Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Snoozin'

Dragonheart napping in his sleeping bag(Click photo for a larger image)


Alison said...

You're looking particularly handsome today :-)

Skeezix the Cat said...


BTW, be shur to chek yer emale (inklooding yer spam folder) for yer Amazon gift sertifikit.

Around Your Wrist said...

you, my friend, are handsome as always!

remember--as garfield says--it's important to get a balanced diet of snoozes, dozes, naps!


Kimo and Sabi said...

We don't care what anyone else says,...we finks you are one of da cutest kitties in da world!

meh said...

Oh, you look sooooo comfortable! You're super!

Ingrid said...

Ha, ha, ha is that cute !!! From what are you hanging out there ???

The Minute Man: Colin Chang said...

Really cute the way he rests. Shh. Don't wake him.

Daisy said...

Hi Dragonheart! You look so cute in your sleeping bag. Sweet dreams!

She-Schenker said...

My kitten is impressed! =))
Happy WW

Parker said...

You have airplane ears! I get them too when I snooze real hard.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!! Silly kitty, I came by to visit and you slept right through it. Ah well, it's almost 5am here and I haven't gotten to bed yet... guess I should go there now.

Sweet dreams Dragonheart.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh oOooh my you are sooo cute Dragonheart.
We hope you have a very happy and fun day today

mama k said...

What a cool looking kitty!

Thanks for stopping by...

Donna. W said...

What a peaceful picture.

Chris said...

He looks comfy. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

That's it! We're teleporting over to snooze with you. And after our nap, we can play tent war.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

What a sweet picture of you! We like your bed, so soft and comfy looking.

Thank you, Dragonheart and your Mom, too for visiting our blog last week. It meant a lot!
Bobbie and Bunch

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Awe Dragonheart, you are sooo cute.

Anonymous said...

shhhh... wishpering so cute!

happy ww!

ANGEL ABBYGRACE said... sleeping!

Abby(snoozin too!)

Melanie said...

What an adorable picture!

Monty Q. Kat said...

That bed looks sooper comfy, where did your beans find it?

LZ said... make me swoon! You look so snuggly and your face made the LL smile which I didn't think was possible today.


Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Adorable picture..

I tagged you for a meme... stop by my blog.


Anonymous said...

How sweet... And not unusual for a cat ;)

Marc said...

You look great Dragonoheart. Sleeping again? This time on my WW post Macy the cat is awake and trying on hats. Do you have any hats?

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

AWE! How sweet and darling you are! Little boys are just so cute. So are little girls. Oh heck, you're all so cute!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!! Have a good one.

Linda said...

This is exactly how I feel this morning! You couldn't have described it better!

I have a picture of some firefighters saving some of your felines friends today for my WW! Please stop by!

Anonymous said...

You look very tired Dragonheart!

Angela said...

Such a sweet photo. Your kitty is cute:-). Happy WW
Have a great day!

Military Mommy said...

ah, so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Do you snore like Jasmine does? ZzzZZZ.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Dragonheart -- I checkt and they haven't shipt the rest of yer prizes yet, so if yoo'll emale me yer Canada adress, I'll have it sent thare.

L.L. Barkat said...

how comfy...

Samantha & Mom said...

Dragonheart: So sweet! Sigh! I won yippy! I hid the toys from Tigger.
Be blessed,

Silly females! Grrrrrrrrr!! Hiss!!
High 5 paw,

Karen Jo said...

You look very cute sleeping in you sleeping bag, Dragonheart.

MaR said...

sweet dreams :)
and happy ww !

letha said...

I know I say this all the time and with all of us saying similar things you must have a very inflated ego ... You are so cute awwww

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh my what a lovely picture and look at those lickle baby hands!! I mean, paws xxx

momsbusy said...

yu is sooo kyoot all curled up in yur kitty cup.

yuki & kimiko

Cafe Cats said...

That looks like you had a good hard nap, Dragonheart!

jams o donnell said...

Aww ain't you a sweetie?

DK & The Fluffies said...

You are like me... I like to hang out one paw while snoozing in my bed

Shaggy and Scout said...

Once again....."Awwwww..."

The Furry Kids said...

You look so comfy napping there. Are you wrapped in a blankie or is that a bed? Either way, it looks very cozy.

Titus, Tazo, & EG

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

You are such a sweet sleeper, Dragonheart. We particularly like your nose in that photo. Well, we like your toes, too of course.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Tiger Lily said...

Oooh you are just so cute Dragonheart!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dragonheart! You look like you're having such a cozy snooze. And you remind me of those magnificent, regal ancient Egyptian kitties!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Our mom always enjoys your photos. If you weren't so far away, we might get jealous.


The M's said...

Sweet dreams sweet dragonheart.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

dat'z a grate pikshur uv u, dragonheart!
luv--yer grate frend--jh

Anonymous said...

poor tired kitty. you deserve your rest. training your people must be hard work

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

ZzzzZzzzZzzz..... You seems to love your bed.

The Minute Man: Colin Chang said...

Wordless Wednesday : Guess-It's answer is up! Comeon down and take a peak!