Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Dona Nobis Pacem

Dragonheart's Peace Globe
My human dad is an officer in the Canadian Forces. As such, he has participated in many different missions around the world, including serving in Kuwait during the first Gulf War, peacekeeping missions in Haiti, Bosnia, and Eritrea, and domestic operations such as the Winnipeg Floods in 1997. I am very proud of him and the work that he does, along with all the other members of the Canadian Forces, and all the other men and women who serve throughout the world.

Currently, Canada has a large number of men and women serving in Afghanistan. Although the news focuses on their engagements with the Taliban, they do a lot of good work for the local people, as they do wherever they are deployed. They build roads, bridges, docks, and sometimes schools and other buildings; they do demining operations, so it is safe for people to travel through roads and fields that previously held dangerous mines; they often provide medical care for the local people; they make and distribute toys for the local children; and they do many other wonderful, helpful things that you seldom read about in the newspapers or hear about on the news.

Even though I am very proud of my dad and all his does, I do wish that the conflicts throughout the world would end, and that all the men and women serving overseas could return to their families.

I pray daily for all the men and women who are deployed, and fervently hope that they come home safely to their families.

On November 11th, every year,at the 11th hour, Canadians pause in a silent moment of remembrance for the men and women who have served, and continue to serve our country during times of war, conflict and peace. We honour those who fought for Canada in the First World War (1914-1918), the Second World War (1939-1945), and the Korean War (1950-1953), as well as those who have served since then. More than 1,500,000 Canadians have served our country in this way, and more than 100,000 have died. They gave their lives and their futures so that we may live in peace.

Let there be peace.

To learn more about the Peace Globes and the Blog Blast for Peace, visit Mimi.

To learn more about Remembrance Day, visit Veterans Affairs Canada.

To learn how to support our Canadian Troops, visit the Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency.


RUTH said...

My son-in-law served in Iraq and will be going to Afghanistan in February so I really understand the emotion behind your post. Wishing you peace.

Mimi Lenox said...

This has always been a special place for me to visit on Peace Globe Day. Thanks for writing from your heart.

Peace to you and yours,

jmb said...

Very special post today here at this site. Peace be with you.

Luna und Luzie said...

Sorry, I was not here yesterday, I was suddenly ill.I like your scapbook. I do this with paper but i´ll try it digital next time. This is a special Post today.
Mein Vater war bei der Bundeswehr. Er war in der Instandhaltung. Aber er ist nie im Ausland stationiert
gewesen. Jetzt ist er pensioniert.
Peace to you and all over the world !

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Peace to you and all those you love Dragonheart! I am very proud to know him!
I pray for you my dear brother...that you feel better and soon find a good food to eat you really like. Have you ever tried lamb and rice?
You are always in my thoughts each and everyday and I thank you for your love and purrrrayers.
Your sister Peach

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, I am very proud of your dad, and all the brave service men and women.

Parker said...

That was a wonderful post Dragonheart. We all pray for peace here as well.
Peace to you and yours my friend.

exskindiver said...

peace to you.
this was a well written post.
thank you for reminding us.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Wonderful post and peace to you and all around the world. May everyone have a chance to feel safe and peaceful.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Very lovely!


Great posting Dragonheart and we are furry proud of your Daddy and all other Daddy's who are serving their countries....

Purrs for peace


Anonymous said...

We like your Peace Globe Dragonheart. Thanks for telling us about your dad and the brave service men and women he serves with.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Your Peace Globe is very very nice Drago!

Your dad is a super hero. Really. He is. we are very proud of him!

Jersey - The Furry Diva said...

♥ & peace to you and yours, Mr Dragonheart!

Mickey's Musings said...

Very nice globe!
Excellent message!!!!!
Thanks to your Dad!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Peace to everyones ...

This is a very thoughtfuls and heartfelt post, thank yous for sharings.

Lara Croft said...

Wonderful info, I hope to visit someday. Beautiful globe! Peace to you and yours! - L

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Wonderful entry in your blog today, Dragonheart!

Sorry we've not been around (Mom is not feeling too good) but we love the picture of you and your Dad posted a few days ago!
How proud you are of him, and rightly so!!

Unknown said...

Love and peace to you and your family, Dragonheart!

Please say: "Vielen Dank!" to your dad for his service ♥

Tara said...

Nice tribute.


Anonymous said...

Men like your dad understand peace and war far better than some of the idiots who drag us into conflict. His service is much appreciated and I am glad he is not in Afghanistan right now!


None said...

There is much wish for a safe return home for our troops in my home, my lady's father-in-law is retired from the army and during his service witnessed many horrors of war, especially in the Yugoslavia wars. More peace less war.


Tybalt said...

What a very special post for a very special day. Thank you, Dragonheart. Purrs for peace.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Peace to you our wonderful friend. And please tell your daddy we say "Thank you".

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We are very proud and thankful for people like your Daddy. Please give him a hug from us and let him know that he is appreciated.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

We love your globe. We are proud of your daddy, give him lots of nose kisses and cuddles from us!

Queen Snickers and Empress

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

This is a great meaning of your writing, I am learning and reading all of these.
Thank you so much, Dragonheart.
May the Peace with you and all around you.

Me. Here. Right now. said...

Thanks to you both for your commitment. Peace!~

Travis Cody said...

This is a timely reminder that there is honor in service. That service requires our support and our respect.

Thank you.

Peace to you and yours on this wonderful Peace Globe Day!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Peace Globe, Dragonheart, and wonderful post!
Two young men, mommie Marlene's family are also serving in Afghanistan, so we know a little of the work they do there. Of course you are very, very proud on your daddy! We are also very proud and thankful on all the men and women working on world peace!

Peace to you, boy, and to your mommie and daddy!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Nice job on your globe Dragonheart!
Both our gramma's lost their homes and nearly everything in them in the great flood of '97, downriver in Grand Forks, ND.
We sure appreciate your dad and all the great men & women who serve.

jenianddean said...

We are so thankful and proud to have people like your dad in the world. My mom and dad's best friend Chris has been to Afghanistan, Iraq, and now he's in Ethiopia. We are very proud of him too.

Purrs for Peace.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Anonymous said...

wonderful job my friend! what a beautiful post for peace, my globe is up and flying today....Peace to you!!

Carolina Cats said...

Dragonheart, thank you for reminding us abowt yore daddy and all the others who serve and have served. We appreciate them all and pray for there safe return to there loved ones.

Happy Peace Day,

Purrs & hugs
Finny & Buddy

Mr. Hendrix said...

yes, we understand your post. we thank the Heavens every day there are men and women in green who put themselves in harms way so we can live in peace.

we are proud of each and everyone of them world wide.

purring for peace with you dear dragonheart.

Aloysius said...

You speak for so many of us, Dragonheart. I'm purring for peace today, too.

Anonymous said...

My Dearest,

Do you have pictures of your new brother???

LZ said...

Purrs for peace!


MaR said...

A very informative post, Dragonheart, I wish too that the conflicts throughout the world would end...
Peace and love to you and your humans :)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Bless you on your service...

Searching For A Peaceful World on THE COUCH


Unknown said...

Thanks for your wonderful post! We hope for peaceful and quick resolution to all these conflicts.
We'll be remembering all our soldiers this weekend.

We're purring and prurrying for peace too!

catsynth said...

Hi Dragonheart.
Peace to you and your family.

-Amar and Luna

The Cat Realm said...

A very nice peace globe, Dragonheart! Thank you for telling us all about your Dad! As much as we do not want your Dad out of work - it would be nice to have peace in the whole wide world!!! We meditate for peace every day.
Don't forget the Dare..... Only one more day before the voting begins...

Misty DawnS said...

Peace to you today and always - LOVE your globe!

PB 'n J said...

What a wonderful post Dragonheart.

Purrs for Peace,

MaoMao said...

What a beeyootiful globe, and a wunneruful and purrfect postie, Dragonheart! I am proud of your Daddy -- mine was in the U.S. Army years ago, and I am proud of him, too.

Kittyhugs and purrs fur peace from MaoMao!

Forty Paws said...

Peace to you and yours DH!

Luf, Us

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Good for your Dad! Give him a gentle headbutt for me! I love that picture of you!

Anonymous said...

Pax vobiscum!

The Furry Fighter said...

thank you for this informative and thoughtful post. we have Remebrance Sunday this weekend - it is usually the Sunday nearest the 11th November, this year it falls on the corect date. We also do a minutes silence to thi k about all those who have died as a result of conflict and war. i also pray for the safe return of those curently on missions xxx

Andree said...

I am proud of your Dad, too. He is the best soldier. I pray he remains safe. And bless your Mom, too, because she is so loving and supportive.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Purr for peace and thanks to those in the service.

Unknown said...

Wonderful Peace Globe Dragonheart! As a Canadian, me and my Mum appreciate what your Dad and the other servicemen and woman do for ensuring Canada is a peaceful country! Be sure to give your Dad a big hug for us!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Lovely peace globe Dragonheart and a wonderful tribute to your human dad and all the other men and women who are away serving their countries.Peace to all.

sammawow said...

You have a lovely Peace Globe and we are so proud of you and your dad. You always give us something to think about and we also wish for peace.

Peace, China Cat & Willow
and Sammawow

Sassy Kat said...

My thoughts also are with the families of the men and women who are serving their country in the services. I pray that those away from home that they will soon return safely to their families. Nice post.

Alexi said...

I like your post. We are all so proud of our beans in service. May there be peace.

Artsy Catsy said...

Such a magnificent post, Dragonheart! Peaceful purrs from all of us at Artsy Catsy to you and your family.


Robin Lee Sardini said...

Peaceful, Brave Dragonheart! Love, peace and safety surround you and all your loved ones wherever they are in this world. Much love to the ones who need it most!

Anonymous said...

Peace to you.

Karen Jo said...

Great peace globe and wonderful post, Dragonheart. Give your Dad a great big hug from me. I really appreciate his service. Peace to you and all the world.

Samantha & Mom said...

Great post Dragonheart!! We are proud of your Dad and all the Canadians and USA men and women who serve around the world! Peace to you and your family!
Your FL furiends,

Akelamalu said...


Lux said...

Beautiful globe and wonderful message, Dragonheart ...

Jeff B said...

Your post makes me think about two very different names we use for military persons.

Service Men or Armed Forces

Too often our media only shows the destruction and voilence.(to which I greive about)

What tends to get minimal air time is the humanitarian aid extended by people like yourself.

I wish it was reversed, and not just for media reasons.