Here I am enjoying some of the wonderful sun we've been having. My humans have also really enjoyed this winter, since they are training for a marathon (that means they are going to run really far for no reason - silly humans!) and it is much nicer running when it's warm outside and when there's no snow. They've actually been able to do a lot of runs wearing shorts and short-sleeved tops. In the winter! But none of us are complaining about the warmth. No, we are very happy with it.

My sleeping bag is cozy and warm, but it's even nicer when it's in the sun! That way I can enjoy the softness of the sleeping bag combined with the warmth of the sun. The sun feels really good against my bare skin.
So all in all, we've been very happy with the mild winter in Munich this year. Only one week of snow, and most of the winter the temperature has been above freezing, if not downright warm! The grass in our yard is green, green, green, the trees are starting to bud and the spring flowers are starting to bloom!
...and the birds are singing ! Much to the annoyance of my cat family ! Only Kim doesn't bother. You have such a sweet little face when you point your nose to the sun !
Yes! Sunspots are the best. I love napping in sunspots too, Dragonheart.
Boni Maroni
Dragonheart, I love to lay in the sunshine too. I'll bet it does feel good on yer bare skin. And green is a good color for you, in that sleeping bag.
you look simply divine snoozing in the sun, dragonheart! you must be a Sun God!!!
Wow, you are very lucky to have such lovely weather! You look so gorgeous in the sun, I always find sunbeams to lie in.
You look so content in your sleeping bag in the sun! I love sunbeams too.
Awwww dragonheart I love looking at your cute squinty sundrenched eyes and sweet wrinkles between your ears. [C+P have those waves up there too.]
The winter has been mild in Europe. My uncle in der Schweiz said also that it is warm in the mountains even!
I hope you have a happy sunny day. It is reallly realllly windy here. brrrrr
dragonheart, you look like a really contented puddy-tat in your sunny bed! long life and health to you!!
Dragonheart, you look incredibly comfy there in the sun.
Yay for sunshine! the sun is shining here too!!
It was a mild winter here too, until the last 10 days when we got hit with 2 blizzards. Now it looks like January out there.
We like that econd picture with your eyes squinched shut!
Mmmm, sunspots are da bestest. We lay in the sun but it's cold outside and there is lots of snow still in our yard. Yoo look so darnd kyoot in yoor sleeping bag in the sun.
you look so cute in your bed. maybe there's ham or some cheese or somefing at the end of the race?
nice bed and sunbeams too. lucky you!
yuki & kimiko
I miss sunspots. Our windows all look east and there's a great big vishus deer forest, hill in the way and we don't get much sun!
You have great weather! Can I come visit?
Grass!!! Flowers!!! We have so much snow here, we don't think spring will ever come.
What a comfy-looking bed! It seems to mold to your shape! Yay for the sun, I'm glad it's warmer there for you and tell your humans good luck on their marathon! :)
mmmmmmm - sun spots! it's 75 and sunny today here in California.
by the way...we LOVE Teal'C!
Yoo are furry lucky to lie in the sun. It has been mild here all winter, but we just keep getting rain all the time.
Dragonheart has such a magical quality ... I love the pictures.
deer dragonheart,
gut nacht! or should i say dat last? it'z 7:51 pm heer in noo york.
i reelee luv yer profile. it iz so hansum
an congratulashunz on yer virchooal squillion!
You look so content lying there in the sun Dragonheart!!
Luf, Us
That's great, Dragonheart! You look so cozy and so beautiful napping in the sun.
DH, I like napping in the sunshine too, it is nice and warm. My humans runs marathons and bicycle long miles too, which is silly cuz they could spend that time petting or feeding me.
So, I saw on Fat Eric's website that you might get a brother or sister just like you. How can that be? You are already the cutest hairless kitty I have ever seen, can there be two cutest hairless kitties?
Running for no reason? Are you sure? I bet there's nip involved somehow!
Looks like a furry lovely day there!
What a great kitty bed! You look excellently comfy, Dragonheart.
Sounds like your winter's been warmer than ours this year! You look so cozy in your bag that I'm beginning to feel sleepy myself.
You are too cute for words!!
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