Friday, April 13, 2007

Frootbat Friday

Dragonheart(Click photos for larger images)

In our living room/family room, we have HUGE windows that go from floor to ceiling along the entire wall. When the afternoon sun shines in, I like to sit in the sun and watch the birds that perch in the trees or fly by outside.

Are you frooty? Leave your link below.


Anonymous said...

That sun looks nice and warm! I wish I was there, it's cold here!

Daisy said...

I was just thinking Dragonheart, I will bet the sun feels especially good to you since you get to feel it directly on your skin! I like to sit in the sun too.

Anonymous said...

We wish we had a big window like that! The window in the boyBean's room gets pretty sunshine in the morning, so we usually have to sneak in there after he wakes up!

Parker said...

Wow, I love how your tail curls around your legs! I also wish we had some sun. We are tired of cold and gray. We want warm and green and sunny!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

You look so regal sitting in da sun like dat. I kinda let my gard down and showed off a part of me dat rarely gets seen effun by my mom and dad!~Sadie

LZ said...

Your tail is soooo cute! That is amazing it can wrap that tightly.


Anonymous said...

This morning it is drabby here but I hear the sun is coming out this afternoon, yippeeee.
WE hope you have a wonderful day soaking up the sunbeams, Dragonheart!

Anonymous said...

I read all the comments on the tail... I sit like that a lot too... with my tail all curled in neat and tidy

(((hughug))) <3~Prinnie

The Meezers or Billy said...

you look so handsome Dragonheart.

Christine and FAZ said...

You look like your camping in the great outdoors. Have fun in the sun this weekend DH. FAZ

=^..^= said...

Oooh... that's a nice sun beam you haf there!


Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have big windows and lots of sun! We don't have any big windows and once again it's raining here...

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Fabulous ears darling! love the profile!

jams o donnell said...

great photo!

Around Your Wrist said...

your very cute tail caught my eye. it looks elegant...wrapped around your feet.


Tara said...

That looks so warm and inviting! Great profile!

The Furry Kids said...

Is it always sunny in Germany? We might ask our Momma and Daddy if we can move there. It's too cold lately in the Mitten state. ;)


The Crew said...

You're looking very chiseled and muscular, Dragonheart. Have you been working out?

Kat 3 said...

Hello, Dragonheart! I just wanted to say I like how your tail wraps around your front legs! Lots of other kitties think that, too. Teehee. I noticed your tail even before your frootbat ears!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You are so photogenic! I love watching the birds!

The M's said...

Lucky you, we have had rain and cold here for the last couple of days. Missy had to get her sweater out so that she could stay warm today.

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

You look so happy and warm. These are such nice pictures of you. I would love windows like that, too. My Mommy wanted to ask your Mommy a question. When my Daddy was stationed in Germany, before they were married, he said they didn't have closets because they were counted as rooms. He had an armoire. There was more but this is the thing that struck Mommy as amazing as she HAS to have a closet! Is it still that way? He was there about 15 to 20 years ago.

Unknown said...

sitting in the sun is THE BEST!!! You look great, DH!

Luna und Luzie said...

Hi Drqagonheart, ich habe dich für den Thinking Blog Award nominiert!
Wünsche dir ein sonniges Wochenende :-)

Kimo and Sabi said...

You're a very good poser!

MaoMao said...

You're a bee-yootiful frootbat, Dragonheart! And regal and elegant as ever. We Ballicai have got a nice window perch which we really enjoy on sunny days.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Forty Paws said...

Maw lufs the way your feet are all lined up in a row and your whip tail is curled around your front feet. Kyooot.

Luf, Us

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I like how your tail curls around your legs and makes it look like you're wearing a gray bracelet! Furry fetching, Dragonheart!

Artsy Catsy said...

Dragonheart, you're a very handsome fellow there in the sun. You know, I shed so much hair when I went to the vet today, I think I might look like you! Better go check ...


Puss-in-Boots said...

Getting some sun, Dragonheart? It looks lovely and warm where you are.

TorAa said...

Dragonheart, I did not know you are a window-shopper. But you are smarter than two-legs, 'cause you sit inside;)

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

It is so cute the way you have your tail all wrapped up.


Anonymous said...

Sunny did you say sunny? Your so lucky you look very cute in the photo.

Anita said...

I love sit in the sun too!

Anonymous said...

The way the light hits you, you look like a sculpture. And a mighty good one, I might add.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

I guess we're kinda dumb, Dragonheart. We biggified the picture because at first we couldn't figure out what that ring was that's around your legs. D'uh! It's your cute little tail! At least we figured it out before we clicked on the comments.

You look regal as always.

Send some of that warm European weather our way!
