Sunday, March 04, 2007

What Dragonheart Means

Scroll down for my Weird Weather post for Sunday! Thanks!

What Dragonheart Means

D is for Dignified

R is for Radical

A is for Amorous

G is for Geeky

O is for Odd

N is for Naive

H is for Hot

E is for Easy

A is for Ambitious

R is for Radiant

T is for Tender


Hot(M)BC said...

Not bad at all Dragonheart. Your name has great meanings.
Purrrrrrrrs and a ::manly mancat hug::
your bud

Ingrid said...

And now do it in German with Drachenherzchen, lol !

Arthur & his sisters !

The Meezers or Billy said...

aww. alfough mommy saided that D was for Darling!

Anonymous said...

I think they have the G all wrong. There is nothing Geeky about you, Dragonheart!

Tara said...

Very nice!

sammawow said...

Nicely done but we don't think that you are geeky!!! {{{hugs}}} to you from both of us!

Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Shaggy and Scout said...

G is for Gorgeous

DKM said...

S is for Serene
O is for Optimistic
P is for Passionate
H is for Heavenly
I is for Influential
A is for Artistic

I did it also - FUN

Gemini said...

Oh Dragonheart! You are radiant!!!

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Hi Dragonheart! I was reading your weather post and you know how we are obsessed with the weather here in England! I think your weather moved over here today because it was cold and windy today and the trees moved back and forth a lot.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We were going to say G stands for Gorgeous, but Scooby, Shaggy and Scout beat us to it.
Here's a (((hug))) for you from both of us.

Mattingly said...

Hmmm... I'm not sure all of those are correct like Geeky and Odd... definitely radiant and tender and dignified. They left out gentle, regal, and educated. Maybe next time. It's still much better than Harlie's cheese dictionary definition!!!

Mattingly said...

Oh and Mom went all nuts with her awwwwwwws again when she saw you looking at the hail. Forgot to tell you that! :o)

Puss-in-Boots said...

Aaah Dragonheart, with all those qualities how can you fail?

O - Obedient (not!)
S - Sweetness and light(When I want my own way)
C - Cuddly (ditto last comment)
A - Awesome (well I am!)
R - Reserved (around new people)

Purrs and rubs
