Monday, December 31, 2007

Meezer Monday: Pointed Sphynx

Merlin(Click any photo to view a larger image)


Since I've had some questions about Pointed Sphynx, I decided I would provide you all with some information about Pointed Sphynx today.

Pointed Sphynx have the same colour pattern as Siamese, Himalayans, and other pointed breeds. This pattern is known as the Himalayan pattern. Pointed Sphynx have Siamese somewhere in their ancestry - it is where the pointed colour pattern comes from. For many years, Sphynx were cross-bred with other short-haired breeds to establish the breed and develop a wide gene pool.

I am a Seal Point and White Sphynx. That means my points (face, ears, legs and tail) are Seal Point in colour, and I have white patches interspersed throughout. You can most easily notice my points on my nose, the bridge of my nose, and the edges of my ears. Unlike many Sphynx, my ears are essentially naked, so there isn't a lot of colour there (most Sphynx have fur on their ears, so the points are more noticeable there). The colour of the fur on the bridge of my nose isn't a dark seal point colour because of the "and white" portion of my colouring. So my nose colour, and the fur on the bridge of my nose, is a mix of seal point and white colouration.

Since I'm still a kitten, the points on my legs and on my tail are very subtle. If you look closely, you can see that there are slightly darker than the rest of my body. It's hard to see in photos though. The points on my legs and feet are most noticeable when you can contrast them with the white patches (which are pink skin in a Sphynx). You can see this in the photo below.

Merlin's Points

The CFA Breed Standard has this to say about Pointed Colours in Sphynx:
POINTED PATTERN: point restricted colors show little or no color contrast between body and points in the mature Sphynx. Although born very light in color, the pointed Sphynx will darken and appear solid in color as an adult. Eye color: vivid blue. Nose leather and paw pads: appropriate to coat color. The pointed pattern may be combined with ANY other pattern (except mink) and ANY colors, e.g. lilac-silver lynx point and seal-tortie point with white (shown in the Bi-Color Class).
I hope this helps you understand a little bit more about the pointed colour in Sphynx. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

P.S. Some have commented that Merlin's colouring is sort-of like a snowshoe Siamese. Well, sort-of. Unlike a snowshoe, his white patches are found in various places across his body, not just restricted to certain areas. For example, Merlin has a strip of white across the top of his front shoulders / behind his neck. His sire and dam were also "and white" pointed Sphynx, with his dam being a red point and white, and his dam a blue point and white.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Dragonheart grooming Merlin
Dragonheart: Sundays are good days to groom your little brother. We are becoming good friends, and don't like to be separated from each other. We are fed in separate rooms, but when we are done eating, I come up to the door to the kitten nursery and start meowing and meowing. When the little guy finishes his meal, he sometimes meows too, unless he's too busy playing.

Dragonheart grooming Merlin(Click either photo to view a larger image)

Merlin: The big Sphynx seems obsessed with cleaning my ears! He likes to groom all of me, but he spends a lot of time on the ears. He really tries to get them clean. I don't mind it when he starts, but after a while, it gets to be a bit too much, since he keeps grooming and grooming and grooming. If I wasn't already bald, I'm sure he'd be licking my fur off! The big Sphynx also likes to disturb me when I'm using the litterbox. Twice in the past two days I have needed to be bathed because he's disturbed me when I'm doing my business, and so I've stepped in my poo and gotten poo all over my tail, legs and feet. And then the poo has gotten on the floor, the stairs, and the bedding. I wish he would let me use the litterbox in peace! Otherwise, I really like it here. I have lots of fun toys to play with, a big brother to wrestle with, and two humans to curl up with and purr for. The big Sphynx and I both sleep with the humans at night, and I really like that. I love to burrow under the covers, or curl up in an armpit! The humans really like my purr too! I even purr when the big Sphynx grooms me.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Photo Hunters: Messy



Opening Christmas gifts can be a very messy endeavour!

We didn't participate in the Photo Hunt last week, because my humans went to pick up my new little brother: Merlin! You can see him in the first photo below. He's a Seal Point and White Sphynx, with baby blue eyes, and he is 16 weeks old.

(Click either photo to view a larger version)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Double Frootbat Friday

Dragonheart(Click either photo to view a larger image)


I have to admit, the little guy is growing on me. I still have to show him who's boss, but he is fun to play with and to cuddle with. I do like grooming him, especially his ears. He certainly is a bundle of energy! He likes to play even more than I do, and that's saying something!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Secret Paws!

Our Secret Paws package was from Fat Eric! Thank you Fat Eric, we love our Secret Paws gifts! Here are 13 photos of our Secret Paws package and gifts!

1. Mail For Me!

2. My Secret Paws Package from Fat Eric

3. I have to wait and share it with my little brother?

4. The Christmas Card: "Cat Entertainment Centre"

5. Investigating one of the packages

6. Opening it!

7. The first package: A Santa Hat, My very own Christmas Stocking, and a great Catnip Sack with feathers!

8. I really like the catnip sack!

9. The second package: A Cat IQ Book, a Dyno-Mouse, and a package of two blue mousies! We haven't done all the tests in the IQ book yet, but so far, it's looking like I'm a genius!

10. The wrapping paper makes a great toy!

11. Merlin likes the Dyno-Mouse, even when it's still in the package!

12. Look at all this great stuff!

13. Thank you Fat Eric! We love our Secret Paws package!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Boxing Day & Meezer Rule Wednesday

Dragonheart and Merlin


I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas had a wonderful Christmas Day. Today is Boxing Day and the Second Day of Christmas. I must admit, I am getting used to the little guy. He is a cute little fellow, I will give him that, and he purrs like there's no tomorrow. The minute you touch him, he starts purring. My humans seem to love the fact that he purrs so easily. Although I like to purr, you do have to earn my purrs with a bit of petting or head rubs or chin scritches.

The little guy seems to be okay, though. I like curling up next to him when we are both napping - he gives off as much heat as I do. The only problem is that we have to share mom or dad's lap. I do like grooming him too. I still have to show him who's boss though, but he seems to recognize that I'm the one in charge here.

We both received lots of wonderful gifts for Christmas, including our fabulous Secret Paws package from Fat Eric. As soon as my mom downloads the photos off the camera, I will share them with you.

Anyhow, I think I'll get used to having this little kitten around. It is kinda fun having someone to boss around, although my humans won't let me get too rough with him.

Dragonheart and Merlin

This is my first Meezer Rule Wednesday! My rule is this: Always do your best to look cute. When you look cute and adorable, humans seem to forgive a multitude of mistakes! Looking cute while purring at the same time seems to work even better!

We celebrated something that they called Christmas yesterday! It was wonderful. I got to explore another room in the house - the family room! It was very exciting. The big Sphynx and I received lots of new toys to play with, and the big Sphynx and I even played together. We also napped together a couple of times. The big Sphynx seems okay, except he's always trying to groom me! My ears, face, back, belly, legs, tail, bum, and even my very private parts that I'm not sure I like having him groom! He also keeps attacking me at times, pinning me down and biting my neck, even though I'm on my back and showing him my belly. He hasn't hurt me, though, and a couple of times I've managed to get in a couple of bites on his ears.

Mom & Dad:

Well, the two boys seem to be getting along better, when they aren't trying to kill each other, that is. They have slept curled up next to each other several times now, and like to play together. Dragonheart loves grooming Merlin, all over, and Merlin seems to like most of it - he purrs when Dragonheart is grooming him, except when he gets to certain spots.

They seem to want to eat each other's food! Although we put them in separate rooms at mealtimes, if there's any left over, Dragonheart tries to eat Merlin's kitten food, and vice versa. It wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't for Dragonheart's food allergies.

Dragonheart seems to be the dominant "alpha" cat. At times he "attacks" Merlin, grabbing the kitten by the scruff of his neck with his teeth, and Merlin turns over onto his back and shows him his belly. From what we've read, this is normal behaviour, and as long as they aren't hurting each other, to let it happen. Merlin doesn't seem to try to run away or hide when this happens, he just growls or makes a funny little unhappy noise.

We are giving both of them lots of attention, and all of us are sleeping in the kitten nursery at night - Dragonheart curls up at our feet, or behind the knees of one of us, and Merlin seems to like being up next to a chest, or under and armpit!

Merlin is definitely a friendly little fellow. He seems to love humans even more than Dragonheart! Dragonheart loves being around people and meeting new people, and purrs easily, but you do have to earn his purrs. Merlin purrs at the slightest touch. He wants to always be either next to one of us or in a lap, except when he's running around like a crazy kitten, playing hard! He's even more energetic than Dragonheart was as a kitten, which is amazing! He just bounces around, attacking or playing with his toys, and running through the room. Like a typical kitten, he is either "go go go" or sleeping. No middle ground.

So the two boys are starting to get along, and hopefully things will continue to improve.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

A Merry Christmas from our family to yours. May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season!

Merry Christmas from Dragonheart and Merlin

Merry Christmas!

Joyeux Noël!

Fröhliche Weihnachten!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Meezer Monday & Merry Christmas!


Hello, I'm Merlin, and I've been told to introduce myself to you. My registered name is Miraclelove Bijan, but the big cats (oh, the other Sphynx here tells me they're humans) call me Merlin.

I'm a little guy, 15 weeks old, about half the size of the Sphynx already living here. This seems to be a nice place, although I miss my littermates - my brother and two sisters - and my mom. The big cats (humans) here are nice, and play with me a lot. I really like to play with the feather wand toy, and with the ball tracks! I love to purr, and I purr the minute one of the big cats (humans) touches me.

Merlin attacking the feather wand

I like my room, there are lots of toys, a huge scratching post, crunchies and water available all the time, soft food twice a day, and a nice litterbox. Plus lots of places to explore. I'm not too sure about the other Sphynx, who says him name is Dragonheart. He keeps trying to whap me, so I growl and hiss at him. We did manage to sleep within a foot of each other yesterday afternoon though. I curled up in the female's lap for a nap, and the other Sphynx curled up against her legs. That was fine. But awake, he keeps trying to whap me, so I growl and hiss.

Merlin, Dragonheart, and daddy's hand
When I'm not playing, I definitely prefer to curl up next to a big cat (human). I spend most of my time during the day playing, though. I spend the night sleeping, curled up next to one of the big cats (humans). If the other Sphynx stops whapping me, I'm sure I'll love it here.

Merlin playing with the ball track

Can you believe my humans brought a KITTEN into the house?!? He's in the cat room, climbing on my big cat tree (there's a smaller one in the family room), playing with my toys, and cuddling with my humans! Normally I'm a very friendly and tolerant guy, but I'm not sure I like having this kitten here.

I've tried whapping him to show him who's boss, but he just growls and hisses at me, and then carries on. My humans say we'll become friends in time, but I'm not so sure. I don't like sharing my humans with this kitten!

From all of us:

We would like to wish all those who celebrate a very Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Joyeux Noël!

Fröhliche Weihnachten!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Introducing Merlin!

Hello everyone! Dragonheart's mom here. I would like to introduce everyone to the newest member of our family, Merlin!

Merlin is a Seal Point and White Sphynx. He's 15 weeks old. He's absolutely adorable, very friendly and active, and has a wonderful loud, rumbling purr that starts the minute you pet him.

Sorry I didn't have time to post an introduction yesterday. It was a long day. We had to pick Merlin up at his breeder's place, which would normally be about a 2 hr 45 min drive, but because of highway construction and the accompanying slow traffic, the drive each way took just over 4 hours. Plus an hour spent at the breeder's getting to know Merlin and filling out his paperwork, and it made for a long day.

So yesterday we drove to Merlin's breeder's place, where we met the little fellow. The breeder put him in my lap, and he just curled up there, and after a while gave me a little purr. Once we were in the car on the way back home, he slept the entire way, curled up in his sleeping bag and under a fleece blanket (that had Dragonheart's scent on it).

We brought him home and placed him in the spare room, which we turned into a kitten nursery. We let him make his own way out of the carrier, then showed him his litterbox and food and water.

Merlin started exploring the room, looking into every nook and cranny, smelling everything, and playing with several of the toys in the room. He especially likes ball tracks and feather wands.

We briefly let him and Dragonheart meet each other. There was some hissing going on, and much to our surprise, Dragonheart seemed scared of Merlin!

The door to the kitten nursery has a large window in it. Dragonheart spent most of the rest of the evening standing at the door, looking in the window at Merlin. At bedtime, my husband slept in the spare room with Merlin, and I slept in our normal bed with Dragonheart.

This morning we let Merlin and Dragonheart meet again, and they hissed at each other, and Merlin growled at Dragonheart. We started playing with a feather wand toy, and Merlin had a great time playing, while Dragonheart just watched. Occasionally, Dragonheart would get ready to pounce, but he would just come close to Merlin, whap him with a paw, and then retreat. Merlin didn't seem fussed, he just kept playing!

So this morning, Merlin is having a great time, running through the room, playing with his toys. Dragonheart spends most of his time looking through the window into Merlin's room.

I know it will take some time for them to become friends, so we aren't rushing anything. We are very surprised that Dragonheart seems scared of Merlin though, and that he just sits at the door, looking in!

Merlin is very friendly. The minute you start petting him, he starts purring with a loud, rumbling purr. He doesn't have much of a meow yet, just a little squeak.

Here are some photos of the new little guy.

On the cat tree:

Next to the mouse track:

Using the scratching post:

Checking each other out through the window:

Friday, December 21, 2007

Frootbat Fashion Friday

Here I am wearing my fleece Santa hoodie. I like this top because it is very soft and warm, made of a wonderful fleece. I don't really need it's warmth, because we are having a very mild Christmas in Munich this year. There is no snow on the ground (we've had a few light snowfalls, but the snow has quickly melted after hitting the ground) and the daytime temperatures have been between freezing (0°C) and around +8°C.

Dragonheart under the Christmas Tree(Click photo to view a larger image)

To those who asked about our Christmas tree yesterday, there are two things you have to keep in mind when comparing North American and European power systems. There are two basic standards for voltage and frequency in the world. One is the North American standard of 110-120 volts at 60 Hz, and the other is the European standard of 220-240 volts at 50 Hz. There are also different plugs, that have different shapes.

Some electronic equipment, such as computers, camcorders, and other "high tech" equipment, have a built-in transformer, that will transform the voltage and frequency from one to another, so you can use North American equipment in Europe, and vice versa, as long as you have a plug adapter. Other pieces of electronic equipment (such as lamps, treadmills, most small kitchen appliances, etc.) do not have built-in transformers, and so if you want to use a North American appliance in Europe, or vice-versa, you not only need the plug adapter, you also need a transformer. Transformers can be tricky things to use at times, because you need to ensure that the polarity is correct, otherwise you can destroy your equipment or appliance.

So my humans can use their North American laptop and camcorder here in Germany, with only a plug adapter, since those two pieces of electronic equipment have a built-in transformer. All of the other electrical appliances in the house (all the lamps, the TV, treadmill, microwave, electric kettle, toaster, etc.) were bought in Germany, since they don't have built-in transformers, and so just using a plug adapter would damage or destroy the appliance.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: The Christmas Edition

Thursday Thirteen
#48 - 13 Things About Christmas This Year

  1. First, and most exciting, my humans go to pick up my new little brother on Saturday, so he will be here in time for Christmas!

  2. Hopefully the introductions will go well, and all four of us - me, my new little brother, and my human mom and dad - can all be together on Christmas Day.

  3. This will be my second Christmas. I celebrated my first Christmas last year, a month after my Gotcha Day.

  4. Dragonheart and the Christmas TreeWe only have a tiny artificial Christmas tree. Back in Canada, the tree my humans have has pre-installed lights, and so you need to plug it in. European and North American electrical systems are different, so they can't use their Canadian tree here. Since they are only in Munich for three years, they decided to just get a small tree to use for the three Christmases that they'll have in Munich. Besides, since I was a little kitten last Christmas, they figured a small tree would be safer too.

  5. My humans have always had an artificial tree, because my mom's sister has asthma and is very allergic to real evergreen trees. If she spends too much time in a house that has a real tree, she has real difficulty breathing. One Christmas Eve, when she and my mom were growing up, she had spent a lot of time in a house with a real tree, and she had to be rushed to the Emergency Room because she couldn't breathe!

  6. I like to help my humans wrap the presents. The ribbon in particular is a lot of fun to play with!

  7. Opening presents is a lot of fun too. I like to play with the paper, the ribbons and the bows, as well as the new toys, of course!

  8. There are already some Christmas presents under the tree for my little brother and I. But there are also some hidden someplace in the house.

  9. Dragonheart's Advent CalendarThis year I had my very own Advent Calendar! Every day, from December 1st until Christmas, I receive a little package of treats or a toy out of the calendar.

  10. I hope to receive some new toys, especially some wand toys, and hopefully some treats as well.

  11. My Secret Paws package arrived, and it is sitting under the tree! I will open it before Christmas, but my mom said I had to wait until my little brother is here before opening it. I guess that means I'll have to share.

  12. Starting Friday afternoon, my human dad has two weeks of vacation. This means that both of my humans will be home for two weeks (except when they go out running, or shopping) while my little brother gets used to our place and all of us! So both my human mom and dad will be here to make sure we are introduced properly and that we both receive lots of attention.

  13. Christmas is a wonderful time because I get to spend lots of time with both of my humans. I would like to wish all of my friends and their families who celebrate Christmas, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Frohe Weihnachten! Joyeux Noël!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Almost Wordless Wednesday: O Tannenbaum!

Dragonheart with the Christmas Tree(Click to view a larger image)

(For those who were asking, we get to pick my little brother up on Saturday! :) Yay! :) We are very excited! :) It will be a wonderful Christmas!)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: Then & Now

Cats on Tuesday Here are some Christmas photos from last year and this year. Last year at Christmas time I was still a kitten, just 5 months old. This year I'm a grown cat, 17 months old. (Click any of the photos to view a larger image)

Last Year:

Dragonheart under the Christmas tree 2006

This Year:

Dragonheart under the Christmas tree 2007

Last Year:

Dragonheart under the Christmas tree 2006

This Year:

Dragonheart under the Christmas tree 2007
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Monday, December 17, 2007

Mancat Monday

Mancats are adept at seeking out warmth. In this photo, I am curled up on top of the radiator in the family room. Although it's been fairly warm in Munich, my mom was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and she's always cold. So she normally has the radiator on in the family room (her desk for studying and working on the computer are in the family room). My mom noticed that I was climbing up onto the radiator to lie on top of its warmth, and so she placed the soft blanket that Latte, Kaze and Chase sent to me on top of the radiator. Of course, I prefer to curl up in a nice warm human lap, but when one isn't available, the radiator is a good spot to lie down.

Dragonheart asleep on the radiator(Click photo to view a larger image)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Easy Like Sunday Morning

In this photo, I am curled up in my mom's lap, partially wrapped up in a nice, warm fleece blanket. And yes, my head is hanging upside down. :) I'm comfortable this way. :)

Dragonheart napping(Click photo to view a larger image)

A bunch of you have asked about my little brother. He gets his second set of vaccinations this week, and if he is fine after them, we'll pick him up on Saturday! (Well, my humans will.) If he has a reaction to the vaccinations, we'll pick him up a week later. We are very excited and hope he will be joining our family next Saturday (the 22nd).

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Photo Hunters: Small



As you can see in this photo (especially if you click to view a larger image), I have very small, tiny whiskers. All Sphynx either have no whiskers, or very short, sparse ones. I understand that whiskers are important to other cats, but we Sphynx get along just fine without them. We Sphynx do not suffer for our lack of whiskers. As to why, no one knows! But even when it is dark out, Sphynx have no problems getting around, we get our bearings easily, we don't bump into furniture, we don't try to fit into spaces that are too small for us, and we love acrobatics of all sorts. We are very agile cats. So this is one fact about Sphynx that remains a mystery!


Friday, December 14, 2007

Frootbat Fashion Friday

In these photos, I am wearing my new, warm Christmas sweater and I am on my beautiful holiday Gizzy quilt.

Dragonheart wearing his winter sweater
The sweater is a little big, but it is still comfortable.

Dragonheart wearing his winter sweater
There is a snowflake on the back of it!

Dragonheart wearing his winter sweater(Click a photo to view a larger image)

It hasn't been very cold in Munich yet this year (thank goodness) so I don't really need to wear the sweater, but it does look nice, I think. :)