Saturday, June 09, 2007

Photo Hunters: Shoes

About | Theme: Shoes | Blogroll


Since I'm a cat, I'm not big on shoes. I don't own any and don't wear any. So I don't have many photos of me with shoes.

These two photos aren't of the greatest quality, but they do show me with shoes. In the first photo, I am checking out the laces of my human mom's trail running shoes. In the second, I'm playing with my dad's slippers.

Both of these photos were taken last December, when I was only a five-month-old kitten.


Vash said...

What is it with Cats and Shoes? They just seem to love sitting in them.

Jenn in Holland said...

Oh, so precious! A young dragonheart. I love it.

Heart of Rachel said...

Thanks for sharing these memorable photos. It seems you were a very curious kitten and loved exploring.

Zenith & the Fancidots Gang said...

Hi Dragonheart!
I'm peekin in, to see what yur are up to, and I see pikturs of yu as a baby nekked kitty - playin wif SHOOZ -- I Luf SHOOZ !!!
I like to drag meowmy's shooz frum room to room, so it takes her longer to leave when she desidz to go out the big bye-bye door.
Wheneffur a shoo iz missin -- she sez "ZENITH! -- where are my SHOOZ?" an it makes me laff.
I'm glad we haf sumfin ELZ in common!

yur littel pal,

阿Don said...

wa.. its cat.. nice shoot! thanks ur sharing!
and i see u have join many activity live monday, tuesday.. xx . so many!

Daisy said...

Oh, look how little you were then! Shoes smell good.

Anonymous said...

Well I have a similar photo up. We have good taste.

Take care,
My photo is up.

MaR said...

Great pictures of you when you were little *wink*
I could have had time to post a picture but I have limited time to visit, so I refrained to play this week :(
Happy weekend to you and your humans :D

Anonymous said...

You look very cute!

I love to sleep with my head in my male human shoes. Bad luck that I don't have any photos of that.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I luv to lay on Meowmie's shoos!
You were a cute little Kitten-Cat :)
~Napoleon of The Bunch

The M's said...

You were such an adorable kitten and still are.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh, Dragonheart, you were cute and so little. Wonderful pictures for the theme of shoes. Thanks for sharing. Happy Hunting!!
Samantha, Tigger and Mom

Anonymous said...

You love playing with shoes, don't you?? :)

MsCarolM said...

I love the pictures!

Dragonheart, can you explain something for me? Why do some cats like sniffing stinky, smelly sneakers right after their human takes them off?

Parker said...

Look at that cute little sphynx Tail! You are adorable!

Forty Paws said...

We luf your whippy tail in that first picture!!!

Luf, Us

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dragonheart,
u wer such a little kitten!
i luv doze pikshurz!
luv--yer frend--jh

Anonymous said...

Curiosity made you wiser, :) Do you still explore your humans' shoes?

Anonymous said...

I bet you just want to climb inside those shoes! :)

Lynn said...

I love the running shoes, obviously you do too. Only five months and you're into shoes already. :D

Linda said...

Looks like you were a curious little kitten when it came to shoes!

PastormacsAnn said...

You were a good looking kitten, Dragonheart. One of our kitties will occassionally enjoy rubbing Pastormac's sandals. Good picks for The Hunt.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you were having fun investigating!

Artsy Catsy said...

Dragonheart, you are living proof that once a cute kitty, always a cute kitty!!

Everybody at Artsy Catsy

Karen Jo said...

I like the pictures of you checking out your Mom's and Dad's shoes. Do you still like to sniff their shoes?

Kimo and Sabi said...

Hmmmm...them shoes looks furry interesting...

GEWELS said...

Aw Dragonheart- I'm so sorry you can't wear shoes. They are the perfect accessory.

Anita said...

These shoes smell to sweat? Muhahahahahahahahahaha!!

tapps said...

awww. baby pictures are always special. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...bask in the ambience. Sniff the shoe, then gently swat at the shoe to make sure it is dead...then sit in the shoe.
It's all good...especially in a kitty world.
Awesome photos today, Dragonheart!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Happy Saturday!

jmb said...

So now that you are grown up Dragonheart do you ignore the shoes? Or are you still as curious as ever?

Mitey Mite said...

You were an adorable kitten!

The Cat Realm said...

You are so cute! Beautiful kitten - beautiful cat!

Anonymous said...

Very cute!

Melli said...

Well Dragonheart... we DO understand that you've outgrown such kittenish activities as playing with shoes NOW! And we would NOT want you to lower your full grown CAT standards just for a silly photo hunt! Good thing you had these old photos - hunh?

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Dragonheart, I love these photos of you with your humans shoes. I know many kitties like to play with their humans shoes, guess it must be fun.

Everyone is invited to my blog to see my Photo Hunters post. Hope to see you there.

Monica said...

They must smell good.

Anonymous said...

You look like you are really enjoying the slippers! Shoes can be a lot of fun :)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dragonheart, you were the cutest kitten ever.

happy week-end big guy!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dose slippers were as big as yoo!

Zoey and the furballs said...

You've grown up so much! It sure looks like you are having fun with those shoes.

Biker Betty said...

Dragonheart, what cute pictures of when you were little. Looks like you were having lots of fun. Happy Saturday :)

Anonymous said...

Awwww, baby Dragonheart! What adorable photos of you exploring the shoes.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

MaoMao said...

hehehe, what a cute little feller you were! Well, you're still a cute feller. And you look like you're having fun with them shoezies!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

What do you mean??? Your photos are pawesome! I couldn't find any pictures of any of us with shoes so we had to steal mommy's photo...even then, it was tough to find!

You look so cute checking them out!

Ingrid said...

On these pictures I can see what a big boy you have become ! I am back from Turkey since yesterday and happy to find my usual keyboard ! The turkish one had 2 "i" and I couldn't log in to my blog until I found it out ! I was quite a sensation in these Cyber cafés being a woman and not of the first youth ! There only were men of course and they looked at me as if I were ET in person !
BTW I don't know if you have seen the painting I made from you, it's in last Saturday photo hunt "Art".

Lux said...

That's so cute when you were playing with your dad's slippers!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

How cute! You were and are a cutie pie!

Around Your Wrist said...

you are such a handsome fellow!


Gran said...

You are very curious with those shoes... and I bet you sit on shoes at various times. Thanks for visting me and for your nice comments. Have a wonderful weekend!

Nancy Jensen said...

My cat, Charlie, likes to smell shoes. Not quite sure why cats like them so much.

My shoe pictures are up!