8 howrs strate!

BTW, yoo shood enter this in the aCatemy Awards! It's a grate akshun advencher moovey!

Anonymous said...

You were amazing, Dragonheart!
Love your films!!!
Now Daphne totally wants one of those red dot thingies!

Anonymous said...

Good moves, kittie. I have a similar video that I must get around to posting soon.