Jazper of Perchance to Dream nominated me for the Rockin' Boy Blogger Award and Connie of Serious Mumbo Jumbo nominated me for the Rockin' Kitty Blogger Award. Thanks to both of them for this award!

- Luxor. Luxor is a good friend who always leaves kind and thoughful comments. He also has the most gorgeous photos on his blog. To top it all off, he has a very cool Egyptian name! (My mom is fascinated by all things related to ancient Egypt.)
- Jeter Harris. A cat with a great sense of humour who always makes me laugh. He is also very generous and caring.
- Latte. Latte is a gorgeous Siamese who reminds my mom of the one who came before me, Whiskers. Latte, and his two siblings, Kaze and Chase, are kind, caring, generous cats. They always leave thoughtful comments.
- Skeezix. Skeezix is the ultimate cat blogger, the one who inspired many of us to begin blogging. He is incredibly generous, helping out those in need with his contests and other events, and his contest prizes are wonderful! Despite his fondness for the colour pink, he is still a Rockin' Boy Blogger.
I vote for Latte!!!. What a cute Siamese he was.
wutta honor, dh.
i will prowdlee display da "rockin boy award" on mi paje.
thank u ...
an, my, wut big frootbat eerz u hav!
luv--yer grate frend--jh
Yes you do look like a statue. We like the way your tail curls around all of your feet.
Wow, those are some impressive ears! Dragonheart, you Rock!
You always look fabulous!
What great nominations!!!
You look like an Egyptian kitty here. very handsome pose!
happy Frootbat Friday
You are the ultimate Egyptian God!
Those pictures of you are awesome, jsut like you! What a posture! What a wonderful expression! What ears!
Stunning, just stunning.
You do look very statue-y. Momma loves the way your tail curls around your feet.
You look awesome Dragonheart.
I was reading about Canada day and your canadian food. Sure looks yummy.
Have a great weekend with your humans.
Poppy Q
Oh Dragonheart that is very nice of you to nominate me!! I am very honored. I think your ears look lovely in that picture and you do look very Egyptian.
(Meowmy went and saw the King Tut exhibit last month at the Philadelphia Franklin Institute she said it was amazing!)
great pikshur!!!
Dh, do youthink Skeezix will turn his badge pink!?
You look very regal in your pictures!
Your birfday is the day before our mom's!!
Your statue picture is incredible - you really look like an Egyptian kitty! Love how your tail is curling around!
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Mom always thinks yoo look furry regal, no matter what yoo are doing. We just think dat yoo reely do rock...
Dragonheart, I love that photo of you with the sun in your ears! I can see your little ear-tufts, too.
You have the cutest ears, Dragonheart, and you look so regal in your picture. Cute tail! Congrats on the Rockin' Blogger Award.
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
I love the way your tail curls around your ankles in that photo DH and congrats on being a Rockin' Boy Blogger. FAZ
I SEE EAR TUFTS! Yoo must be reelaytid to Jeter Harris!
And thank yoo for the Rockin' Blogger Award. I'm SPEECHLISS!!!! WOW WOW WOW!
You *do look Egyptian in that first photo, Dragonheart! Very regal!
Thanks so much for the award; I am very touched! (Okay, I'm always "touched" but you know what I mean.) :)
We think you look like a handsome young mancat!
Great Frootbat Friday photos, Dragonheart! We like that first photo of you, too!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
You really do look like an Egyptian statue. I love the way the sun is shining though your ears and the way your tail curls around your feet. Congratulations on your award.
Dragonheart, you definitely rock.
You looks just like one of those Egyptian cat statues. Mom had to show us what they looked like cause she has a statue of Bast and you do look like dat, cept for the earring Bast is wearing.
I love the first picture - the way your tail is wrapped around you - very cute!
You do rock Dragonheart! Love the pics as always.
oh dragonheart you are soooo gorgeous!! Congrats on the rocking blogger award too, you do rock!
We have nominated you furr the Rockin' Boy Blogger award too. see our Post.
Wowie, what gorgus pickshures of you! Your ears look really neat-o in the sunshine, and I love your Ankshunt Egyptshun Kitty Pose!
ConCATulashuns Rockin' Dragonheart, and great choices for Rockin' Boy Blogger -- alla those boykitties defunitely rock.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh my goodness Dragonheart you are one regal kitty. I love that first picture of you. It looks just like the pictures my Daddy brought back from Egypt!
Congratulations, Dragonheart! You are definitely a rockin' Boy Blogger. And wow, such beautiful pictures of you -- you are elegance personified (or should I say elegance Kittyfied, *smile*!).
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Dude, could you look any cooler than you do in that pic?!? Love it!
Wowy! You really does look Egyptian!
we are miuch grateful you have not mentioned us tailess cats - we are so timid yet so brave.
Let your people run.
Guess what?
Yesterday afternoon our cousin came here, to stay with us for some weeks. Miuippy. What a cat summer hollyday that will be. Mieewooho. Stompa is here.
You tagged some GREAT kitties!!!
congrats to you on the multiple awards!
your friend,
Dragonheart, you must be a dirrrect rrreplica of those Egyptian Cat Gods! Afterrr all isn't BALD beautiful!!!
Purrs to you my furrrend,
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