Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Almost Wordless Wednesday: O Tannenbaum!

Dragonheart with the Christmas Tree(Click to view a larger image)

(For those who were asking, we get to pick my little brother up on Saturday! :) Yay! :) We are very excited! :) It will be a wonderful Christmas!)


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Wowwww.....mancat Dragonheart~!
You look so great and much more lighter than the Christmas tree~!!!

Another wowww.... on Saturday~!!
Little baby brother gonna coming~!!!! I am so excited as well!!!!! I will see be here on time to see your baby brother's news~!!!!!!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

heehee.. for a second I thought I saw a kangaroo!

Merry X'mas!!!

jams o donnell said...

Ah you looks so stylish in your jumper and nice and warm too I bet. I hope you have a great time with your baby brother. Happy WW and have a great treat filled Christmas

Leslie said...

Red is a great color on you! Look, we have to say - we are SO excited about your little brother!

Barbara said...

Your cat is plotting to take over the tree. I have seen that same look on my cats' faces. Be sure to take a picture if the tree goes down. I would.

Daisy said...

You look so festive sitting in front of the tree in your holiday sweater! I am so excited for your new brother to arrive.

SandyCarlson said...

That's a gorgeous tree and a beautiful winter kitty beside it!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Dragonheart, you are, as always, divinely handsome. We love you in your Christmas sweater. You look great in red.

Hugs!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Alice - I Was Born2Cree8

Reba @ Reba's Run

Parker said...

Hooray Hooray Hooray! Your little brother is going to love you!

Marla said...

Amazing Cat! Check out for some doggie WW.

Anonymous said...

Adorable:) Great shot too!
Here's mine for today!
Yen's Wordless
Happy Holidays!!!

Millie said...

Hiya Dragonheart! Great news about your little brother. You need some SNOW! Mom says she will be HAPPY to send you ALL of ours!

That's also a very handsome sweater!

Ramses said...

Oh you'z all ready for KissMouse there it seems! :)

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Concatulations on your brother comings home!

You look very mancatly by that tree with your new sweaters on.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Your tree is adorrable. We love it. This is a great picture of you. You look sooo big Dragonheart, wowie. You look like a big brother and a very very good boy.
This is going to be the very best Christmas ever!!

Headbutts tuxie bro, Caesar

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

Very Festive! Happy WW, and happy holidays!

MaR said...

Beautiful tree, great sweater and what exciting news!
Happy WW!

Robin said...

Love a shot that makes me smile...yours did just that. As I scrolled down the tree, I was NOT expecting a cat in a hat...I mean sweater ;).


Mickey's Musings said...

I bet you and your Mom & Dad are so happy! I know I am excited!
I can't wait to see his pictures :)
Purrs Mickey

Is it Saturday yet,heehee

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That sweater looks nice and warm. We bet you are counting down the days to Saturday.

Joyismygoal said...

the tree is pretty and Dragonheart is soooo well behaved. I hope he reacts to babby brother in the same warm way:>

Anonymous said...

Great picture Dragonheart. You look so cute in your sweater. How exciting that your baby brother is coming Saturday! I cannot wait to meet him.

The Meezers or Billy said...

great sweater! you look so handsome!
YAY for getting your little brother! We hope the hissies don't last too long and that you will be playing and snuggling quickly!

Sassy Kat said...

Beautiful photo, I think ya are such a beautiful elegant cat. Congrtas on gettin your little bro.
I have exciting information and after ya check things out to help spread the word. CCSI is movin, yes ya read right, stop over to my place and get the latest information!

Tybalt said...

What a great picture! You look very handsome and festive. Oh, how exciting . . . you get your brother right before Christmas! I can't wait to meet him. Purrrs!

Team Tabby said...

You look great in that sweater, next to your tree. Your baby brother comes on Saturday - there will be lots of excitement at your house!
We are looking forward to pics, of course (clapping paws in anticipation)

Moe & Mindy

David said...

You look very warm in your holiday sweater. Happy Holidays.

The Furry Kids said...

That's a great sweater, DH! We are so excited to meet your brother!!!

Forty Paws said...

What a great picture Dragonheart!

Yay for you & your little brother! You can teach him all sorts of neat things about Christmas!

Luf, Us

Patti said...

Great picture. You're stylin' in your sweater! :)

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Cute sweater! You are your brother are going to have so much fun! I hope you hit it off as soon as you meet and it doesn't take a few months like it did my sister and me. :) ~Queen Snickers

Tara said...

You look wonderful in that sweater! Such Christmas spirit!


Siani said...

You look such a gorgeous mancat in your sweater. Will you do the hissy, spitty thing when your little brother first arrives, just to show him who's boss? Happy WW!

My WW pics can be seen at Siani's Pot-Pourri. Don't forget to pick up your award.

Ingrid said...

You look like the cover of a fashion magazine !! Very chic ! and then the beautiful tree in the background. You are a very good cat not like mine they never want to pose properly ! Ah ! that will be something when your little brother is there, pay attention that he doesn't push the tree from the table, lol ! I think your mum and dad will have a lot to do with the both of you !!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Dragonheart, dat piksher is just perfekt. Of course it's because it has yoo in it. What's yoor little bothers name? Or are yoor mom and dad gonna let yoo name him? He is gonna love yoo, just wait and see...

Anonymous said...

Hey Dragonheart, you really pose well for this picture. Merry Christmas in advance (=

I have something special for you too. I hope you can come and see
it for yourself here.

Have fun!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Such a lovely picture of you. We bet you are excited about getting to bring your little brother home. It'll be a very exciting Christmas at your house this year!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Dragonheart, I cannot wait to meet him! Will you go along on the drive?

I think you need a baby shower just like Kimo and Sabi!

snowforest said...

What a cool piktur - you look furry sweet in that expression - concats on the soon-to-arrive brother...

Artsy Catsy said...

Dragonheart, you look so handsome and elegant in that photo, you outshine the beautiful Christmas tree! We can't wait to meet your little brother!


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

What a purrfect Christmas present!!! Both you and your little brother!


This is going to be a very special christmas. I bet you are very excited about your new baby brother.

How handsome you look under your tree.


Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Awwww Dragonheart you look soo handsum in your Rollkragenpullover :)

catsynth said...

Happy holidays, dragonheart.
How exciting to be picking up "baby brother" :)

LZ said...

Oh we're SOOOOO excited for Saturday!!! We will all be waiting anxiously to hear about how everything goes!


Monty Q. Kat said...

I can't wait to meet him!

None said...

OH! Can't wait to see new pictures of your brother! You look adorable in that sweater, very stylish. I just don't understand why you are not hanging from that tree... maybe your brother will.


Leona said...

Love your sweater Dragonheart. Cant wait to hear all about your brother!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You look so dapper in your jumper, very stylish indeed. Can't wait to see you new baby brother!

maryt/theteach said...

Dragonheart, what a lovely pic of you and the Christmas tree...Good luck with your new sibling. Have fun!

Chrissie said...

Yay for Saturday! And, you look great in front of your Christmas tree, Dragonheart. I'm surprised there's no snow...

The Crew said...

You look fabulous in your Christmas sweater!

The brother is coming...what better present could there be?!

Mommy Lutchi said...

one cool cat you have Dragonheart,

thanks for sharing.
Mine is up at 4Seasonsofmylife. Hope you can visit me too.

Shaggy and Scout said...

What a gorgeous picture!
And Yippee! It's almost little brother time!

The Devil Dog said...

What a great picture,, Dragonheart. I can't wait to see your little brother.

Also, thank you for your kind words of support during mom's difficult time. She very much appreciates it.

Roxy & Lucky

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Hey, that sweater looks very handsome on you.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

mamamia!!! Dat iz one good lookin' cat in da red sweater. & ZOwza!!! pickin' up da new baby on da week-end. Dat iz pretty cool. But I tink you should not share dat regal sweater wit him.

Lux said...

What a *great picture of you, Dragonheart, next to the tree!

You know what? I'll bet your brother is going to be as excited to see you as you are all to see him!

Tyler said...

Are you staying nice and warm there Dragonheart? A new brother? Wow, that's a big step for an only cat. You're still young aren't you? You'll have fun playing with the frisky guy. Saturday is just around the corner. I can't wait to see you with him.

Max said...

Awesome! I hope you like him a lot once he's actually there. Sometimes the idea of a little brother is better than him actually being there ALL THE TIME. ;)

LZ said...

Hey buddy I just gave you an award :)


Motor Home Cats said...

You all must be so happy that he is finally coming. We can't wait to see pictures of him and find out what his name will be.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

MaoMao said...

Wowie kazowie! What a beeyootiful pickshure of you, Dragonheart -- you look so handsum and festive in yur sweatur, sittin in front of the Christmas Tree!

And Saturday you get yur new bruther -- we Ballicai are so ecksited! We can't wait to meet him. I know you'll be a superduper big bruther!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.

ICJ said...

You look amazing in your coat, Dragonheart! :-)

Happy WW and Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Puss-in-Boots said...

Woohoo...just look at you, Dragonheart, in your very posh polonecked sweater...very nice indeed.

What a lovely Christmas tree and you are posing so you always do. I can't wait to see your little brother, so I hope you get some photos.

I love that song "O Tannenbaum"...very Christmassy.

Anonymous said...

That is the purrfect holiday picture!

jenianddean said...

Oh my goodness! you look so cute with your sweater on beside the tree. Your little brother is going to love you!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We love the picture of you under yer little tree. We are buggin The Big Thing to get us a real (small) one. But he wonders, isnt there some eletricsal adaptee things that would let ya use yer Canadian Tree?