Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen

Icon Baxter Bentley tagged me to write 7 random things about myself. I decided to increase that number to 13 and do a Thursday Thirteen.
Here are the rules: Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. Cats who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven cats to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

#17 - Thirteen Random Things About Me
  1. I only drink bottled water. Munich water is hard and I don't like the way it tastes.

  2. I wake my dad in the morning about 10 minutes before the cat food alarm goes off, by jumping on him, breathing in his face, and gentling tapping his face with my paw.

  3. Although I have a lot of nicknames, my humans normally call me either "Dragonheart" or "Dude."

  4. My favourite toys are the clear, plastic bottle cap tops off of Powerade or Gatorade bottles.

  5. I love having my head rubbed and I purr and purr and purr when my humans rub my head.

  6. Due to my fast Sphynx metabolism, I am very stinky when I use the litterbox.

  7. I sometimes pass wind that is also very stinky.

  8. Occasionally when I'm sleeping I snore. When I do so, my mom calls me a "typical guy."

  9. I will turn one year old on July 18.

  10. I have crushes on a couple of cats in the Cat Blogosphere, but they either already have boyfriends or are too old for me.

  11. My tail is very expressive. It is always moving, unless I'm asleep. When I'm impatient (for example, when my humans are taking too long in getting my food) it whips back and forth very quickly and forcefully.

  12. My feelings are hurt when people call me ugly, or funny looking, or say I'm a dog!

  13. I think bald is beautiful and I am cute, adorable and handsome. My humans and my friends think I'm cute, adorable and handsome too!
I tag (you only have to list 7 random things):


Anonymous said...

I think hard water might be universal. Our kids only drink filtered water.

Will you be doing anything special for your birthday?

Malinda777 said...

Don't forget the little plastic "thingy" that comes off the milk jug. Those are really fun to play with..

I have a Persian named Poofy :)

Learning Team said...

I think it is not only you who pass wind that is very stinky, I know a lot of them. (lol)

MaR said...

Spanish tap water tastes terrible, we drink only bottled water and we even use it to cook (rice, for example). Spaniards do it too, it's not just us :)
Your list was cute. Happy tt !

Daisy said...

Thanks for tagging me, Dragonheart! I need to think on this one for a bit.

It sure is fun to learn new things about you. My feelings are hurt, too, when you are called ugly or funny looking! You are very right, bald is beautiful. I wish I could hear you snore, that's very funny. Bye Dude!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart! Whew! You pass gas? We did not know this about you. But when you get a little sibling, you can blame it on them!!!

Thank you for taking Stella!!!

Parker said...

I've been known to "pass gas" too! But I always try to blame the dog! You are very good lookin' Dude! Never forget that!

Carmen said...

my cat only drinks filtered water, and then only if it's mixed with his food. :)

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart - you and my husband have a lot in common. I think that you are kindred spirits.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Ohhhh we are going to work on that 7 things today!! Thanks for picking us to do this!!

we love these 13 things about you. You are an amazing kitty and we wish we lived right next dooor to you. we would be good friends!!

have a happy day Dragonheart

Around Your Wrist said...

ben2 here. dragonheart, if others leave you mean emails, let me know. i'll take care of 'em...(flexing paws and cracking claws)

i think you're very handsome and extremely smart!


The M's said...

Great list DH. We also like filtered water. Munchkin passed wind when he was a very young kitten, but not anymore.

Mr. Hendrix said...

We love you buddy! I agree with the plastic ring from the milk jug. That is awesome.
My daddy says "bald is beautiful" too. Mommy thinks he, and you, are very handsome so that is proof! He is a snoring "typical guy" too.

Unknown said...

mol...about the passing gas. Sometimes Conner has a green "cloud" following him!
You snore? wow.

We don't understand why there are people out there who think you are ugly. We think you are great and cant' even picture you with furs!!! We like to learn all about you and your Sphynx breed, DH!

Anonymous said...


Forty Paws said...

Several of us snore. Sometimes we get going in unison and the beans can't hear the telly. You fart? Cool. We don't think you're ugly, and we think your tail could be a lethal weapon.

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

This is what I love about TT. I've never in my life seen a kitty like you, but how adorable you are!!

Hot(M)BC said...

It's always fun to learn more about you, Dragonheart! Mom calls me "Dude" a lot too. Humans must like that term a lot. Around here it's Mini's tail that's always wiggling. I'm too lazy to wiggle my tail much. You forgot to mention that you're a great reepurrter too, though. Sanjee says to point that out.
your bud Pepi "The Dude Too"

JAM said...

Great list Dragonheart. Don't worry, EVERYONE's poop stinks, despite some peoples contrary beliefs. We have a cat, Sassy, that gently touches us with her paw when she needs some love from us.

Lori said...

You sound spoiled;)

The Crew said...

So "D", we're interested in knowing more about #10. To tell you the truth, I'm a little older (2 years) than my special catguy Mattingly and we have no problems! (Our Mom is 4 years older than our Dad, and they're celebrating their 30th anniversary.)

Just who are these lovely ladies and do they know how you feel about them? All the cat blogosphere girls think you're HOT, so a nod in the right direction should get the desired results! Let me know if I can put in a good word for you.

Your friend

Anonymous said...

My cats love to play with the plastic ring around the milk jugs. Botteled water is the best. Our water tastes horrible, and if I try to give them tap water I get this look, "Like,crazy mama, we're not drinking that, give us the good stuff!"

Dragonheart, you look so regal in your photo above. My birthday is the 16th of July, so yours will be easy to remember.
Happy TT!

The Furry Kids said...

I can't believe anyone would call you ugly. You're very gorgeous and cool-looking. Momma always wants to pick you up and cuddle you, but we tell her she couldn't because she almost always has freezy hands.:)

Wiffle balls (like the ones people use to practice golf) are super fun, too. Do you have those in Germany?


DK & The Fluffies said...

Dragonheart, tell your Mum that Squiggle Worms are very easy. It's just a long chain, then when you flip over it's three doubles in one chain.

Purrs, Sophia

DK & The Fluffies said...

Oh and DKM says I snore as loud as her... I say I just purr, loudly...

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We think you are cute, adorable and very handsome!!
Napoleon is sometimes called 'Dude' too :)

Anonymous said...

you're my representative for sphynx cats :) great T13 !

Mitchypoo said...

I heart you Dragonheart and think you are adorable! Great list! Hope you visit my TT!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

LOVE the tip about bottled water! Why would anyone ever call you ugly? You are so beautiful, me, Mao AND the humans all want one of you!

Unknown said...

I love bald! Especially in humans, LOL.

How could anyone think you're a dog? ??

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We send a virtual poop on da pillows of any one who sez yoor ugly! Mean beans, dey must be furry ugly inside to say dat. We want to know, who do yoo haf crushes on? We bet dat der boyfrends won't get mad but be furry honored dat some other cat thinks der gerlfrend is cute. And don't let da fact dat another kitty is older than yoo stand in da way-older women are furry nice and a lot of dem still haf energy galore! Yoo shood go fur it dude, yoo neffur know until yoo try!

Anonymous said...

Just the kind of cat I need, since I'm allergic to fur. Or rather, the dander in fur. Do you have dander? What a personal question!

Tink said...

You are right about Munich water. I tasted it in 2005 and decided to switch to bottled water over there. :-)
Thanks for visiting my TT!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Ooh, neat idea for a toy. Cooper tends to eat his toys, so I'm always looking for something he won't be able to choke down.

Thanks, Dragonheart! Happy TT!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

#6, #7, #8 ...
i am laffin an laffin!
wut a dood!
um ... i think i added mi link twice. sorree ... i wuzzen't thinkin!
luv--yer frend--jh

TheSlyCat said...

TAGGED! Check out my blog for details:) Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy my cats don't pass gas! Eww! Great TT! Have a wonderful weekend!

Lux said...

I think you are cute, adorable and handsome, too! Hey, we drink bottled water, also ...

Donny and Marie and Casey said... aren't ugly, you are Handsome Dude! :)

Ingrid said...

Pookie too is a real tail talker ! At the very beginning I thought she was angry all the time, but in fact she behaves like a dog ! She always moves her tail when you talk to her, pet her it's really strange sometimes. But now I am used to her tail talk ! Arthur has just "re"-descovered his tail as a toy ! He now wonders what is hanging behind him all the time so he tries to catch it ! That's too funny !

Marilyn said...

I think you look elegant.

Kimo and Sabi said...

We drink only bottled water too!

Blog said...

I'm available (I'm so GORJ -- a sable-haired Bermese, mom thinks). The name's Maggy. But, call me MARGE. I'm Haley-O's cat. I love my man bald/waxed, so, you're exactly my type! xoxoxoxo

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Dragonheart, great TT! We want to know who you have crushes on, too. There are few girls we have our eyes on as well. You're such a handsome guy!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Skeezix the Cat said...

Thank yoo vary vary much for discussing yer problims being stinky. Now I can blame it on my fast mutabolizm!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Dragonheart, you're nefurr too young for love.