Merlin: Dragonheart and my humans tell me I'm being "fixed" today, even though I'm not broken! I haven't had anything to eat since before bedtime last night, so I'm very hungry! I will be broken soon if they don't hurry up and feed me!!! Dragonheart's tried explaining this "fixing" business, but what he's saying doesn't make any sense to me! Anyhow, in the photo below, you can really see my Seal Point points on the bridge of my nose, and the white patches that go along with it! You can see how dark the fur on the bridge of my nose is, along with the white "blaze" that goes diagonally across my face from between my eyes to just below my left eye. My cheeks also have white patches (which shows up as pink skin where I don't have fur).
Don't forget, voting has opened in Monty's Who do You Love contest! You can see our entries here:
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Finally, you can send us a Valentine!

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Finally, you can send us a Valentine!
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Good luck, Merlin, we'll be purring fur you. we's got some mancats here that will be getting fixed soon.
Purrs, KC
Oh Merlin, I wish you good luck! After your fixing you will get some food, I am sure!
Don't worry, Merlin.
It will be quick~!
I am sure you still be a mancat, And you will have many things to eat by them~!
Ooh, poor Merlin - I wishes you luck. I has been fixed too, when I was abouts your age. I don't miss my boy-baubles at all, and neither will you. Happy MM!
I bet you get a lot of treats when it's all over!
We're purring for you Merlin!
Oh your poor boy Merlin, 12+ hrs without food would certainly break me! I hope your trip to the vets isn't too traumatic and that you're back home snuggling with your brother soon! :)
Oh Merlin, we are praying and purring for you today. Wishes for a quick recovery!
Dragonheart, enjoy your time alone cause Merlin will be back chasing you very soon!
Ooh my eyes are wartering at the thought of you getting fixed today Merlin... I hope you're home again soon and have a nice big dinner too! :)
Oops. Mom logged in with her blog. Sometimes she doesn't pay attention. Sorry!
Merlin, we've both been fixed and there's nothing to worry about. We got extra snuggles when we came home! Boy Baubles are highly over-rated.
Aw, poor Merlin, I hope you recover quickly and get lots of treats and snuggles:) xxx
Oh my. I will purrr fr you Merlinsweetie.
You two are such wonderful kitties.
Last night I showed my daddy all of your pictures. That made him happy.
Love and purrs
Poor Merlin, no food and mancatly bit OR. You'll be back soon with hugs, kisses and lots of food. Then you can have a good rest with dragonheart.
Good luck to you little dude! You'll be just fine. And after, you'll get a snack and lots of cuddles. Getting rid of our hoo-has was the best - Dad felt so sorry for us that he fawned all over us for days. It rocked!
DH, enjoy your mom time today. :)
EG and Titus
Dragonheart, iffen Merlin's dopey still tomorrow we could always let the ladycats play ickle baby kittnes with him! ;) I'm sure he'd really appreciate all those ladycats wanting to clean him... *giggle*
Oh poor Merlin. Sending big hugs from, Darien, Kali and Pan-Kitty. Our cats all wish you an easy and swift recovery.
Oh little Merlin I'd be totally honored if you gave me a valentine and I would love to return the favor!! I'm sure things will go smoothly for you today. I did notice your little hoo-ha sack recently and was thinking it was getting to be about time ;).
Enjoy your day with Mom ,Dragonheart :) Good luck Merlin,even though you're not broken ;)
You are both fine looking Mancats!!!
Purrs Mickey
Merlin - oh the getting "fixed" day...ugh! We will be sending you purrs today.
Thanks you guys for coming by and sending me healing purrs for my eye. It good to have friends!! My eye is going better today. Mom and dad caught the problem before it got really bad.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
[shakes head sadly] Another hoohah-ectomy...
Hoping Merlin has no problem with his operation and that he's home with his family soon.
By now you are probably already done. I hope you are waking up well and heartily and ready to tell the vet clinic what for! You go Merlin. Purrs.
I hope everything goes okay for you Merlin. We all gotted fixed too and we weren't broken either!
Merlin, you are getting fixed so that you cannot make kittens. This is a good thing because you really don't want kittens and while you are not broken now, if you do not get fixed, you will develop health problems later in life. So it is a good thing. Lots of Cats get fixed, it's nothing to worry about.
My best wishes for you today, Merlin.
Good luck, little Merlin! Do not worry, you will not even notice "they" are gone...
Fixed? Why do you have to be fixed when you're not broken? The Giant Kitty told me I'll have to be fixed one day in the future as well, but how will he know I'm going to get broken? I'm going to try very hard not to get broken! I hope everything goes well. Not having anything to eat is no fun though.
Everything will be ok Merlin, we just know it! Fixing goes by real fast!
Merlin, we hopes you is home mow and feelig ok. you are really starting to look meezerish
We'll be pulling (purring) for Merlin.
Good luck, Merlin! I'll be purring for you.
The whole "fixing" thing doesn't take long, and the worst bit about it is the not getting fed. You'll be ok.
You are looking very meezerish today!
Nothin' to it Merlin! You will be tearing around the house tonight!
Oh Merlin!!! I feelz fur you man. Yikes!!!! But I know you will be better quickly & den homez wit your big bro.
I wants to tank you two fur purrin' fur Delilah dis weekend. Here iz a message from her:
Thank you so much for visiting while I was so very ill. Mommy thinks I almost died Friday night, so I am rebounding quickly. Mommy now believes I might be allergic to a wasp sting. It was nice to hear that all the kitties of the blogosphere were purring & praying. It helped me to have heart, and my mommy was so appreciative for all of the love.
We hope you will join us for Dr Tweety's Valentine's cruise. More details will be posted later.
Many blessings,
Good luck Merlin - we'll be purring for you!
Both Bert and I did it and it wasn't too bad, plus your mommy and daddy will fawn all over you and take special care of you after!
Good luck Merlin, I'm sure everything will go just fine. I also hope you get to eat soon, being hungry is no fun at all!
Poor Merlin... Well most of us hafta go thru that one way or anofer. Still, remember Dragonheart, that Merlin wont be real happy when he comes home. At least I 'member that I wasnt. So be nice to him. ;)
Merlin, you're almost all growed up now! You're in our thoughts today,
Auntie Spooker
and the rest of the furries from
Purrchance To Dream
Oh gosh, yoor gonna be on yoor way to being a true mancat now. Purring dat it all goes well.
Merlin you'll be home and fed before you know it!! We'll be purrring for you!
Your FL furiends,
DH, I want to say that every time I stop over, your blog has an awesome new look! It just keeps getting better and better! Nice work! Enjoy the day with your Mom.
Merlin, I think this means that you're very close to being a Big Man Cat now. We've all had our hoo-haas removed, so do not worry.
Thinking the best thoughts for you today, Merlin!
purring for you Merlin! No worries little guy, most mancats get this done at some point. Bendrix and I did and we're just fine! you won't even miss your, um, well, you know.
When you get home, there will be lotsa extra snuggles and lovin from your beans too. maybe not extra foods until tomorrow tho. then eat like crazy!
Good Lucks Merlin, I hopes you gets your food soon. Dragonheart, it was very kind of you to try to explain to your brother what "fixed" means. He'll know soon enough what it means though. :)
Good luck Merlin. I got fixed when I wasn't broken too. Mombean says we have it easier then the girls, so we should be happy.
Oh, poor little Merlin - we are purring for you today! We bet you will get treated and spoiled after the "fixing" is over! And, Dragonheart, have fun with your mom today!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Merlin should be all fixed and home by now? We hope he isn't hurting or anything - we'll check back later!
You will be OK Merlin. Purrs that you get home soon to play with Dragonheart.
Good luck with the "fixing"! You'll get plenty of treats after.
Oh poor little Merlin - this comment is a bit late, so we're hoping that you're safely back home by now. Remember to beg for extra treats as your mom and dad might be feeling a bit guilty after what they've put you through. You'll be fine afterwards though it doesn't hurt to go for a few extra treats if you can.
Gypsy & Tasha
I got fixed when I was a kitten too. I never did find out what was broken. Did they tell you?
Hope all is well with the fixing, nd you get to eat after.
Roxy & Lucky
Oh, we hope everything went okay. We will be thinking about you all.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
HI Merlin, we hope your procedure went well. We had our fixing done at a very young age too and it was fine. We don't even miss 'em, buddy!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Dragonheart and Merlin,
Best wishes to both of you and your parents! Hope that Merlin has a speedy recovery from his hoohaectomy and that he gets to eat again soon!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
We hope your hoohahectomy went smoothly! Hope you got to eat too!
~Donny, Casey, Marie
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