Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Cats on Tuesday

Cats on Tuesday This week I am answering the questions that you posed last week.

DragonheartAre all Sphynx descended from just one kitten, or were there more than one hairless kitten in the litter?
  • No, all Sphynx are not descended from one cat. But the one hairless kitten that was born in Toronto was what prompted interest in creating the Sphynx as a breed. Other hairless kittens were born from the same mother that produced the first hairless cat, and then these were crossed with Devon Rex and other shorthaired cats. Other hairless kittens were found, born to shorthaired mothers, and these were incorporated in various Sphynx breeding programs. You can read more about the history of the Sphynx breed here.
Do you get waxy ears?
  • Yes, Sphynx are prone to waxy ears, because we have very little hair in our ears. My ears need to be cleaned regularly, just like the rest of me.
I want to know how many brothers and sisters were born in your litter and whether they were all like you?
  • I have one brother. His name is Merlin. He is living with my breeder and will be used in her breeding program when he is old enough. You can see photos of both of us at my breeder's web site.
Is their a difference between male and female sphynx cats e.g. you can usually only get ginger toms and calico queens?
  • Sphynx come in all colours, including pointed colours. The only colours they don't come in are colours determined by the colouring of the hair, since we have none. You can learn more about Sphynx colours here.
DragonheartFinally, how much do you weigh cos you look quite big and strong in your photographs?
  • I weigh 7 lbs (3.175 kg). I have a very muscular build, like all Sphynx. The Cat Fanciers' Association Sphynx breed standard states: "The body is medium length, hard and muscular with broad rounded chest and full round abdomen. The rump is well rounded and muscular. Back line rises just behind the shoulder blades to accommodate longer back legs when standing. Boning is medium."
What do you feel like to pet?
  • My mom says that my skin feels like a warm chamois. Other people compare Sphynx skin to a suede-covered hot water bottle, or a warm peach or nectarine.
Do you like getting bathed?
  • I don't like it, but I tolerate it. I only start to meow if the bath is going on to long. Basically, I just stand in the sink with my dad holding my front paws while my mom washes me. After my bath, I get an extra serving of stinky goodness (my soft food - Almo Nature) for being good during my bath.
Do you need sunscreen, Dragonheart?
  • If I was to be out in the sun, with no shade available, then the pink portions of my skin would burn, so yes, I would need sunscreen. Anytime I'm outside, however, I'm on my harness or in my stroller, so I have lots of shade available to be and I'm fully supervised.

Cats on Tuesday To join in with Cats on Tuesday, check out My Cats and Funny Stories.


Ingrid said...

Very interesting description of your breed but I really had to laugh that one person took your ancestors for Adam and Eve and all Sphinx cats are coming from one couple, he,he !

Luna und Luzie said...

Hi Dragonheart, Thank your, for answering all the questions! It is so interesting to read about you and other Sphynx.

Dragonheart you are a great cat!

Oh, I want to tell you, that white cats also need sometimes sunscreen. Luzie had a sunburn on her white places over the nose in the last summer.

Daisy said...

That was very interesting Dragonheart! I am glad I am not the only cat who gets waxy ears. It is interesting to know that we might be distant relatives!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dragonheart,
it iz alwayz intrestin to learn mor an mor abowt yer breed.

Anonymous said...

Dagonheart, we love learning more about you and your breed! This was a fantastic post! Thank you...

Christine and FAZ said...

Dear DH, thanks for answering all my questions. FAZ

p.s. how much is 7lbs in kgs.



You always provide such good information about being a Sphynx. It is really a good way to learn all about your breed. You are also very smart -- which I am sure is another characteristic of your breed.

Celeste said...

Thank you for those answers! You are a very unique cat.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww Dragonheart, mommie and I are sitting here smiling really big.
You are so cute. we wish we could pet you. You are the sweetest boykitty ever!

I also have to watch my sun exposure becasue I am all white. My ears get really pink. sometimes mom makes me move out of the sun!!!


The Furry Kids said...

Thank you for posting more facts about sphynx kitties. Our Momma loves the way you curl your tail around your toes. :)


The M's said...

Thank you so very much for answering the questions we ask you. We looked at your baby pics, you were so very cute, and you still are.

srp said...

Thanks for stopping by. What a great interview! Willow loves the bath but Nicky doesn't. The vet where we used to live put a big sign on his chart that said..."NICHOLAS DOES NOT BATHE WELL!" He does however love hairball medicine (the only kitty here that does) and will eat it from the tube. He also loves ear was, in fact if you are not careful to keep your ears clean, even human ears, he will come up while you are napping, stick his nose in your ear and clean them for you.

Mr. Rhett wonders if any of the varieties might look like a hairless Siamese. He also wanted to know if you were ever going to get a brother or sister.

The Cats Stephens said...

I love learning things such as this. Thank you for the lesson. You have such a cute face!


Tara said...

That was very interesting Dragonheart! I learned alot. And very nice photos, as always.

LZ said...

You are such a great friend of your entire breed! I think Meowmy almost punched her friend the other day when she was looking at a cat book and made a wrinkly face at a beautiful Sphinx. Seriously, I saw daggers coming out of her eyes, I walked away.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all that info about your breed Dragonheart, that was very interesting! I always thought it was ironic that a breed of hairless cat originated in Canada where its cold. But I didn't know it was actually from Toronto where your breed began! It's also interesting to know that even with the lack of hair, you still need some extra care here and there.

Nermal and I saw you baby pictures on your breeder's website, that was cool! Happy Tuesday and a belated Happy Easter to you and your mom and dad Dragonheart!

Ann M & the Kitties said...

Thanks for the interesting lesson, and it's very nice to meet you, Dragonheart.

Anonymous said...

I have a question for your next Sphynx update, Dragonheart. Whenever we see your face up close, you look like you are worried, with lines between the eyes. It looks like that is skin. Do all cats have this sort of look and we just don't see it under the fur or does the lack of fur allow your skin to pucker more with your facial expressions?

Or does anyone know the answer to this?

The Crew said...

Great facts, Dragonheart. You sure know a lot of stuff!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Thanks for answering all those questions. That is so neat (I know you've said that before) you'd be a tuxie and you come in lots of colors. Have you joined the tuxido gang yet??
I'll bet a lot more people hare looking at Sphynx cats since you've started blogging!

Artsy Catsy said...

That's very interesting Sphynx historical information, Dragonheart. About the waxy ears problem, maybe you can help me with something. I get too much ear wax, but I'm pretty sure I'm not a Sphynx!

The vet told us to put fish oil on my food, and that did stop the ear wax. But now the skin on the inside of my ears has turned bluish black, with little nodules all over it. It looks pretty disgusting on a white cat! Ever heard of this problem? The vet just says my ear skin got discolored from the ear wax problem. But what about those bumps?


Anonymous said...

Thank you for answering the questions. Very interesting...and you really are very handsome.

I am an Oriental Shorthair and I have a very muscular build too. I am surprisingly "solid" when picked up (but I hate to be picked up!). You can read about my sister Ms. Fuzzy today if you want to!

White Kitty

Jodi said...

I love coming here Dragonheart, I learn more and more about you every week! And Miss Lulu says to tell you she had fun coloring eggs.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Loved your baby pictures Dragonheart! Looks like you needed to grow into your skin!!
You and your brother are so photogenic and regal.

Anonymous said...

What an elegant photograph. I love the feel of a Sphynx cat but you don't see them much in Florida---too much sun. You are very "high maintenance," but it's clear you deserve it! I wonder what it would be like to bathe my cats? I don't think they would put up with it for a minute. I never knew cats could get wax in their ears or could be sunburned (mine don't go out).

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Thanks for those answers, Dragonheart. I've learned a lot about you and your breed! I would love to lick your smooth skin -- I just know I would!

love, Pearl.

FelineFrisky said...

So much to learn about you, my friend! D :)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is very interesting. Meowm says she wants to pet you so she can tell what you feel like.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

ah. interesting facts! My human wishes she had got one of your kind instead of one of my kind. how dare she!

DK & The Fluffies said...

I always learn something new at your site!

kuanyin333 said...

Thanks for answering all the questions I have always wanted to know about you! :-) However, since I'm a curious cat, I'm sure I will think of more!

Suzanne R said...

I enjoyed learning more about you and the other magnificent kitties that are like you, Dragonheart!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

That was very interesting. I really didn't know much about your breed. I always thought you looked like a Devon Rex. You're so fascinating!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hmm, mom sez she sooooo wants to touch yoo. Maybe she'll settle fur a warm peach. We love watching yoor mussels, well Zippy and I do, Speedy sez if he din't haf fur we cood watch hiz mussels but he's kinda getting to be a butterball soo...~Sadie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the education Dragonheart! I really enjoyed learning more about you and your breed.

Andree said...

You have such a great blog, Dragonheart! I love your photos because you are so unique and beautiful. I wonder, though, why you look so beautiful without fur and my cats, when shaved, look like they should be hid away until their coats grow back! See you next week!

Parker said...

Wow, Mommy just wants to touch you - you sound soft!

MaoMao said...

Wowie, how interesting, Dragonheart! I love learning about you, and so does my Momma -- you're such a beautiful kitty.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Forty Paws said...

Aw, we went to see your little poodin pictures on your breeder's website. How cute!!! You're actually from Germany!! Cool! So do you speak German?

Luf, Us

zevo hussein calamari said...

You are soooo cool. Do you have any tatoos? Are you planning any?
See you in Paris this weekend,

ciao ciao
zevo calamari