We both love the sun! :) It feels so good on our bare skin. :) See the green grass in our yard behind us? Munich is having a very mild winter. It has been very warm. We've had no real snow to speak of - a little bit of snow has fallen a couple of times this winter, but it's melted as soon as it hits the ground! We don't mind, and our humans certainly don't mind! The mild weather is much better for them for running!
(Click photo to view a larger image)We have been presented with two awards this week!
First, the darling
Miss Peach presented us with the
Caring Cat Award. Thank you Miss Peach! We are honoured!
We would like to pass this along to everyone who left us a kind message when Dragonheart was ill in early January. You are all so caring and compassionate!
Samantha and Tigger awarded us
This Blog is Rated E for Excellence Award. Thank you Sam and Tigger! It is an honour!
We would like to pass this award along to
Miss Peach,
Mickey, and
Artsy Catsy.
Tags: Frootbat, Frootbat Friday, Caring Cat Award, This Blog is Rated E for Excellent, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, hairless cat, hairless kitten, kitten, Sphynx kitten
Congratulations on your awards~
You both are very very well derserved~!!!!!
And very great sunshine on your skin~!!!! I can see you both are very happy~!
The sun does feel very wonderful! I love to bask in it. Congratulations on your awards!
Oh Brother thank you for the E award! I am so happy that you have chosen to pass on the Caring award in such a sweet and creative way!! SOOOO many kitties should have it show up on their blog now YEAH!!
No snow? WOW the weather pattern sure is changing all over the world. We used to have so much snow in Bavaria when I lived there. Tonight I am sleeping on your Meezer pad:)
Much love...Peachy
We love to laze around in the sun too. And eat the grass. Congratulations on your Awards!
Congratulations on your award. I like your cats, they look extraordinary :D
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That sun on your skin looks SO warm! Mmmmmmmmmm!! I see that grass outside and I want it! heehee
We have had lots of rain and yesterday,Mom went outside and gor me some grass! it was cold but good :)
There is another storm coming,but we will be getting more rain :)
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: Thank you so much for the award!! :)
Concatyoolayshuns on your awards.
The sun and the grass look very nice and make us think that Spring is on the way.
That's a super handsome picture of you two. I'm jealous of your sunshine. We haven't had a sunspot here in weeks! You guys are soooo lucky.
Congratulations on your awards. We love the sunshine too. Naps in sunbeams are heavenly!
you both look very cute!
concatulations on your awards! very well deserved
It warms me up just to see a picture of sunshine!
I am wondering what it would be like to lounge in the sun with no furs....I bet it feels extra wonderful!
Oh my goodness, what a beautiful picture of the two of you today! I absolutely love it! I adore the sunshine. We just got 7 inches of snow last night and Willow and I are very happy to be indoor kitties! And congratulations on your awards too!
Purrrrrs, China Cat
Congratulations with the awards, boys!!
A beautiful photo of you both in the window en enjoying the sun!
The winter here is also too warm, but I've seen so much rain the last days that I'm not sure what is better, cold or rain...
Headbutts & Purrs
Lucky for you guys to have some green grass, they are announcing 30 cm of snow by tomorrow morning and it is already accumulating pretty quickly! I need sun & heat!
Congratulations on your awards! You two look so great!
Congratulations on your awards :-D Have a great weekend!
Oh that was a really sweet picture of the two of you!
Concats on your awards!
Congratulations on your awards! I think that this is my favorite picture of you both so far. That sunshine looks lovely! It is all cloudy and rainy here today. Sigh.
Now you have company so you aren't lonely when the leave the house to run, Dragonheart.
Congratulations on your well-deserved awards! And we're so honored that you've passed the Excellent Award on to us!
Thank you, our friends!
& everykitty at Artsy Catsy
I like the mild weather too but I also like the snow. Congratulations on your awards. FAZ
Congratulations on your awards you both deserve them we think! Also, our winter is sometimes bad and sometimes good in the UK. Today was very sunny and Caesar slept in the sun but yesterday was cold and rainy and momma did not leave the house. They had snow storms up north!
ConCATulations on your awards :) Glad yoo founded a good sun spot!
Sanjee and the Hotties
Hey, Dragonheart & Merlin,
Looks like we're a bit late, but we gave you an award.
It's nice you're having a mild winter. We love the sun too.
jans funny farm
Glad you are having a mild winter. It was snow, then snow/rain/mix, then freezing rain, now rain. Yuk!
I think I will go snuggle under some blankets. Wake me when it is spring.
PS Congrats on the award. You guys really are "E" for EXCELLENT!
Roxy & Lucky
Wowie, whatta beeyootiful pickshure of you two inna sun! And conCATulashuns on yur awardies! They are so very well-deserved -- you two are magnifficunt mancats!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Concatulations on yoor awards and dat piksher made mom say awwwwww.
Oh lots of congratulations on your two awards...you deserve them both, but especially the Caring Cat one...because you are!
I bet the sun feels lovely on your bare skin...I like it on my bare skin...although it's not a pretty sight! Glad you're having such a mild winter...rather nice for a change.
No snow? The Woman says when she was little they always had snow in Munich during winter. She liked it when she was little, but we live in CA now to avoid the evils of the white stuff...
Happy Frootbat Friday, Dragonheart and Merlin! You are such fabulous kitties. And congratulations on your awards -- they are so well deserved!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
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