Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunny Sunday

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I really enjoy sitting on my cat tree, enjoying the sun. I like to watch everything that's happening outside, including watching the birdies fly by and the trains that go by.

Germany, and most of the countries in Europe, haven't switched to Daylight Savings Time yet. Here in Germany (and in most of Europe) we switch over on March 25th.

You can discover more cats at Weekend Cat Blogging.


HRH Yao-Lin said...

What an excellent slide show! Very creative! Each time i visit your blog, my slave falls in love with your breed a little more. I think she wants to get one, one day. I think not, however.

HRH Yao-Lin xxx

Daisy said...

What a great slideshow! I agree, sitting in the sun and looking out the window, that is fun!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart you are so little and so cute. You are such a good kitty to always keep watch from your special observation perch.
I was just thinking yesterday... sunny days are the best for kitties, especially in winter. Caesar and Prinnie get mad at me on cloudy days, they cry all day demanding sun!

have a happy day Dragonheart

Forty Paws said...

Luf your slide show DH!!! U luks like u enjoys sun bery much!!

Fanks fur telling us bowt yur big toes an paw pads on Friday. This is bery edzkaeshunal.

Dorf is dewin bedder. Dis is da 5th day affer surjry an he taint yakked an he taint ruptted. So we ist hopeful. Fank u agin fur yur kind thoughts an purrayers.

Luf, Us

Ingrid said...

Yes we switch on 25th ! Since my english friend told me that in spring the hour "springs" and in fall the hour "falls" I never mix it up again ! In the past I never knew if it was an hour less or more, lol !
I have been to the big sunday market in Brussels and it was sooo crowded ! We have 15° today and it's just wonderful weather. Kim and Arthur are sleeping outside in the sun ! and you too, but inside ! like Pookie (on the back with the four paws up !)

The M's said...

Great spot for watching the world outside your window. We don't have any trains here.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo are a guard cat too! Sunny days are da best and we hope yoo get lots of 'em.

Karen Jo said...

I love your slideshow. It looks like you really enjoy the sunshine. There must be lots of interesting things going on out there to keep your attention so focussed.

Shaggy and Scout said...

That looks like a wonderful window on the world!

Spoiler said...

Love those little paw prints on your slide show.

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Guten Tag - Wir lieben deine Katze. Dragonheart ist sehr schön.

Mein Mensch, Madeliene, sie spricht Deutsch.

Die Schlechte Katzchen Katzen

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Nice set of pictures! You seem to love the warmth of the sunshine...

Kitikata-san said...

DH, my favorite hairless kitty, you are definitely cute in the lovely sunshine!