Thanks again Adan! :) My humans both love reading, so the bookmarks will get a lot of use. :)
The daily adventures of four Sphynx: Dragonheart, a black and white tuxedo; Merlin, a blue lynx point and white fighting large cell lymphoma; Devi, a black and white rescue; and Chloe, a crazy tortoiseshell.
lol nice images
It was so nice for all of Adan's and Michico's freinds to get these little packages from Taiwan. This whole thing has been a lot of fun, hasn't it?
Adan and Michico are very nice friends!
Thanks ever so much for wishing my sister Pixie a happy birthday, Dragonheart. Pixie is having a wonderful day today.
Adan and Michico were so nice to do this, I love my photo and Mommy loves her bookmark. Is that your blankie you are on?
It's so cool you got mail! :)
Oh that is nice! I love your cat design blanket, very pretty and soft looking :) Last time I openend mail I got in trouble, apparently you can ONLY open mail thats addressed to you ... the servants have weird rules.
Great pics! I love getting snail mail, the opening is half the fun!
My cats are yawning this week. :-)
Oh! we want to put that cake on our bloggie for Pixie! Today is her big day!
You got a alot of terrifical treasures from Adan. He and Michico are amazing!
I see you also got such a nice envelope ! When I came back from Italy on Sunday I wanted to order a tent for Kim at the Zooplus shop which you recommended me.Imagine they are all sold out for the moment ! Thanks for this good address they really have nice things ! Fortunately yesterday when I went to my usual pet shop to buy food, they had one tent on expositon to test if people would be interested ! I bought it immediately. It's a real outside tent with a window and a matress and big ! I was a little afraid that the other one would be too small. Kim is a real enormous cat. As soon as I have pictures I will post them. Our way back from Italy was very slow, around Munich there were a lot of traffic because the Oktoberfest had started at noon ! We spent the night a little before Würzburg, pictures are on my other blog.
I like your blanket, does it have cats all over it?
Cool gifties, Dragonheart! Adan and Michico are so nice!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
What a great package! It is so much fun getting little tid-bits from all over the world.
What fun! And your friend looks very pretty in the pictures...
Emma, Jamie, Thomassina and Bob
You have some really nice pics and presents from Adan.
The blanket with the cats on it is really nice too.It looks soft.Bet it's nice to sleep on.
aren't the bookmarks lovely? my mum reeads loads and really appreciates such a lovely gift! xx
Aren't they wonderful, such good friends!
Adans pictues are so cute.
How nice that Adan sends gifts to his furry friends for his 10th gottcha day celebration. Those are nice bookmarks and postcards - things a cat never has enough of.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
ooo those are nice pikshurs!!
Wow! Two postcards. That's so nice.
Wow you also got these letter Great surprise!You have nice friends !
Have a nice day :-)
Those are nice pictures. It's fun to get surprises in the mail.
i see youre international!
Adan is a very cute cat! with two humans who love him very much... i can see that...
xoxo for Dragonheart; the hairless cat; must be very warm; reminds me the peruvian Viringo.
Oah My god~!! The cards finally got there, Thank god~!! Thanks our postman~!!!!!
Congratulations for winning happy award again~!!! Hehehehe, I am so happy to see you checking every detail inside the envelope, that is the man cat will do, and you are a very good mancat~!!!!
And I also like the sheet of yours, that is so so cute~!!
Wow, that is some furry nice mail, and from so far away! Sometimes I am amazed at the things beans can do :)
Great pictures! You look like you're having fun with that envelope. Adan is a very nice puddin to send photos and bookmarks.
I like your blankie! It looks soft and warm.
What nice friends you have!!!
How nice of Adan and Michico. Mail from Taiwan is very exciting Dragonheart! Happy Tuesday!
Hi Dragonheart. You look so happy that you got your pictures of Adan. We got ours last week. It was very nice of Michico to do all this work and mailing for us. She is a good friend. You are a good friend too!
Oh Dragonheart - I likes that blanket you are on - is that yours or your Mum and Dad's? It is really nice!
That's a great package! I can tell you studied the pictures very carefully.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Wowie, a great package from Adan and Michico -- they are fabyoolus! And isn't Pixie a purr-eshus kitty! I hope she's havin' the bestest burfday efur!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
What a nice gift. My mom loves reading, so she thinks bookmarks are a great gift. Postcards are always great.
Those are great pictures of you, Dragonheart, admiring the wonderful gifts Adan and Michico sent! They are such great friends.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Dragonheart, we can tell that you are very intelligent since you were so energetically going after the items your friends sent you. How nice for you to get them, too!
Isn't it great when you receive mail from friends!
Moe & Mindy
No cat can have too many gifts! I love your photos (as always!).
Hello! I am feeling rather worn out lately, but have enough energy to visit tonight.
Lovely that Adan sent you something - how marvelous! Enjoy!
D :)
Those is nice gifts! Hey, we just noticed that you haf one almost all white and one almost all black back leg. So does Sadie!
Adan and Michico are so nice, to send all the pictures. It's been such fun seeing everyones.
Your FL furiends,
We're go glad you got your package from Adan and Michico, Dragonheart! Wasn't it fun to get such beautiful things from our good friends in Taiwan?
Mr. Chen & Ollie
That is very cool that you got some mail!
Dragonheart - you really like to receive gifts - and all the way from Taiwan to Munich. Nice friends you have.
PS. Rosa and Felicia will soon be back They wish you a happy time
Those are some great pictures of Adan - you sure are checking everything out!!!
Nice to see you received gifts from Taiwan by Adan! You have a so kind friend! I imagine how you enjoyed opening the letter with your mum and dad! Internet connect cats all over the world!
Adan and Michico are very kind. The postcards are lovely. We like your blanket with the cats on too.
I think it was so nice of Adan and Michico to send out all those goodies. You look like you are having a marvelous time and as always you are very handsome for the camera!
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