Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Easter Fun

Dragonheart playing with his Easter toy, a catnip bunny(Click photo for a larger image)


Anonymous said...

What a life... Not a care in the world. :0)

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Yer catnip bunny is the cullest catnip bunny EVUR!! Way to keep in clowse to yoo at all time, Dragonheart!

Anonymous said...

Such a great position. A very fun shot.
Enjoy the day.

Anonymous said...

They look so peaceful when they sleep - but we know different don't we. Visit me at Castle Nottingham or my Wordless

Le Butterfly said...

Well everyone can enjoy Easter can't they.


Daisy said...

Look at that big yawn! And I can see that you are still enjoying your new Easter toy.

Anonymous said...

A naked doggy! :-D

Linda said...

A catnip bunny for Easter - you must have been thrilled and happy! And tired!

Anonymous said...

The word for Dragonheart is "Snuggle"...

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Bunny kick the bunny!!! Yep. That'll teach him!

Anonymous said...

yep. It is very good to sleep with your favorite toys.... just so they do not get lost.
You look like you are just having a power nap here. ready for more action in a few...


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

What a pretty Easter bunny you have!
Looks like you are enjoying it :)

M said...

So sweet!

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet photo.

LZ said...

You look so peaceful! You're such a cutie and I love your bunny that you're snuggling with.


sammawow said...

Oh, you look so adorable with your bunny. Glad you're still having Easter fun with the bun!

Purrrs, China Cat & Willow

Tara said...

What a nice toy, and a great photo!

Marc said...

Great photo. I just can't get enough of Dragonheart. So unusual yet still very cute. I have cat pictures again on my WW post but they are just plain and boring cats compared to Dragonheart!

Anonymous said...

Such catanality and so peaceful.

momsbusy said...

wow yu ar a vishus bunny killer kitty! how did yu efer get to be such a great hunter?

yuki & kimiko

Vlado&Toni said...

I just love the way she yawns, that is so contagious!zzzzzzz

Unknown said...

Your cat never stops being cute.

DK & The Fluffies said...


Shaggy and Scout said...

Must be some powerful nip in that wabbit!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Nappy time! Best naps happen wif a frend, effun if it's stuffed.

Holly Schwendiman said...

I'm Easter too! ;) Happy WW.


Anonymous said...

Oh you look gorgeous Dragonheart!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Putting the bitey on your bunny! Very cute!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

I bet you are exhausted after all that bunny kicking!xx

Angela said...

AW!!! This is the sweetest, cutest photo. Makes me melt:-). Happy WW

ICJ said...

I knew about naked cats but not about naked dogs... LOL

At least, she is ready for summer! :-)

Happy WW! :-)

Leona said...

Whatcha cuddling with????

Denise Patrick said...

Some kittys have all the fun.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a cute photo Dragonheart, but is that a yawn or an extra big bitey?

Sandee said...

Looks like a great nap to me!

Kate Johnson said...

Hey Dragonheart, is that catnip I spy?

Kitikata-san said...

OH DH! You are just so very cute sleeping with your very nice Easter Bunny toy! *kiss kiss*

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet! Makes me just want to pick up and hug...

Kimo and Sabi said...

Havin' some fun!

Parker said...

Bunny kick! Bunny kick! Get 'em!

Pfingston said...

shhhh - don't wake the darling with darling's lovey!
Happy WW!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Dragonheart, at first we thought you looked peaceful but upon closer inspection we think you're put a sneaky bitey on that bunny! (Mommy wants to know if your humans got the blanket you're sleeping on because it has your colors in it?)
Chen & Ollie

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

You got so many lovely sleeping photos! This one is lovely!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, Dragonheart, you are ever so cute! Momma can't stop saying AWWW......and you match the spread!

How come you don't have soft paws anymore?


Catzee said...

Aw, ya look so cute when yur wordless.

Katnippia said...

Youz looks very cutez playing with yurz bunny...Sia

Zenith & the Fancidots Gang said...

Yu look so Xtra Kyoot playin wif yur new Easter Bunny toy!
Meowmy let us watch yur Easter Moovie tonite and it wuz so much fun we had to watch it twice!
Dragonheart - yur a tru STAR!
We saw yu puttin the bitey on that bunny first thing! Yu ar a good aktor, to look so sweet while getting a bitey in.

luf -
yur little pal,