Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: Middle Name Meme

Cats on Tuesday Benjamin Fuzz and Lucy tagged me for the Middle Name Meme.

First the rules:
  1. Post the rules before you give the facts.
  2. List one fact that is somehow relevant to you and your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
  3. When you are tagged you need to write your post using your middle name and facts about it.
  4. At the end of your post, choose one cat to tag for each letter of your middle name. Be sure to let each cat know she/he has been tagged. (It's ok if you don't do this...tag who you want to tag!)
This meme wasn't easy for me! Unlike a lot of purebreds who are registered, I don't have a long name. My registered name is "Hair'N'Skin Dragonheart" (Hair'N'Skin is the name of my breeder) and I'm commonly just called Dragonheart. The most common nicknames my humans use for me are "Dragon-Dude" and "Dragon-Cat", so I'll use "Dude" and "Cat" as my middle names.

  • D - Daring. I love to explore outside on my harness or in my stroller.
  • U - Unique. As a Sphynx, I am pretty unique! There aren't a whole lot of us around, especially in Germany. We are slowly becoming more common, however. Still, each and every cat is a unique inidividual!
  • D - Divine. My humans say that both my personality and my looks are divine. They say I am a very handsome cat, with a wonderful, friendly personality.
  • E - Energetic. I am always on the go and very active. I have tons of energy, and love to run, jump and play.

  • C - Cute. My humans think I am extremely cute and adorable. They are always going on about how cute I am, and pulling out the camera to take photos of me looking cute.
  • A - Affectionate. I am a very loving and affectionate cat. I love to snuggle and cuddle with my humans. I love to cuddle in a lap and purr and purr.
  • T - Treasured. I am a very lucky cat. I am loved and treasured by my human mom and dad. They also say I am spoiled. I love them very much and they love me too. I am very happy that although my dad is allergic to cats, he can tolerate Sphynx, so I was able to come and live with my humans. They are the best mom and dad a cat ever had!
I tag: Zippy, Speedy & Sadie, Kaze, Caesar & Princess, Stella, Titus


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We agree with all the things you said about your middle name.You are divine and adorable, and we can see you are definitely treasured.

Gattina said...

That's exactly you ! and for a male cat you are on top very affectionated because all male cats I know, Arthur included are not very much for cuddling or sitting on laps !
Rosie loves her feather thing very much ! fortunately I have seen this on your blog and could buy it now in Eastbourne because I couldn't find it here in Waterloo or Brussels !

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Dragonheart, that is so so great of your middle name's meaning~!! You are really really unique~!! I love all the meanings you have, because you are so cute and deserve to be loved~!

kuanyin333 said...

Sorry about that doubling up in Mr. Linky...something tripped up my fingers! :-) Happy COT! Your middle name is as special as you are.

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, you are definitely all of those things!

Puss-in-Boots said...

What a great meme, Dragonheart and we've got to know you better.

I know I've said it before, but you have the most beautiful eyes and when I see photos of you looking cute, I just want to pick you up and give you a biiiiig cuddle.

Jodi said...

Love the meaning of your "middle name"!

MaR said...

I have seen this meme in the human world but yours is very special!! You are. What wonderful words and they describe you so perfectly!
Happy COT for a change :)

MaR said...

OOps I meant to say that I am participating in COT for a change...

FelineFrisky said...

You are all that and MORE, handsome!

D :)

Andree said...

I've seen that meme around: it's a hard one! YOu did a nice job.

I was wondering: seeing Dragonheart in the sun: does he run the risk of sunburn? I know my Buddy, with white ears, sometimes comes in with them pretty red. And daughter had a white cat once and the vet said to be very very careful. I was wondering if Sphynx had extra problems with this.

I hope you have a great week!

TorAa said...

A very impressive solution to the challenge.

Cafe Cats said...

That was a wonderful Meme, and all true about you!

The Furry Kids said...

Great meme! Thanks for tagging me. I gotta get Mom to help me with this. I have a long middle name, so I better get to work!


Emma's Kat said...

Great facts for your middle name meme DH! And I love that picture at the bottom of the post! You look so handsome!

FYI: I spoke w/Yuki and Kimiko's mombean this morning and left an important message in the comments of the contest winners post at their blog!

Jimmy Joe said...

Those are great adjectives to describe you, D! You could have also written: "C"ool!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you have the nicest maman and papa of the world. I reconigze I never see a cat like you around me just in books or on TV and you are the first i see on internet. Hope you will meet a cousin one day in Mûnchen!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great description of who you are Dragonheart!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We think you are extremely cute and adorable too. daring is also a very good description of you. You go outside on a leash and that is very brave!

WE will get cracking on this list asap.
We did not blog today because mommie is too lazy...

We hope you have a spiff day DH (Dudecat)

Purrrs, Princess

The Meezers or Billy said...

all those is wonderful!

LZ said...

Thanks for the tag, it makes me purr a little. I will try to do it tomorrow but the LL is at the beach and can only help us blog for like 5 seconds at a time.


Anonymous said...

What a fun meme! It sounds like your humans love you very much too. What a lucky kitty you are (and your Mom and Dad are lucky too).

Thanks so much for your kind comment about Ms. Fuzzy. I know she is in a better place now.

Parker said...

Uh Oh, Hey Mommy, do I have a middle name???

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Those all fit your purrfectly!!!

The Furry Fighter said...

Hello Dragonheart dude!
my meowmie J is allergic to me and Castle-Pants so we had to live with Meowmie L instead. We miss Meowmie J and she misses us but she is SO allergic to us I don't think she would even tolerate a Sphynx. If she could tolerate a SPhynx I would shave myself and go and live with her!

Anonymous said...

You are a very happy and lucky cat indeed!
Perhaps it was good that your dad is alergetic to cats. It mostly is the hair which alergetic people have problems with. The brother of my female human is alergetic to cats, too. He got very strong reactions against me (my hair). In spite of that he did lots of catsitting with me when I had to wait 5 weeks before I was allowed to enter Sweden.

Gretchen said...

I liked the things you got from your middle name.


Dorothy said...

You did a good job on your middle name meme.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I think you are all those, Dragonheart!
Most of us don't have middle names, either, just 'nick' names :)

~ Napoleon

Shaggy and Scout said...

We especially like "T" for Treasured.

Anonymous said...

Those are puuuurfect middle names for you, and the meanings you attached are even better...

Mom will help me with the Meme in the next couple days...Promise...She has very little computer time this week.

Purrs to you My Love,

Mr. Hendrix said...

I agree with everything on that list! You certainly are a great kitty cat.
I think you and Stella are very sweet together. What a great mommy she is!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

awww yer so cute Dragonheart and we luved yer facts-they were fangtastic ~The Fluffy Tribe

DK & The Fluffies said...

We'll agree with all of those!

MaoMao said...

Awwww, your meme made me and my momma both smile! I just love alla the words you chose for the letters of your middle names -- you are a great and handsum cat, and you are clearly loved lots and lots and lots. And you are not just handsum, you are superduper CUTE!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Yes you are indeed all those things and much much more I'm sure! Very cute meme.

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you did a beautiful job on the Middle Name Meme! And oh yes, I love the word treasured. It is so good to be a loved and treasured kitty, and I can tell you have wonderful humans who love you very much! And yes, you are cute, cute, cute in addition to being quite a handsome and Regal Kitty!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Suzanne R said...

Ah, you are so articulate, Dragonheart! We're glad that you have such a happy home,like we do. It's great that your allergic human(s) are able to share yours with you. Our Mom used to be allergic to cats, too, but isn't any more, which she thinks is a perk of growing older. ;-) We liked this very much.


Mosaic Cats said...

We learned a lot here. Most importantly, that if a human has an allergy to cats, they can co-exist with a very special one like you!
We know that will come in very handy some day in our 9 lives.

Unknown said...

I agree with every point on your Meme. You are definately all of those things : )

Tyler said...

I sure can tell that you treasured Dragonheart.

Samantha & Mom said...

Dragonheart, you are all of those things! This is a neat Meme. And you are especially a Treasured friend of ours.
Your FL furiends,

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Awwww, you are all that and so much more! We really value your furriendship and your perspective!

~Donny and Marie

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo sertinly are divine and furry, furry handsome. We will find out our middle names and do da meme, mommy is laffing cuz we haf a lot of middle names. Most of dem we aren't allowed to say cuz dey is on da bad werd list.

Boy said...

All those facts are so twue about you!
But I don't think you're spoilt.
We're just so wonderful that humans have to worship us. So tweasure is indeed the word.

Anonymous said...

This is a great meme. I agree with it all. It just all makes sense.

The Furry Kids said...

I got Mom to put up your NOMSS post early because I heard a rumor you might be offline for a bit. I wanted you to be able to see it first thing when you wake up. :) Swing by our bloggie if you get a chance.


Tara said...

Those are great middle names, and the meanings suit you wonderfully!

Lux said...

Yes, you are a very treasured and lucky cat! And definitely cute, too!