(Click either photo to view a larger image)
As I've mentioned before, my paws need to be cleaned regularly, just like the rest of me. Oils that my skin secretes build up and attract dust and dirt. To clean my toes, my mom gently presses on my toes to make my claws stick out. Then she wipes my claws clean with a damp washcloth or a baby wipe. She also cleans the claw sheathes, under my toes, and between my paw pads. It is also very important for her to clean the area between my plantar paw pad (the large one on the bottom of the paw) and my digital paw pads (the small ones under each toe) because dirt and wax can accumulate here, and if not cleaned regularly, can cause abscesses.Tags:
I love how your paws look like tiny little hands. They are so cute!
Your paws do look like hands! That is very cool! And very cute!
Are those your FEET, dude? That is, like, WHACK. But Sam has very weird feet too. He has a whole extra half of a paw growing out of each front foot and EIGHT toes. (But DON'T MENTION IT).
xxx FlatCat.
Please ignore my unevolved and ridiculous young colleague. Your feet are exceptionally elegant. Some cats might give one of their lives for toes of such delicate precision!
Dude! Your toes ROCK. You should become, like, a toe model! And it's, like, soooo great that this "Mom" of whom you speak gives you manicures. I KNEW that my life would be more, like, SPA-like if I lived in Europe.
It is amazing how much your tiny paws look like little bitty fingers. Wow.
I think you have nice toes. Rex kitties have paws similar. Prinnie needs to get her paws cleaned regularly, but not me.
DH you scared me at the first glance I thought this is a human hand ! You really have long fingers !I never thought they were soo long ! good for stealing !
Mom LOVESSSSS your paws!!! She wants to kiss them!
Those are some awfully cute toes!
You have to be the cleanest cat I know! And your paws are adorable. You're very nice to let her touch your paws...I don't like that at all.
I can see your life line! You have such elegant feet. You are of exceptional pedigree!
Yup, yoor paw looks like a little baby hand, furry kyoote. Yoo and Zippy shood get together, mom hasta stretch he tendons in her front feets every morning so dat dey don't shorten and krippel her acuz of da thing that happened when she wuz a baby cat. Mom wood love to play wif yoor toes too. She's a freek and likes to kiss kitty toes, and tummys, and nozes and....yup, a freek.
Cute toes! They do look like little fingers. Perfect for grasping string toys with.
You are really lucky to have someone cleaning your toes and "fingers" and your whole body oiled. Lucky Dragonheart.
Oh Dragonheart, you are such a good cat to let your Momma do that. You do have cute toes. I wouldn't let people do that to me though!
you're such a patient guy, dragonheart, to let your mom give you frequent spa treatments.
i wonder if you could play the piano with your long fingers? teleport on over and mama will give you a piano lesson.
Oh Wow! Your paws do look like lil hands! I Love it!
Hi Dragonheart, we do have you under Tuxie pals, just as 'Our German Pal' which should actually be 'Our Canadian Pal' - we'll fix it.
Oh, how nice and cute are your toes looking. A little like a small hand :-)I like it.
Great pictures !!!
Have a nice day :-)
Very cool toes, Dragonheart. Exceptionally manly too!
wow! your paws DOES look like hands! COOL!
OMG So cute! Your paws do look like hands!
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You've got the most awesome toes we've ever seen, Dragonheart. That's way cool! I wonder if my toes would look like yours if I got them shaved. I don't think I'll try that tho. I don't think I'd trust Mom with the shaver.
what amazing little toes you have, DH!! You take so very well to all the special bathing you get. You are very patient. My 3 wouldn't sit still for it. sigh... D :)
hey your paws look like human hands!! That is amazing!!! Wow!
Those are some nice toes! My mombean sez you are handsome, and its fun to see what there is under all the fur. I have no idea what she means by that!
At first glance, our Mom thought you posted a hand on your site. She said, "Why the heck is there a hand on DH's blog?" Then she realized it was your paw. You fooled her! Hahahahaha! Look out, though, because she wants to squoosh your toes.
Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey
Hi, Dragonheart! I'm a happy girlcat because I've got my own Blogger account now.
Your toes are truly nifty -- they do look like little fingers! And all of us Ballicai love learning about your breed. We didn't know much about Sphinx kitties until we met you.
Those are such beautiful feet, Dragonheart. They do so much look human. But they are delicate and agile and a work of art. How lucky you are to have a home with your family.
I thought I was looking at a human hand, too, in that first photo, until I realized that it was your paw, DH. It looks like it would be very delicate so I'm not surprised you need extra care with your feet. Thanks for teaching us more about your breed!
Wow! They do look like fingers! Hope you had a great Tuesday!
What beautiful paws.
Your fingers/nails/paws are so gorgeous! And your Mom takes such good care of you! I bet your Mom was a Bast Priestess in another lifetime!
Wow Dragonheart! I love those paws! You could go to the salon and get weekly manicures with paws like that. It sounds like your Mom takes great care of you!
Utterly amazing paws, Dragonheart!
You have such delicate toes... and they really do look like long toes, little baby toes....
We don't mind getting our toenails cut.. we sit still.. not like Maggie. Grandpa has to dress in three layers of clothes and put on oven mitts and has to put a muzzle on her and wrap her up in a towel and hold her... then our mom has to clip the nails. Something is seriously wrong with that cat in the head....
Miss Willow
yer toez are amazin, dragonheart!
luv--yer frend--jh
What cute tosies you have. Momma better not mess with mine like that, I get real sassy about it.
My sister, Mittens, has extra toes. I think she is handy capped.
Those are perfect toes, and I like them. Mine are long, too, but they're covered up with white hairs.
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