As you can see in this photo, we have two sleeping bags.

Despite this, we often try to fit together into the same bag, even though it's a tight fit!

The daily adventures of four Sphynx: Dragonheart, a black and white tuxedo; Merlin, a blue lynx point and white fighting large cell lymphoma; Devi, a black and white rescue; and Chloe, a crazy tortoiseshell.
I really like Merlin's plaid sleeping bag. I am so happy that both of you like each other so much now that you curl up together in the same bag. Merlin really is almost as big as you now, Dragonheart.
Aww you look so happy together. A pair of utter sweeties you two are!
Oh, my Goodness! Could you guys look any cuter?! Or is that is the Best Brother picture we've ever seen!
Oh, you two look so cute all squished together in one sleepin' bag!
You two are so cute in your sleeping bags!
BTW, we can now see your blog with Firefox and a better wireless connection. Yay! (Still crashes with Explorer though)
You two might need a double sleeping bag,heehee
Body heat is the best!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Wow! That is a tight fit! Great sleeping bags though.
Luf, Us
Oh, we love your sleeping bags, and you look so cute in them! We Artsy Catsy kitties don't usually like to get that close to each other ... do you think if our mom shaved our furs we might like snuggling together?
That is soooo sweet! We are so happy that you two became such good friends! And it seems to me that Merlin might out-grow Dragonheart???
those sleeping bags are brilliant! I want one! Now! I think it is very amusing that your little brother insists on joining you. It is much the same in my house - he knows the millie bed is MINE but still insists on sharing. Hmph. x
Oopss.. I accidentally pasted your photo in my CATSOPHERE magazine this week. Hehehe...
By the way, I loved those sleeping bags. They sure look comfortable :)
Summertime -
mieew said Rosa and Felicia
- we don't care.
Breakfast is breakfast
Dinner is Dinner.
We follow the Sun.
They got their daily Pollock around 5 pm. Half an hour later than usual according to Sun Time.
Mieeooow . it's raining and blowing outside. And we got 1/2 p-pill. Think our humans will pay for an operation preventing us for having kittens. Mieeuw
Maybe yoo need to open da seams on dem sleeping bags and join dem together...or get a double sleeping bag! Den yoo could each haf yoor own and one dat yoo guys can share, cuz yoo is furry cute sharing dat sleeping bag and we bet it's really warm and comfy.
Ya both look so brotherly packed inta 1 sleepin bag like that, but maybe a slightly larger bag would let both of ya get alla way in! :)
My Mommie made a million sqeaky sounds after seeing the picture of you both in the same sleeping bag. Now Mommie is really saying that she is going to shave me down so that I can be a cute naked little cat like Dragonheart and Merlin!
Holy cats, that's a tight squeeze!
Oh those are wonderful sleeping bags. I do not have a sleeping bag. I wonder if I would like one?
Ah, so you all do daylight savings time too? What is it for I'd like to know! Every six months we spring forward or fall back and it doesn't make any sense to any of us, beans nor four footed felines.
You two look so cute jammed in one sleeping bag together.
We noticed in Riley and Tiki's comment that they had been getting the same problem as us. Must be an IE problem.
You too looks so cute cuddling together in the same sleeping bag! It must be very warm in there for you. :-) Enjoy your Sunday, and hopefully you won't have too much trouble adjusting to the new time.
Oh, there is nothing like sleeping together, all nice and warm. You two look so cute. Mom wondered if anyone else had daylight savings time.
There goes Momma again, hehe, you two adorabble fellers made her say SQUEE!
Yur sleepin baggies are so kool, and we just LOVE the pickshure of you two all snuggle-dy-bugged up in one bag togethur.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
What great looking sleeping bag you have! We don't have anything nearly as nice here. Dragonheart and Merlin have to be the closest brothers I have come across. Way to go!
Oh, Dragonheart and Merlin -- that picture of you two snuggled together in the same bag is just the cutest thing I've ever seen! What loving, adorable brothers you are -- such snugglebugs!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Well, it's more cozy and cuddly when there's another warm body next to you! So cute!
That last picture of you two is the cutest!
You two look very cute snuggled together - we like to do that too. We agree with everyone else tho - we think it is time for a double... especially if Merlin is supposed to get bigger that Dragonheart.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Those sure are nifty sleeping bags you got there! You look so cute cuddled up together!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
You need a double sleeping bag!
Oh, we love your sleeping bags, they are adorable! How cute that you snuggle together into one!!
Oh that hour ahead thing made DKM very cranky in the morning, watch your mum!
That is such a cute photo of you two. I am so glad you love each other that much!
It's good that you guys are so flexible so that you can both fit into one bag!
You guys look so cute in your sleeping bags. Momma said SQUEE!
I hope your mom and dad don't have as much trouble with the time change as Momma does. hee hee
I bet it's warmer when you're in one together ;-)
You are two beauties!
Dragonheart & Merlin you two look so cute squished together in that sleeping bag!!
Your FL furiends,
I likes your sleeping bags!
oh my. They look so cute together in the bag. Did you put them in or they snuggled in by themselves?
oh my. They look so cute together in the bag. Did you put them in or they snuggled in by themselves?
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