Saturday, April 14, 2007

Photo Hunters

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Dragonheart and his ball track
Dragonheart and his ball track(Click either photo to view a larger image)

As a cat, one of my favourite hobbies is playing with my various toys. (Blogging in another favourite hobby!) One of my favourite toys is my ball track. I like this ball track because it is three toys in one! It has the ball that I enjoy batting around the track, it has the fluffy pom-pom that I enjoy tackling, and it has a wonderful cardboard scratching surface in the middle for scratching!


Mitey Mite said...

Wow, I'm first! Dragonheart, I wish you could teach my kitties about the joy of balls and feathers. They do like things like socks and wadded-up pieces of paper, and they are especially fond of -- perhaps I should say addicted to -- the catnip mouse. But they totally ignore balls.

Just Jan said...

that looks like alot of fun..I'll have to try it.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

I keep seeing those toys all over the various blogs. I must order my slaves to get me one. I must I must. You obviously love yours! xx

GEWELS said...

Cat Hobbies- Hmmmm, I didn't think they had any. I guess I was wrong. Too cute!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Dragonheart - in response to your comment on my blog- if your mum likes strategy games, I reckon she would probably love the sims 2. Whilst it isn't strictly a strategic game, it comes under role playing/God games and might be right up your human's alley.

Daisy said...

Trackball is a fun toy. I think playing is a very very very good hobby.

Tess Termulo said...

Cute kitty :-)

Carole Burant said...

I haven't had a cat in so many years, I'm way behind what toys are available to them these days! That trackball does look like a lot of fun...for cats! hehe

Ingrid said...

I see you still have a lot of fun with your toy !
Did your mum gave up blogging ? Is she now your secretary full time ?
What a lucky boy you are !

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

That's a fantastic toy, Dragonheart!

You look like you're concentrating really hard.

Delete said...

Dictated by 6 year old Ellie:

I like your thing. Our cats have toys too but they don't usually play with their toys, they play with us.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dragonheart, this is a great hobby and you obviously work hard at perfecting it. I think being athletic is a great hobby, as you are very agile and energetic. This will keep you physically fit and able to help your humans!!

we hope you have a happy sunny day

Anonymous said...

Who could resist a ball dangling in front of you...I don't blame you for making that one of your specail hobbies.

Take care my friend,
My photo is up.

Anonymous said...

Wow cute toy and I love your red nails.

Anonymous said...

We love that toy! We have it, too...And that toy is a multi-tasking toy as well, Drake! Happy Saturday!

letha said...

Why am I not surprised at your hobby, although I would've thought sleeping would've been there.

Patti said...

At least you don't kill small mamals and birds!

The M's said...

We love your hobby. We share your love for the track ball.

Shelby said...

oh that's cute and looks like fun is to be had!

Liz Hinds said...

That looks like great fun, Dragonheart. Keeps you fit too!

Forty Paws said...

That's a great hobby for a poodin DH!!

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Nermal: Hey Dragonheart that looks like a fun hobby! I've already asked for one of those, but haven't gotten it yet. I must go bug the human :) Happy Hunting!

Mo and The Purries said...

That's an awesome ball-track. Jazper's is a "hidden ball" with carpet in the middle, and no deeble-bobby thing to play with.
He uses the scratcher in the middle more than the ball track - I wonder if he'd play with the ball more if it was exposed like yours....
I posted "cat blogging" as one of my hobbies!
Not The Mama

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

I may have to buy Oscar that toy. He so rarely plays with toys but I bet he'd like that. Every kitty I see seems to really love that one. Dragonheart looks so cute!

I also wanted to say that your husband is doing a valuable to his Country, too. Our husband's are wonderful!

Kitikata-san said...

It looks like you are having a lot of fun with that toy!

srp said...

Mr. Rhett has a trackball that he likes to bat around and around... makes me dizzy. Other than that it seems that he and his sister like to carry balls of various sizes from the front of the house to the back rooms and back. Willow has her pipe cleaners and hair bands. The old lady Siamese have a lazy hobby... they sleep.

Thanks for stopping by.

Kelli said...

Cute pics! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Oh, now that is cute and looks like loads of fun! :-)

Thanks for stopping by - Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Great hobby Dragonheart! You sure look like you are having fun :)

Tara said...

I still want one of those! It looks like so much fun!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We will have to get another one of these trackballs, they are so much fun and great exercise!
Does yours have catnip?

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Momma bought me a stand with a wire thingy and a ball on the end, but the kittens wrecked it in less than two minutes....sigh.......


jmb said...

You are having fun, you handsome thing, in a very sedate way, I'm sure

Linda said...

That looks like one very fun hobby you have there, Dragonheart! And I bet it gives you lots of exercise, too! Hmm, maybe I need one of those!

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if Plume would like that kind of toy...

Unknown said...

Ha ha ha! You are too cute chasing that toy around! I bet it's good exercise (which I could use, too!). Thanks for stopping by! You should make a little kitty scrapbook. Lots of pets have them! :)

Stine said...

Great photos Dragonheart! Monotonous hobby, but hey - if you like it... lol
Thanks for visiting!!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Good Lord! it's an inside-out cat!

Question: are you more ticklish than other cats?

Bob :@}

Kimo and Sabi said...

What a great hobby!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by, Dragonheart :) And happy playing! :D

Anita said...

I love my playing and scratch!!

Unknown said...

Have fun with all your toys. have you ever tried Wacky Wall Walkers? My cat loved those. They came in cereal boxes.

Jose said...

Well, I can see you are a very active "gatito" keep up with your hobbies but don't make mouse chasign one of them. Also keep on bloggin', I enjoy your tales.

Anonymous said...

What a super hobby! Maybe we need to get one for our Louka!

Shaggy and Scout said...

That's a great workout center too!

MaoMao said...

That looks like a really cool toy. Playin' is fun. So is killing Evil Coffee Stirrers -- I've got to be a Kitty Expert at pluckin' 'em out of Momma's mug once she's finished her coffee. Gotta protect my momma, ya know!

Lux said...

That does sound like a fun hobby, Dragonheart, and you look like you're very good at it!

Artsy Catsy said...

Dragonheart, thank you so much for being such a good friend and checking in on me while I battled these ear problems! I don't know how you stand having your ears messed with all the time!! I know it's necessary, but it's making me very crabby!


Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! :-)

I like your coat. Your hobby looks like fun too.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

That's a very cool toy! Dragonheart, you seem to be a playful kitty...

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dragonheart,
az u know dat iz mi noo brudder matsui'z favrit toy ... an mine.
luv--yer frend--jh

Unknown said...

Great pictures. Can't say I'm surprised by "your" hobby. Nicely done. Thanks so much for visiting My Photo Blog.

Andree said...

I still haven't gotten one of those for my cats! Thank you, Dragonheart!

Karen Jo said...

Those trackball scratchers seem to be very popular. I am glad that you have so much fun with yours.

Anonymous said...

Too fun! said...

just passing threw,come on over for a visit and see my folk art

heidi @ ggip said...

This is my second cat related hobby I've seen today! Wonderful!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Thank you for your kind words and thoughts ~DKM

Rascal said...

Now THAT'S a hobby!

Patty said...

It looks like you have a fun hobby. I bet my cats would love to have that do play with too.

PastormacsAnn said...

Looks like fun Dragonheart. My kitties might have liked one of those years ago.
Nice pick for The Hunt.

Around Your Wrist said...

excellent! you give a good demonstration of your hobby.


Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Oh Draggy Darling, you are one of the most popular bloggers! 62 comments, mine makes 63. Your hobby looks like great fun and it would give you some exercise too. Way to go.

I used one of my favorite hobbies to show off two others. I have lots of hobbies. :o)

Anonymous said...

My first time here. Great site you have. Oh, btw, is that really a cat???!!! eekkk...

PowersTwinB said...

Oh Dragonheart, youre having so much fun! Thanks for visiting my photo this weekend!

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Dragonheart. Sorry for my late visit. I've been a little busy lately.

It looks like a fun hobby. Love that nice toy you got there.

Thanks for sharing.

Shawna said...

Fun!! My cat doesn't like a lot of the toys we buy him. He prefers playing with our fingers and toes.

eph2810 said...

Those a cool hobbies to have. I like playing ball too, mine is a little bigger though...

Thank you for stopping by. I apologize that I didn't stop by on Saturday--little problem with my email system...