As many of you know, last weekend my humans were in Berlin, where they attended the Canada Day celebrations at the Canadian Embassy there. They also saw a lot of the city. Yesterday I showed you several photos from Berlin's Egyptian Museum. Today I present some photos from the rest of their trip.
#25 - 13 Photos of Berlin
#25 - 13 Photos of Berlin
If you are having problems viewing the slideshow, you can view the individual images here.
*Note that the Berlin Wall (what is left of it) is now a protected historical site. But in the early days, when the wall first came down, it wasn't protected, and so much of the wall was taken away by souvenir hunters. There are some sections of wall preserved and on display in different areas of the city now (as you can see below - my humans are the two on the far right), but the only stretch of wall that it still in its original location is a 1.5 km length, part of which is shown in one of the photos in the slideshow.

That must have been very interesting ! I have never been there, but my son was there in April and he found the city so nice and special that he told me he could easily live there if his company would send him to Berlin.
Rosie is 2 months old today and I have some funny pictures on my blog, if you have time.
Berlin looks like a furry nice place to visit. Our beans has only been to Heidenheim, Heidelburg, Munich, da black forrest, and a few other places - but never Berlin.
Wow. Berlin is beautiful! When you were in the old East Berlin, did you get to see the Ampelmannchen? Kate thinks they are way cool. She saw a tv story about them when the World Cup was on last year. The Reichstag is amazing too. Oh, and Happy Canada Day for last week!
There are some really beautiful buildings there. I love seeing historical places; I wish I could see part of the real Berlin Wall!
I would love to visit Berlin. That was very interesting!
Cool photos! Too bad the Berlin Wall has been "savaged." Hopefully the government could do something about preserving it.
Happy Thursday!
Very interesting photos, Dragonheart.
So much history in them.
We think dat it is appropriate dat one little sekshon of wall remains. It needed to be taken down but some of it shood be saved, just to remind beans of what it meant.
I'd love to visit Berlin! So many places, so little time and money... ;-)
My list is about handfasting this week, but for my feline friends pawfasting will work too!
Dear Dragonheart, thank you for sharing these beautiful photos! Caesar and I especially like the ones of the Berlin Cathedral and Sans Souci Palace. We think your parents look like very, very nice humans! Have a lovely day, Dragonheart! ~Princess
Dragonheart and Mom & Dad:
Great slide show. We love it that we get to visit around the world with our friends and the places they see and never have to leave home. Thank you for sharing your pictures and your life with us.
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
That is very very cool! I'm glad that they did protect the remaining parts of the Wall because it is very significant historically. The LL is so jealous that your mom gets to see all of those amazing things!
The maid tells us to say thank you. She had lived in Berlin for many many years but left over 12 years ago and was very touched by seeing all those pictures! She admits to having taken pieces of the wall to the USA right after it came down...
We prefer the rural desert. That Berlin looks too full and loud to us...
What did they bring back for you from Berlin??
Your Mom and Dad get to go to the coolest places...Here, in Florida, all we have is Disney World, and once you've been there once, well...you've been there...
I am doing well today!!! I am getting really big. It is hard to tell in pictures, though...
Very interesting T13! Thanks for showing us some of Berlin.
I checked your previous post /pics from the museum- I would love to go there someday. I've read so much about ancient Egypt and have always been fascinated by it.
Thank you for the beautiful pictures. I learened a lot.
Toodles, Tyler
Wow, Dragonheart! They are some great photos. Looks like your humans had a nice time in Berlin. We have a secret to tell you - our humans are in Paris right now and we'll be posting photos from their trip soon.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
That's cool, Dragonheart! It's a very pretty place and that wall is neat.
Awwww... Berlin - thanks for the trip down memory lane showing pictures of my hometown. Hope your humans enjoyed visiting Berlin, Dragonheart!
I love how we get to learn such interesting things on your blog and I don't even have to leave the house. Which is good, because Mommy won't let me fly!
Berlin looks beautiful and not how I imagined. Those buildings are magnificent.
That was so interesting! Mom and Dad have never been to Germany, and they would really like to visit Berlin.
Wow, it looks so differnt from our place! Very innerestin...
there is a big chunk of the Berlin Wall in the atrium at Bausch and Lomb headquarters here in Rochester. Mommy says it's really cool.
Great photos & an education. Hubby was even interested in your T13!!
Berlin looks very interesting! How exciting to celebrate Canada Day in Berlin! Hey, but they left you at home didn't they....well, you still got to celebrate Canada Day in Germany. I celebrated at home in BC.
Wowie, superduper pickshures! Berlin looks like a furry interesting place.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Wow, great pictures! Thank you for sharing them.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
wow, how cool. Happy belated Canada Day to you and yours. It is great we cely-brate so close together. We can party for a whole week!
Your beans look like they are having fun.
Grrreat Photos. I wonderrr if I could scale that wall. You know, I do climb fences quite well.
Thanks for sharing all this German culture, Dragonheart. Our mom never got to visit Berlin when she went to Germany with her German dad in 1991.
Wow! We don't have anything like that in San Diego!
Skittles, The Huntress
That is a wonderful tour guide.
I enjoy the photos very much.
And thank you for these detail, if michico has chance to go there, I will suggest her to go.
Looks like a lovely city. Thanks for the photos.
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