Saturday, March 10, 2007

Photo Hunters

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New Schleißheim Palace(Click photo for a larger image)

This is a photo of the New Schleißheim Palace. Munich has several palaces throughout the city and its suburbs, and this is one of them. My humans have visited this palace (and took these photos).

There are three palaces at Schleißheim - the Old Palace, the New Palace, and the Lustheim Palace (which was originally built as a hunting lodge). The Old Palace was unfortunately destroyed during the Second World War, but was rebuilt/reconstructured in 1972. The New Palace, including a Baroque court garden, was completed in 1719. Four wings were originally planned, however, only one wing, the main wing, was ever built.

You can learn more about the Schleißheim Palaces at the following sites:
You can view more photos of the Schleißheim Palaces by clicking on the photo below.
Schlossanlage Schleißheim


Linda said...

There are so many beautiful castles in Europe - we have nothing at all like that here in America which is so disappointing!

Thanks for sharing the great pics and the history!

Anonymous said...

Dear Dragonheart,
You look as if you might have some royalty in your background...I bet some of your ancestors once lived there.

Take care,
My photo is up.

Anonymous said...

What a palace!

Viamarie said...

Love to see castles. We don't have them here in my country.

Happy weekend!

A. said...

Such an impressive building! I love the reflection in the water.

Daisy said...

That is some seriously important architecture! Very impressive. I wish I could live in a castle.

Heart of Rachel said...

That's a lovely palace. I've never been to a real palace before. We don't have castles in our country as fas as I know.

Thanks for sharing.

Lazy Daisy said...

Castles of Europe are gorgeous. What a good choice. Thanks for the background information too.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous palace!!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting my site! I feel like I'm taking a trip today and I haven't even left my chair!

Patricia said...

I love photos with reflections in water. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos and great choice for the theme.
There's nothing like European architecture.

Delete said...

This is beautiful! germany is on my short list of where I would like to go on my 10th anniversary. I have to tell you that I looked around your site a bit and the pictures dated this past Tuesday are great! My 4 year old said: What is that? She didn't believe me when I told her it was a cat:)

Unknown said...

Now that's what I call a palace! Much nicer than the one I posted...but Europe usually has better architecture. Wonderful photo. I'm off to check out the others too. Thanks for coming by My Photo Blog.

Anonymous said...

wondrous places in Europe -- just wait until North America is 800 years old -- what architecture will survive do you think?

Ingrid said...

They are beautiful and yes it's a pitty that one was destroyed during the war.
Is Dragonhaert on strike today ?


This is just fantastic.
Thanks for the visit.

roman said...

Munich is such a beautiful place, if money wasn't an issue I would definitely visit.
Great choice for the theme.

Happy Hunting

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot with the relection in the water.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I've been to Germany and your photos show such an amazing view of castles.

Anonymous said...

Wow, super beautiful.
What a palace and I love the backyard, perfect for parties :-D

Wonderful! I am going to look at the linkies that you provided now.

Happy Day Dragonheart <3

YellowRose said...

Beautiful! I always said I deserved a castle....maybe I need to move overseas!! ;)

Happy Saturday!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Are there any kitties in that castle. Thee sure is enough room for lotsa them.


Shawna said...

I would love to see it in person! I love the fountains!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Gorgeous photo! I love that you gave us a lesson on it too. It's always good to learn something new. Thanks so much for sharing the photo and the information :)

M said...

Great castles in Germany! this one is quite beautiful!

ribbiticus said...

that is so beautiful! understated yet fabulous! mine's up, too! ;)

Anonymous said...

I think it is awesome that your humans share with you this wonderful surrounding. I know you will be there a while longer. Enjoy it...

Thank you for sharing a little bit more about Munich.

Tara said...

Wow, think of all the litterboxes you would need to make sure you could get to one in time!

Forty Paws said...

Pretty pictures!! Maw has visited palaces in England and Sweden when she went there. The US doesn't have such stuff. But we have McMansions!!!!!

Luf, Us

Unknown said...

New Schleißheim Palace is beautiful. The reflection in the water doubles the beauty. A great addition to the Hunt this week.

srp said...

I love these palaces in Europe. I haven't been to Munich yet, but we visited the one in Vienna that is so large and the gardens... an architectural wonder in themselves!!
Thanks for stopping by.

Teena in Toronto said...

Very impressive!

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

Anonymous said...

Great photo! I've been to München but didn't see this palace. Bavaria is a special area - even though their German is totally incomprehensible...

Anonymous said...

this is so grand , and the garden is perfect!

Karen Jo said...

That's a beautiful photo of a beautiful palace. Thanks for sharing it and the background information.

Lux said...

Wow, Dragonheart, would you take me there sometime? A real castle! We've never seen one, though my mom's friend has.

Lissete said...

I love castles & palaces. Unfortunately as others have mentioned we don't really have any here. We do have castle wanna-be's built by wealthy industrialists like Hearst, Vanderbilt, Deering & Boldt off the top of my head. I visit those & make believe that they are real castles, until I am able to visit Europe!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Furry royal!

Durward Discussion said...

Castles can make you dream a bit. Stop by and take a gander at one in Scotland.

Andree said...

It is so interesting how the castles reflect different cultures. This is so symmetrical it is almost severe (although beautiful). I found myself imagining the rooms served by all of those chimneys!

Anonymous said...

We could really play some hide-n-seek in that house!

bonggamom said...

Germany has all the cool castles! This one reminds me of an English nobleman's estate, actually it's a safari preserve now, called Longleat. Nice photo!

MaoMao said...

Wow, a castle! How bee-yootiful. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing Dragonheart.

PastormacsAnn said...

Dragonheart, nice choices for The Hunt and I really appreciate you history with the links. Wonderful.

Mimi Lenox said...

Hey Dragonheart! Please contact Mimi if you'd like to participate in BlogBlast for Peace again this year. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Lovely building. I may have been there many years ago.

Lisa said...

Beautiful picture. Happy weekend.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Another wonderful German photo from you! And so educational too.

We just read your comment on Tara's blog. If your mom's birthday is two days after St. Patty's Day, then her birthday is the same day as our mom's - March 19! Isn't that cool! Of course, our mom is a lot older . . .


sammawow said...

We always learn something when we come to visit you! Such a beautiful castle!!!

China Cat & Willow

sammawow said...

We always learn something when we come to visit you! Such a beautiful castle!!!

China Cat & Willow

Valtool said...

Sehr schon meine Liebling.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many rooms that place has. I would hate to be the one to clean it! LOL!

TorAa said...

Thanks for sharing this schloss. Beautiful architecture

Claire said...

That would for weekend getaway!

MaR said...

Very beautiful, thanks for the links as well.
Glad you dropped by :)

Patty said...

Very nice photo