Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: Cozy Calming Mat

Cats on Tuesday One of the gifts I received for my birthday is called a "Cozy Calming Mat."

Dragonheart on his Cozy Calming MatIt is very colourful! My humans placed it on my toychest, which is right next to the wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room. I have a good view of everything going on outside from there.

Dragonheart on his Cozy Calming MatThe mat is very soft and comfy. It has a buckwheat insert that can be removed, and microwaved for warmth, in the winter. Right now, it has been veyr warm in Munich, so I haven't tried the warming aspect of the mat yet.

Dragonheart on his Cozy Calming MatThe mat feels good on my toes! It is a very cozy, comfy place to hang out.

Dragonheart's toes(Click any photo above to view a larger version)

Cats on Tuesday To join in with Cats on Tuesday, check out My Cats and Funny Stories.


Puss-in-Boots said...

Ahah! And now we have one very contented Dragonheart on his lovely comfy mat...it's gonna be good in the winter, isn't it Dragonheart?

PaHaRs said...

You've got a very beautiful Mat. I wish to got my gift like that too!!!

Dorothy said...

Your warming mat is very pretty and comfy looking. I like the view you have from your toy chest.
Happy Cat Day!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Meow Dragonheart! I love your colorful mat....maybe mommy can make me one of those. I do think it would be just the purrrrfect warm spot in the winter time:)
You look so cozy getting all prepared...even if it is still warm and summy!

Gattina said...

Sorry but for some reason Mr. Linky doesn't work for me.

A mat you can warm up ? That's a wonderful invention ! I could even use one for me in winter for my feet. The mat has nice colors but is a little small for such a big boy as you, lol ! You probably need XL sizes !

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Wowwww, that is very calming mat~! It really shows that you love it, you almost stick on it don't want to leave~!

Nice cool toes~!!!

Parker said...

I bet that's gonna' come in handy when the weather is cold!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We like that mat, Dragonheart and think your toesies are cute!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

This is a beautiful mat,
displaying a cool looking cat!

Okay thaat is the limits to my poetry skills.
Caesar likes to sit on potholders, so I can understand that this mat is a nice cozy spot.

Happy day DH <3
Purrs, Prinnie

Daisy said...

Oh, that cozy mat is great! We used to have one, too! We gave ours to the shelter because it does not get very cold here.

Rascal said...

Wow, it's just the perfect size for you! Good colors too.

Anonymous said...

I am seeing wonderful Christmas presents! I think mine would love that. Thanks for the great idea Dragonheart. It is so pretty too.

Anonymous said...

Oooooh.... That looks really comfy! I bet you'll be even more comfy in the winter with the warming pad thing!

LZ said...

I have one of those. I used to lie on it when I was a kitten and I'd just had my bone biopsy. I bet you're really going to like it in the winter!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful mat and warm colours! No problem for you this winter. I'd like to have the same for my cats family!

Tyler said...

That will be great in the winter. Kali my 17 year old sister has an electric heated quilt for her aching bones. She never uses it! Maybe she would like one like yours. Daisy also has a bed that has a disc that you heat in the microwave and then put in the bed. So many options out there.

Forty Paws said...

Maw always says, "My, what big toes the Sphynx cat has!!!" when she sees your toesies!!!

Thanks for putting Dorfie on the cat blogosphere. Stop by our blog for an update on the liddle guy now that Maw is back from dropping him off.

Luf, Us

Monty Q. Kat said...

Neat mat, do you have a Purr Pad as well? MomBean put one in my tent and it's great!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, that looks like a perfect gift! I bet you will love it when the weather turns huh?

Cafe Cats said...

That's a wonderful mat! I'll have to look for one of those for Samantha and Bebe.

Happy Purrday again!

The Meezers or Billy said...

you look furry furry happy!!!

Andree said...

Now that's an interesting item. My cats would love that completely. But I am afraid it is too small for any one of them. I wonder if it comes in XXL or in "multiple-cat" sizes? It would be a great thing to put inside a cat bed or under a quilt.

hmmmm A great thing for me to use under the quilts . . .

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, now you can be warm in da winter and comfy alla time. Doze is furry important things.

Anonymous said...

Your toes are so yummy, Dragonheart!!!

Still no babies...but any day now!

Hot(M)BC said...

Great mat, Dragonheart. I bet it's comfy. Comfy is good for us mancats.
your bud Pepi

Monty Q. Kat said...

When you get back to Canada I'll send you a Purr Padd for a welcomig gift! :D

Shaggy and Scout said...

Mom says she's seen that mat in the stores. She might take your recommenation and get one for Scooby. He could use calming since he is a bit high strung.

FelineFrisky said...

How wonderful! A comfy cushy for your tushy! And in the bestest spot in the house, of course!

Happy Day! D :)

Ali & Fiona said...

Momma says your toes are very kissable. Also we forgot to tell you we got a fountain just like yours, we love it. How do you like your fountain?

Mr. Hendrix said...

aaaaahhhhhhh comfy mats. you look very happy on it. you'll have to let us know how the heating stuff works when it gets cold there.
it is great you can keep your eye on your toys from it!

The Crew said...

Gosh D, good thing that mat isn't any smaller, or you wouldn't be able to fit your whole manly self on it!

Anonymous said...

oh Drgonheart - firstly THANK YOU for the wonderful cake on the blogosphere and the lovely birthday wishes!!! Secondly, you look gorgeosu on that mat but then, you look gorgeous anywhere!!!

Love and purrs

Baby Mao xxx

sammawow said...

Oh you do look so comfy on that ever-so-colorful mat. We are betting you will really enjoy it when it gets cold in Munich!

Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Cindy said...

You really do "knead" a mat like that!

Samantha & Mom said...

Very cool mat!! We like the colors, so cool and calming. We bet it will work great in the winter.
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger

snowforest said...

What a beautiful mat. That seems very soft and comfy :)

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Those TOES! Wow.


DK & The Fluffies said...

We love the picture of your toes the best!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Wow, you have your own toychest! All I have is a basket!!


Full Monty Q said...

What a great gift Dragonheart! It will be wonderful in the winter time.

Tara said...

Opps, sorry, I entered Monty's contest and forgot to sign out!

Peach Man said...

Dude, I said you'd LOVE it!