Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: Then & Now

Cats on Tuesday Here are some Christmas photos from last year and this year. Last year at Christmas time I was still a kitten, just 5 months old. This year I'm a grown cat, 17 months old. (Click any of the photos to view a larger image)

Last Year:

Dragonheart under the Christmas tree 2006

This Year:

Dragonheart under the Christmas tree 2007

Last Year:

Dragonheart under the Christmas tree 2006

This Year:

Dragonheart under the Christmas tree 2007
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Puss-in-Boots said...

Yes, Dragonheart, last year you were a boy cat, this year you're a man cat!

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and get lots of lovely presents.

Happy Holidays.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Dragonheart,

This year you are a great mancat now~!!!! Dashing and Handsome~! I am so proud of you~!!!!

Happy Christmas~!!!

Leslie said...

Very handsome pictures of you! And a great tree!

Daisy said...

You really did grow up to be a big and strong Mancat! And pretty soon, we will be able to see your new little brother grow up.

Isis said...

You'z one lovely lookin' Mancat now! :) *meow*giggle*blush*


Luna und Luzie said...

That´s a nice comparison. Dragonheart you looks so cute under the tree. Now you are a "big" boy and soon a big brother :-)
Schade, dass ihr kein schönes wetter habt. Ein bisschen Schnee wäre doch nicht schlecht, oder?

Wir wünschen euch einen schönen Tag!

Parker said...

You have grown up - you hardly fit under there anymore! Maybe this year there will be a photo of you and your little brother under there! We are getting excited!

Ingrid said...

You have become a big boy in one year ! Your tree is very beautiful ! Ours is still standing, lol !

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Very Handsome indeed! Shade even got off of her perpetual winter perch in the heat to give you the once over. Nice.

Merry Christmas!!!


This year you are a full grown mancat and looking very dapper if i do say so myself.

abby and boo

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have certainly grown into a lovely mancat over the last year. We can't wait to see a photo of you and your brother together for Christmas.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Furry handsome Dragonheart, you've grown up right before our eyes! Yoor gonna make a grate big brofur.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Wow dragonheart! You look like a very sweet little kitten in the older pictures and now you look like a very confident good mancat

We hope you have a very happy Christmas!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You have always been quite the handsome cat Dragonheart!

Willow said...

Awwww, you were such a cute little kitten last year and what a handsome big mancat you became! You still look cute under your tree and I can't wait to see you and your brother together - then you will probably look very big, as a big brother should!

Purrrrrrs, Willow

The Misadventures Of Me said...

You certainlys has grown Dragonheart! And this years you has a brother to join you under that tree - how excitings!

The Furry Kids said...

Look at your little baby self! Awwww! You have grown up to be such a dashing, manly mancat!


Deana said...

You are wise beyond your years...your posts make you seem so calm and much older than 17months. You are still as handsome and dashing as you were as a kitten! Another Merry Christmas to you!

Tara said...

You have grown into a very handsome mancat!


Boy said...

You wook extwemewy handsome under the Chwistmas twee!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Dragonheart, even though you're a mancat now, your adroableness quotient has not gone done at all!

LZ said...

You were so cute last year but you're mighty handsome now! You make my heart go pitter-patter :).


Anonymous said...

Dragonheart you were so cute as a kitten and you have grown into a very handsome mancat!

Jimmy Joe said...

Wow, you did a lotta growin' this year, D! It's gonna be fun to see your little brother under the same tree!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

PB 'n J said...

What wonderful Christmas pictures - and just think next year there will be two kitties under the tree!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

You are such a handsome mancat!!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Whether it was lat year or this year, you are one handsome mancat!

Tybalt said...

You are an adorable mancat! Purrrs.

Mickey's Musings said...

Looking good as usual Dragonheart! Maybe a bit more confident too! You are a mABCAT AFTER ALL :)
Purrs Mickey

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, yer tail curls up so purrfectly in that last piture. We both tried to make our tails do that, an we couldnt!

An yeah, yer a grown-up mancat now!

kuanyin333 said...

My how you've grown in a year! Happy Holidays!Purrrs!

Forty Paws said...

Yup, Dragonheart! You've definitely grown!

Luf, Us

HRH Yao-Lin said...

wow dragonheart you have really grown into your markings! Beautiful kitten and gorgeous grown up! x

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't realize how much you've grown this year!

Leona said...

Love those pics Dragonheart. We didn't realize you were so young! My how you have grown!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I notice your ears are the same. They are furry manly ears.

We love to see baby pichers. Thanks for sharing.


Sunny's Mommy said...

It's nice to see how you've grown over a year. Now you're a big handsome mancat!

TorAa said...

Dragonheart, still, you are young, now it's about time to ask your parents what they expect from you as a young man. Tell them, what's all about life.

PS. Meet some friends from Argentina etc

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

That little kitten face was a cutie! You are quite a handsome mancat now! My momma wishes she had kitten pictures of us. ~Queen Snickers

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Ooooh! From boycat to mancat! That is cool! We esp like how your eyes show more confidence!


Anonymous said...


You look very handsome under your tree, even as a little boy. You are very dignified, unlike my tree-trashers!

Happy Holidays!

Unknown said...

You look like you got biggerer.

Lux said...

You look adorable both then & now!

Kitikata-san said...

You are a big kitty now! Merry Christmas!

The M's said...

You really have grown into a wonderful mancat. Merry Christmas.

The Crew said...

I think you've grown into your ears this past year and are more handsome than ever!

Ellen Whyte said...

Big cats deserve bigger presents!