Monday, July 23, 2007

Scavenger Hunt Item #6

Scavenger HuntToday's Scavenger Hunt items:

Name three themes that my breeder has used for her litters, and give the name of one cat from each of these themes.

Find the details and the rules of my Scavenger Hunt contest here.


LZ said...

OK I'm almost all caught up and feeling good about my answers!


Peach Man said...

Dude, this is hard...I'm a cat of very little brain sometimes.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh, we know this one....
I think. Caesar, do you know this one?


Okay.. we will try to remember


lordjaders said...

Wowweee, I have missed so many of yourrr posts--so sorrry. I have been verrry busy lately. I don't know if I have rrread enough about you to know some of the answerrrs to yourrr scavengerrr hunts. What I do know is that I thought yourrr kitten picturrre was absolutely darrrling. I also thought that it was good that you asked people not to comment if they didn't have anything nice to say. Beauty is in the eye of the beholderrr--but it is also found in the hearrrt of good charrracterrr, such as yourrrs.

Yourrr Furrrend,
