Anastasia from The Cat Realm dared everyone to wear her pink wig and post a photo of themselves wearing it. Here is my attempt at wearing the wig.

I think I look better bald, don't you?
Tags: Pink Wig, Cats in Wigs, Dare, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, kitten, hairless cat, hairless kitten,
Dragonheart, you look so cute in the wig! I think you should wear pink more often.
Haha, you don't look furry happy to be wearing it.
Bald is beautiful on you!
You look cute yet I think bald is
more your style :)
Dragonheart, you look silly in the wig. Bald is beautiful, remember?
Happy Day
u look grate in a pink wig. an u look soooooo happee to be warin it.
i think u mite look good inna baseball cap, too.
luv--yer frend--jh
You're a braver Cat than I.
hahahaha, oooo, we bet dat was yoor mom's idea! I can't see yoo putting on a wig!
You have the same expression I have! Your photo is clearer though! :).
Lucky you for all those gifts!
Every cat looks silly in a wig, but you, Dragonheart, are just as cool as ever.
Wow, we like you just the way you are!
Tee hee, you look cute in the wig, Dragonheart! But I agree that going bald iz a much better look for you, as regal lookin' as you are!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh, no, not you too! That crazy pink wig is really making the rounds.
DH, you look good in the wig. Very rockstar-ish. It's fun to let your hair down every once in a while. :)
PS - How does it feel to *have* hair?
You look very, um, interesting in the pink wig, Dragonheart. I agree with you that you look better bald.
Bald is beautiful!! You don't need any adornments Dragonheart, your perfect just as you are!!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
P.S. Tigger and I donned the wigs!! Too funny!
You look very cute in that wig, but I like you just the way you are better.
You're very brave.
Hi Dragonheart. You don't look too happy with that wig. =) It looks cute but I bet you're glad it ain't permanent, right? I had fun with the wig too but I think we're better off without it. Tee hee. Have a nice day! Woof!
*giggle*, Dragonheart -- you always look regal, but the bald look indeed suits you best.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
No no - it's *you, Dragonheart! :)
Dragonheart, bald is beautiful--on you. But wigs can make for fun costumes!
O.k. Dragonheart, I have to admit: your expression says "I will puke if no one thakes that wig off me". And you are the most stunning bald cat I have ever seen, a true beauty! But the wig really doesn´t look that bad on you. And you know what they say: true beauty can not be spoiled by anything!
Thank you for being such a good sport! I made a button for everyone who accepted the challenge, you can pick it up at The Cat Realm.
Oh DH you still look gorgeous!!! Honestly, the human and I are in love with sphynx cats since we found you!
its really beautiful
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