Friday, June 08, 2007

Frootbat Friday

(Click photo for a larger image)

Mine humans are in Madrid this weekend and I miss them. I have a cat sitter coming twice a day to feed me, give me fresh water, clean my litterbox and play with me, but it just isn't the same. I especially miss my humans at night, since I normally sleep in their bed. The bed just isn't the same without them.

They will be back on Monday, so I may not be around much until then. I promise to visit all of you when they are back!


Ali & Fiona said...

You have been tagged, see our blog for details.



Samantha & Mom said...

I know it's so sad when they leave us. Tigger and I will teleport over to keep you company. Here we come. Yippee!!
Samantha & Tigger

LZ said...

You're soooo cute!! Sigh....


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dood, I think Kaze is flirting wif yoo! Yoo can teleport over and play wif us while yoor pawrents are gone. Or we cood come over there, except fur Speedy. Speedy is going to be getting another batch of kittens soon so he's pacing and getting acited.

The Furry Kids said...

That is such a handsome picture of you. I'm sorry you're parents are gone for the weekend. You can come over and play with our catnip bubbles and milk jug rings if you want.


Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, that's a wonderful photo of you. I have to say, though, that your left paw looks sort of like a human hand!

Daisy said...

Oh, I am sorry you are sad and lonely Dragonheart. You can teleport over here and play a game of Tent Wars if you want!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dragonheart, we came by earlier today to check on you. You must have been napping.
This picture of you is so adorable my sisterbean Blizzie is screaming with delight (girls...)
I hope you have a decent week-end with out your mommie and daddie. It should be okay as long as the sitter does all of the important things to make you feel happy.
We will be around incase you get scaared.

You are soo soooo cute


Rosemary B❤️ said...

Okay, Blizzie just said she is jealous of the sitter. She wishes she could be taking care of you. I think I would even let her!


Prinnie @--->----

Anonymous said...

Kaze, are yoo mooning over Dragonheart?

Puss-in-Boots said...

Oh Dragonheart, I'm sorry you are feeling lonely and sad because your mom and dad are away. If I lived closer, I'd have come and looked after you and we could have talked about Oscar.

Don't worry, they'll be back before you know it and you can cuddle up in bed again.

Love you lots.

Lux said...

You're not looking very pleased to be left this weekend. Hang in there!

MaoMao said...

Dragonheart, I'm sorry you're lonely! You can teleport ofur here and we'll rassle! Brainball's fun to rassle with, too.

Love your frootbatty pikshur!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Awwwww, we gonna miss you on the 'net. And we gonna miss out blogging next wkend coz mommy and daddy are away too!

eastcoastlife said...

Oooo Madrid sound fun。

Sorry that you are feeling lonely because your mom and dad's away. Cheer up! The good thing is : they will be back soon! :)

Kimo and Sabi said...

You should take Daisy up on her offer to teleport ofer and play tent wars!

Zoey and the furballs said...

Mommys said "awwww" when she saw your picture. She thinks you are beautiful! We're so sorry you are lonely. It is lonely when the beans go away, but they'll be back soon. When the beans go away is the only time that I like having the furballs around. They are good company.

Karen Jo said...

Dragonheart, are you feeling sleepy, or are you just closing your eyes because of the flashy box? I love looking at your toes. I'm sorry that your Mom and Dad are away and you are feeling lonely. You should take up some of the offers of company.

Anonymous said...

You have great paws!
I also hate it when my humans go away.
It is soooooooo lonely.

Forty Paws said...

Poor DH!!! Bummer being all alone. Our Maw & Paw nefer leave us because a single pet sitter couldn't keep up with the messes we make. It's just not possible.

Luf, Us

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Our mom says, "What a cute little manhand!" There was once a Seinfeld episode about a woman with manhands--not pretty. Your manhands suit you, Dragonheart.
