Sunday, March 04, 2007

Weird Weather

Yesterday, something very strange happened! Solid bits of frozen water starting falling from the sky in chunks! Yet it wasn't soft like the snow stuff we had back for a week in January. These were solid chunks of frozen water! Besides, it was warm out, with the temperature around 8°C (46°F)!

Dragonheart watching a hail storm
My humans called these bits of frozen water "hail" and this "hail" made an interesting noise as it fell to the ground. I watched this frozen water falling with great interest. Our living room has huge windows that go from the floor almost all the way to the ceiling, so I had a very good view of this exciting weather!

Dragonheart watching a hail storm
It was also very windy, with the winds blowing at 55 km/hr (34 mph) and gusts up to 87 km/hr (54 mph)! Needless to say, I was fascinated by all the movement outside!

Dragonheart watching a hail storm
After a while, the hail stopped falling, and it quickly melted since it was warm out. It was sure interesting to watch while it was happening though!

(You can click on any of the photos above to view a larger image.)


Daisy said...

Wow, that is very exciting weather, Dragonheart. I love how curious you look watching the hail. I can almost see the little wheels turning inside yer head!

The M's said...

Wait until it hails enough to cover the ground like snow. It has done that here before, talk about weird.
Love ya.

Anonymous said...

You look very interested. You are quite an alert kitty. I love looking at you when you are thinking. I believe you are wondering whether these little balls would be fun to push around... or maybe just to sniff and investigate.
Wonderful pictures!

Tara said...

That is very exciting! We had hail a few weeks ago when Mom on travel. I was really interested, so Dad took me out on the porch. I wanted to go right back inside!

sammawow said...

You do look absolutely fascinated with your weather! We noticed that your little grey mousie is watching with you!!!

China Cat & Willow

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo look like yoo want to go out and investigate! Take our advice-don't! Hale is cold and hard and not fun. Oh, daddy wuz wathcing an old moovee and da guy on da t.v. sed "all hale seezer" duz dat meen he wanted effuryone to throw frozen balls of water at da other guy?

Kitikata-san said...

You are brave to look and listen to the hail. Maybe Dragonheart is the perfect name for you. I am scared of hail, and I need to run under my human's bed to be safe.

MaoMao said...

Wow, Dragonheart! That's wild and woolly weather. I've never seen big ol' ice chunks fallin' out of the sky either, though some white, flaky stuff fell which Momma and Daddy call snow. We didn't get a lot of it, though.

Those are great pictures! You look so cute, watchin' the weather. Hey, maybe you should go on TV and be a WeatherKitty!

Lux said...

You look so cute watching the hail, Dragonheart - and not scared at all! (I think I would be scared.)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dragonheart, I lived in Germany when I was a young girl. My dad was in the American Air Force, and we were stationed in Bitburg (very near Luxembourg). One day we were doing a volksmarch in France, and we had every weather known to man in the 2 - 2 1/2 hour span of the walk. Rain, snow, sleet, hail, freezing rain, sun - everything. Anyway, I love reading about your adventures. Tara (not the cat)

Kimo and Sabi said...

It is da heavens saying . . .
"All Hail Dragonheart!"

Ingrid said...

Drachenherzchen, you look so funny and cute when you are so concentrated on something and your ears almost double, lol !
I have a surprise for you, I found you in a Museum yesterday !

Arthur & sisters

Spoiler said...

Love your blog! Thanks for visiting mine. I've added you to my links.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Dragonheart, in those photos, you look like a very regal, carved statue!

We get hail here too, big stuff, like small balls that would knock me out if I stayed out in it, so I always race inside when it hails.



Andree said...

Dragonheart really is a part of your world, isn't he? I loved looking at his reaction to the hail. What a great cat!

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