I'm an indoor-only cat. I have to be, due to my lack of fur, but it's also safer that way. There are too many dangers outside and too great a chance of being seriously injured. So, being an indoor-only cat, I have never seen a real mouse. I do, however, love to play with fake (toy) mousies, especially ones with feather-tails and ones that squeak! So here are two photos of me playing with one of my fake mice.

I'm an indoor-only cat. I have to be, due to my lack of fur, but it's also safer that way. There are too many dangers outside and too great a chance of being seriously injured. So, being an indoor-only cat, I have never seen a real mouse. I do, however, love to play with fake (toy) mousies, especially ones with feather-tails and ones that squeak! So here are two photos of me playing with one of my fake mice.
(Click either photo to view a larger image)
Fake mpuse, real mouse youare still a handsome fellow! I have pics of my three with fake attitudes for this week's photo hunt. Happy weekend!
Nice kitty. Nice mouse but it's fake. Hehe. Happy 070707 and a Happy Weekend :) http://crizlai.blogspot.com/2007/07/photo-hunters-fake.html
Oh Dragonheart I have missed you so much. It is so hot here right now I can't think real good. 107* and I sleep out on the patio all the time and never come in the house anymore:) It was nice and cool in the mountains last weekend.
ConCATulations on your rockinblogger boycat award...you are indeed a rockin boycat!!! I like your new green blanket, it becomes you. I am also delighted that you got my mail and like the ATC's I made for you and your mom bean.
Love your sister Peach
Dragonheart, we are indoor kitties, too. All our mice are fake so far but they're good training in case a real mouse ever comes in, right?
Happy Saturday!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Nice! You are enjoying your mouse, even if its fake, :D
have a great weekend!
You always enjoy your toys so much, Dragonheart! It's fun to watch you with your mousie!
Fake mouses (or is it mice or meese?) are much better than real ones. If you don't believe me, just ask Charlie. He is our indoor only cat.
Ah, it looks like a real one. Good you are able to enjoy them. :)
You teach that darn mouse a lesson, Dragonheart! And don't you go listening to anyone who says it's not real: we know the truth.
Awww, how sweet!! but let me tell you I can do without real mice :)
happy hunting and happy weekend!
Fake mice are very fun to play with, too! I have never played with a real mousie either. But I did play with real lizards before.
My cats consider mice a delicacy, but only the top half, the bottom half is saved for the humans.
Your mom is very wise to keep you inside Dragonheart. You are a very valuable pusscat and as well, you would be sadly missed by all of us if anything happened to you.
What an awesome choice for the hunt. Looks like kitty is having a blast!
Mine is up too.
Yes, fake mice with feathered tails are popular here too!
Thanks for visiting earlier :)
Good choice for this week's entry!
Come visit mine.
Great "fake" PH picture Dragonheart!
fun to play with eh?
Dragonheart, we have never ever been outside either. We love being inside. It keeps our furs clean and our paws clean. One time when Prinnie was a kitten she ran out of the door and chased the bad kitty in our old neighborhood. Mommie has to capture her and when she finally got home, Prinnie had blood on her paws :-(
We used to love playing with those fake mousies, I used to chew them up.
You look very cute playing with the mousie.
~headbutts, Caesar
We found a real mouse (dead luckily) by our garage the other day. Fake mice are the only way to go. Great pictures!!
You are my hero so I know you could take on a real one if you had to...
We have one of those Dragonheart, because we are inside only Kitty-Cats too!
It is fun, safe and clean :)
Fake mousies are the best! I am addicted to them!
Hey, we love fake mousies. Zippy sez dat sometimes the real ones will bite back...Yoo look so handsome as always. We'z gonna stay up at da party way late tonight (mom can sleep in tomorrow) so you should drop by!
our cat loves to play with mice too--nice shot!!
Hi Dragonheart! I love fake mousies too!
wuah nice fake mouse...u definitely have a good life :)
Fake mice! Great choice. Our kitties enjoyed those too although now in their senior years they're not as interested. Nice job on the Hunt and thanks for stopping by for a look at my "fake" choice.
fakie furrie fev-ver mousies rock!
thanks for your visit & comment @ purrchance to dream, my friend!
Hi Dragonheart. That fake mouse is cute. When I was a young girl, I had a blue toy mouse that I brought with me everywhere (school, field trips, etc). I have given away many of my toys to my younger cousins but I've decided to keep him.
now that mousey may be fake, but you have totally spooked him! Way to go Dragonheart!
interesting cat!!
That's a great fake mouse, Dragonheart. I've played with both kinds and you know what? Both kinds are fun! I had a ball last night with one of our rattly mice. And it got away under the closet door too. I didn't know a fake mouse could get away.
your bud Pepi
I'm an indoor cat only too.I love the cute photo of you and your mousie :)
Having your "fake" and eating it too! Great photos!
I think reel mice are gross. Yer much better off playing with the fake ones!
You may not know what a real mouse is, but you certainly look like you'd know what to do with one! Happy Saturday!
According to my kittah, Jack, fake mice taste better than real mice anyway.
You're so cute, Dragonheart!
Mom says she'll take a 'FAKE' mouse anytime over a real one. What a silly person she is. Great pictures, too.
Your FL furineds,
Samantha & Tigger
A fake mouse? does your owner let out a fake scream when you bring this to her?
Great entry for today's theme, and thanks for visiting my entry earllier in the day at http://www.jmrpub.com/blog/2007/07/06/saturday-photo-hunt-fake/
I am JMR from JMRPub.com
You look like you're havin' a great time playin' wif your fake mousies! I like fake mousies, too. I also have a fake monkey to play with. There was the time a real mousie got into our house, and I had a lotta fun with him, too, before my daddy took him away!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Fake mouseys are great because they don't bite back! LOL And besides, real mouseys are a little stinky..they smell funny.
Great Photo Hunting, Dragonheart!
I'm back from vacation, and have a new blog:
Plus I have a new kitty, will post soon.
Love the pictures ~ good idea staying indoor Dragonheart ~ wow only eleven days left till your birthday!
Looks like fun even though it is fake!
I wouldn't want to see a real mouse!
Nice fake mouse. :-) FAKE Photo Hunt
Very cute. And they are probably more enjoyable than the real thing, because they don't run away. Happy weekend.
We only get the fake ones too. That's cool.
Luf, Us
We like playing wiv the fake mousies too, but we also like the real thing. looks like you are having all kinds of fun with it.
Good point~!
I hate the fake thing, too.
Great for our fake theme. Cute mouse...I love the feathers.
Have a great weekend!
Stop by:http://thelifeandtimesofgran.blogspot.com/2007/07/photo-hunters-fake.html
That's so fun. My cat--who also didn't run into too many real critters, used to bring us anything and everything that was fuzzy and the size of a mouse when she found it, meowing at the top of her lungs.
Haha. You really have plenty of ideas for photo hunter
It is cool that you don't have to chase the real mice :) - It is more fun this way and much safer.
Thank you for sharing your fake mouse with us :)
Have a great weekend.
Dragonheart, yur mouse looks like lots of fun, real or fake. Purrs!
Yet another great photo!! Love your mice.
We just took the kids to Rataloulie, the movie by the folks who did The Incredibles. Somehow they manage to make rats taking over a kitchen seem cute!
Nice photo!
That's it. I'm going to send you a rrreal mousy--just as soon as I find a hairrrless one forrr you. Oh wait, don't they have hairrrless rrrats? Do you think it will surrrvive in the UPS (United Postal Service) deliverrry system? Hee, Hee
Miss Willow loves the little red ones. She disposes of their tails in about five minutes then takes them to the water bowl and drops them in. Then she fishes them out with her paw and drops the wet mouse in the food bowl... it freaks Maggie out every time!
Better a fake mousie inside than problems outside...
Mice are sweet, rats are not!!! lol
Have a lovely day playing with your little friend!
This is truly a wonderful Photo Hunter post, Dragonheart. If you came to visit at my house, at certain times of the year you would see mice in my house :o( My Shadow does his best to catch and eat them, often waking me up in the night with CRUnch, crunch,CRUnch, cruch. He's a loud eater, heehee. He sure could use help sometimes, though, as there can be a lot of those mice.
DH, you are the most popular hairless kitty in the world! And you have the nicest fake mouse to play with too.
LOL! That's just a cool shot!
Here's mine:
Happy weekend!
It's better to keep you at home, Dragonheart! You are way to delicate and beautiful for the ugly world outside...
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