My humans are back from Madrid tomorrow night, and I can't wait! The cat sitter is nice, and takes good care of me, but it's not the same as having my mom and dad here. You are all invited to come over for some catnip, tent wars, wrestling and cuddling, until they are back.
For more Weekend Cat Blogging, visit Sher and Upsie.
For more Weekend Cat Blogging, visit Sher and Upsie.
Looks like Sunday is a good day furr sleeping.We biggified and saw your little curly whiskers and fur. We're glad your humans will soon be home. We agree, it's not the same with a cat sitter. There's nothing like your Beans furr curling up in bed with.We'll be over furr some nip, and the tent wars sounds like fun.We'll be quiet in case you're still sleeping when we arrive.
You look very sleepy, Drake. Pixie used to have long curly whiskers like me, but hers got brittle and they are all snapped off now.
Oh well be right over and we will bring some catnip blondies (like brownies only without chocolate), we have never had a tent war before we can hardly wait.
You look so nice and content while you're sleeping.
Have a nice Sunday!
You look so adorable on your blankie! We would love to come and play tent wars with you!
Such sweet photos, Dragonheart. We're happy for you that your parents will be home from Madrid soon!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
We biggifyed your picture! How kyoot. You have teensy tinesey nose furs.
Yup, there is nuttin like yur furry own beans.
Luf, Us
dragonheart, you look very comfy and cozy there!!
aw look at you!!! So cute! Saw your little curly whiskers, how adorable. You are soooo sweet. xx
I agree, there is nothing like Mom and Dad! Kavan and I will stop by for a quick bite, there are lots of parties this weekend!
Looks like you are getting lots of rest so you can play a very long time with your humans!
Hi Dragonheart,
Thanks fur your welcome. I see your people are Canadian, but you are in Germany. I speak German. Well, I understand lots in German because my mama speaks it to me all the time, especially when she is mad, but sometimes just for being lovey too. Do you know any German? I have never met a tuxedocat with no hair before. My ol' lady Scout is tuxedo, but has Lots of Hair (and dandruff). I bet you don't get dandruff. Are you cold over there without any hair? Do you have sweaters? I LOVE sweaters! Sorry your humans are gone. That is always very lonely.
We'll come over! It's sounds like grate fun~Sadie and Zippy
My sweet dragonheart! I would be so very honored to have you as my little brother. family is so important to me right now with Suzanne being so sick. Please keep her in your purrrrares. Today I hear my daddy Oscar is not well either. ALl my family is feeling poorly. I am a very sad kitty right now.....but one who has the dearest brother in the whole world:)
I love you, your big sister Miss Peach>(^,^)<
PS: I can not come for tent wars as I have sick bed duty that I would rather do right now for my furrry family, I know you understand and will have lots of cats coming to join you. It is a nice invitation. Make sure you clean up the house before the beans get back or you could be in trouble:)
sisters give lots of advice, get used to it:)
Are you...sucking yer toes?
You look very comfortable Dragonheart. I'm glad your mom and dad will be back...I bet they missed you as much as you missed them.
Oh, I think we will come, we have nefur bin to Jerminy afore!
Drake u look so sleepy and comfy. Happy nappin' Sunday :)
What a sweetie you are! You look so tired ...
Stop by my bloggie! I've got a 500h post contest!
Dragonheart, you DO have some furs after all! We love your toes ... they look all curly!
Ooohh you are so cute when you are sleeping.
Hi, Dragonheart! You look lovely, sleepy, and snoozy. I'm so glad your humans are coming back tomorrow -- I'm sure you have missed them so much.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Way kool pikshures -- you look superduper, as always! And you look like you're havin' a mightyfine nap.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Sweetie! You are just adorable. And mom and Dad are lucky to go to Madrid! Thanks for taking part in WCB!
Hi Dragonheart, we'd come visit you, but we don't know what time it is there. It is 11:19 pm here in Florida. You look so cute curled up on your blanket. Maybe we will come and wake you up. Hey, Tigger let's go. Here we come.
Samantha, Tigger and Mom
You have to be one of the most interesting kitties we've ever seen! We love coming to see what you're doing.
Dragonheart, Dragonheart - I am afraid Anastasia is developing a real crush on you! If you don;t stop posting these cute pictures of yourself she will most definitely fall for you bad!
Not that I mind, I find you quiet handsome myself, I have to say....
dragonheart, thank you for adopting my lovely sister peach as your older sister. she's a gorgeous girl with a heart of gold!
with love,
and her mama toni
Such a wonderful kitty! You look like an angel that has fallen asleep..
You look very cute napping, Dragonheart. I'm glad that your Mom and Dad will be home soon.
You look great sleeping! I like your little hairs above the nose.
You look so comfy.
Just like my cat when hes sleeping but he does have alot more hair than you :)
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