Monday, June 11, 2007

Mancat Monday

In this photo, I demonstrate the Full Monty with a Twist. Lady cats are advised not to click the image to make it larger. My lack of fur tends to make certain attributes stand out.

Dragonheart lying on his back
My humans will be home this evening! I can't wait! I'm not yet sure whether I will give them the cold shoulder for leaving me alone with a cat sitter, or whether I will smother them with affection and tell them to never leave me alone again. In either case, I will certainly meow a lot, to let them know of my displeasure for having been left alone. I can be quite loud when I choose to. My dam is a blue point Sphynx, which means I have Siamese ancestors somewhere in my background. When I want to, I can be just as loud and as vocal as a typical Meezer!

Thanks to everyone who teleported over while my humans were away. I had lots of fun playing with all of you!


Daisy said...

Wow! A Full Monty with a twist! You are demonstrating very good form Dragonheart. I always plan on giving the cold shoulder, but I get so excited when they get back that my plan never works.

Parker said...

My cold shoulder lasts about 3.5 seconds. I am not proud of this! You look so handsome giving us the Monty!

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh, I'm blushing, Dragonheart. Full Monty indeed. Very nice.

Dragonheart, you the Mancat of all Mancats.
Hi 5 paw,

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Haha we biggified and yer certainly a mancat, we're jealous!!
We'd go furr the cold shoulder, it always works. Beans hate being ignored.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We biggified even tho yoo warned us. Now Speedy is moping! We wanted to let you know dat mom is not against breeders, real breeders. Not da backyard breeders who don't know what they are doing and end up with kittens that don't look like they thawt they wood and just put up a sign saying "free kittens". Real breeders care about the helth of their cats and kittens, Minnie's beans din't effun care enuf to keep her when she "aksidently" gots pregnant by da local stray.

Donny and Marie and Casey said... fact you are a Meezer! Wow, this is very important information...we meezers need to look out for each other!


The Furry Kids said...

That is a very manly picture of you, DH. I didn't let Tazo look at the biggified one - she's not even 2 yet! ;)

I'd probably give them the cold shoulder until I got some stinky goodness. Then again, I think they probably missed you as much as you missed them. That's a tough call.

Earl Grey

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Nice technique; adding a twist to a full Monty makes it seem innocent! Katie made me biggify the picture, I think she has a crush of yoo!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Also, I would smother them with affection when they get home.

LZ said...

That is a very very manly pose. In fact it helps the People settle a debate about why I lie like that. The Awesome Man says its because of my extra girth but the Woman doesn't think so. Obviously she is right as you don't have any extra girth.


Rosemary B❤️ said...

Yay! The love fest starts tonight

You are such a handsome manly kitty boy!

Ali & Fiona said...

Oh wow you look very handsome doing the full monty and Fiona is blushing.

Anonymous said...

Siamese aren't loud. I should know--I am one. If I meow I am often so quiet I get completely ignored.

Lovely mancat pose Dragonheart...

The Meezers or Billy said...

Dragonheart, our mommy says you are "cuter than cute"

We fink you should be BOF mad and lovey to you parents when they comes home.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

We are blowing away~!
You are so cute in this one~!

Very pleasure to connect with you~

Tara said...

Excellent full Monte Dragonheart.

You are right to voice your displeasure to your humans. But don't be surprised if your cold shoulder doesn't last too long, mine never does!


Anonymous said...

When I roll around in that position my male human used to call me 'upside down cat'.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy - that is quite a degree of difficulty, adding in da twist!

Anonymous said...

What a dramatic pose, Dragonheart! Stella is blushing...and just ran away...

Anonymous said...

*giggle*, what a great picture! I'm not good at giving the cold shoulder, either. I am always overwhelmed by the urge to cuddle and kiss *smile*.

Forty Paws said...

What a great Full Monty with a twist! You go DH! Uh, we call them "attributes" something else.

Luf, Us

MaoMao said...

hehehe, so kool to hear you can be as loud as me! When I get goin' I'm a real talker, especially when Momma and Daddy get up -- I start sarranaddin' 'em with MAO! MAO! MAO! MAOMAOMAOMAOMAO!!!! And MAO ain't the only word in my vokkabulary either... i say all kindsa strange things.

And that'za great pikshure of you givin' the Monty!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

The Cat Realm said...

We are not participating today because we are grieving for Suzanne...
But I of course HAD to enlarge your picture, especially in that certain area - nice. Very nice.
Lots of purrssss

Zoey and the furballs said...

That's a very good pose. Don't give them the cold shoulder too long. They're very good to you and love you lots.

Rosie & Cheeto said...

HAHAHAHA, I biggified it and saw nawtie things....shhhh, don't tell my lady! -Rosie

AbsoluteLeigh said...

Way to show off your mancatness Dragonheart!..not that we looked *blush* you have great abs though.