Merlin: Guess what? I got to go outside for the first time yesterday!!! It was very exciting! It was nice and sunny and warm here (+18
°C) so my mom decided to take me out in our Garten (yard)! It was very exciting! There were lots of interesting smells in the air! The grass also felt very strange on my feet - I've never felt grass before!
I had a lot of fun exploring outside, and I can't wait to go out again! My mom says that once I stop growing, she'll buy me a nice soft Puppia harness like Dragonheart has!
For those of you who can't view video, I'm included some photos of my outdoor adventure below. You can also access a different copy of the video here.

Tags: Movie Monday, Meezer, Meezer Monday, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, hairless cat, hairless kitten, kitten, Sphynx kitten
Wow ! you must have had a lot of fun ! Rosie was a little afraid of the grass when she went outside for the first time.
Oh Merlin, you got to go Outside! You were very, very brave, too. It looks like it was a beautiful day to be outside.
Very Good Merlin~!
I can see you enjoy going outside very much~!!!
I love that video and I really think sunshine is good for your skin and healthy~!!!
You are so great on the grass~!!!!!
Great movie!!
Oh yes walkies outside is just the best! I shall now go and add that to my list of demands! ;)
We enjoyed watching your video Merlin. We can see you liked the outdoors.
Outside is wonderful Merlin! You look as if you really enjoyed yourself. Maybe I can go out on the deck soon.
Way to go, Merlin, you look like you were having such fun exploring! Enjoyed the little movie of you and love that song by The Beatles, one of my favorites!
Hi there, we're back with a question!
What are Goa'uld eyes? Fanks!
how very exciting Merlin!! you look very nice in the blue harness
That is great that you got out for the first time. You are very brave. Looks like you had perfect weather for your adventure.
~Goldie and Shade
Oh Merlin!! Your first time outside! You looked a bit unsure of the grass :) I bet it was a new feeling on your toes. I think you will want to go out again sometime.
Purrs Mickey
How exciting Merlin! Your very first time outside. I was a little scairt my very first time outside!
Merlin you looked a bit scared of the grass. Did it hurts your feets any? I hasn't been outside since my Mommy Beans found me so I can't remember whats grass feels like.
Oh, Merlin! How exciting for you! We remember our first time outside. We were much older than you! Grayson was 3 years old and Gandalf was 2 before we ever went outside. It was wonderful, wasn't it?! So many things to sniff and chew on!
Oh this is really cute and very cool!
Merlin is a good boy!
Happy Monday Merlin and DH
Congratulations Merlin - your first trip outside! It looks like you really enjoyed it.
It's great to be outside in spring. I hope for you the weather will not change again so quick.
You look like you had great fun Merlin! Where was Dragonheart? Whenever I go out with my lead without Kavan, he goes nuts!
Wow! What a great adventure you had! Did the grass tickle your toesies??
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Wow! Isn't it just cooooool to get to go out?
I wove to go out too!
That looks beautiful Merlin! What a lucky cat.
How exciting! I'm so glad we got to see your first trip outside. You look like you're having lots of fun. What a pretty day you had.
How exciting that you got to go outside Merlin! I love going outside! But I also like coming into the house though, so I can have good foods and comfortable places to rest, as well as all my toys and treats.
Outside in the warm sun is great, isn't it Merlin! That grass does take some getting used to, but is lovely to lie down in the shade on the grass on hot sunny days!
Wow!!! Looks like you had a very big adventure!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
It looks like you had a fun time Merlin! Grass feels funny on the feet doesn't it...
Oh Merlin, how exciting that you got to go outside! Doesn't the grass feel nice on your toesies?!
How exciting, Merlin! Did your big brother DH get to go outside, too?
Grass feels kinda weerd at first, doesn't it Merlin! Yoo must be a furry brave mancat, Speedy freaks out when mom just tries to put his harness on.
Merlin, I can tell that you've been practicing with your harness. It didn't make you go boneless or anything! You are very, very brave.
That looks like lots of fun :-D
I want to go outside now!!!
Me too, Monty - outside NOW! ... well, when it stops storming. Merlin, even though the grass tickles your toes, you'll grow to love it!!
We liked your movie, Merlin, of you outside in your yard. After you get over the newness of grass 'n smells, you will want to go out again and again. We are a bit envious of your 18C. temps. You didn't even need a coat.
Mindy & Moe
How neat. Jenny used to tell us about Jan taking her and her sister outside in a harness but we live too close to a road here. That looks like such fun.
Out side is fun! We may have to watch our step now when we play in the backyard. :p ~Queen Snickers
Wow, that must have been a lot of fun. That must have been different, stone tile, grass. Glad you had fun. But trust me, when it is 10 degrees F out and you need to pee and it is pouring rain, it is NO fun.
I meant snow, not rain, but I think you get the idea.
Cool Merlin, your first outside Adventure! It looked like you had a wonderful time! Your grass looks very green!
Your FL furiends,
Watch owt yoo don't gets a sunburn! Da sun is furry strong dis time of year efun tho it don't seem like it.
How wonderful Merlin! You are very courageous! And soooo big! You don;t even look like a kitten anymore... but neither does Emil, hahahahahahaahahhaha
What a beautiful day to be out! I do envy you. SS is keeping me inside and wouldn't let me out at all.
Looks like you had fun out there Merlin.
hi Merlin! that looks fun. your harness is just like the Figaro's.
How exciting Merlin!!! I'm so jealous that you get to go outside right now. You look like you really like it.
What a lovely cat.
there's a new update on the cat stalker situation. Please have a look.
Oh wow, outside! Lucky kitty! I want to try to take our kitties outside, but I don't think they would like the leash thing.
Merlin that looks like a lot of fun! Your grasses are very green! I am not good at walking on my harness...I just sort of sit.
Cool, Merlin, ya walkd on GRASS! I found that soo 'citin just last month!
It appears that you don't like the feel of grass on your toesies. That's ok. It takes some getting used to. We only tolerate it because it means we are outside in our enclosure.
Luf, Us
Great job exploring there, li'l buddy! You have a great soundtrack, too.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Merlin - it looks like you had a great time outside. We hope you get to go out again soon.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
The cat looks so scared in the photographs. Looked like a little baby learning to walk.
Hehe, you look very confused in the grass! But it looks like lots of fun. We can't wait until we can do that.
Oh cool, Merlin! You've done something I've never done -- touch grass. How did it feel? Did it smell like bugs?
Yay for you, Merlin! You look like you were having a good time sniffing in your garden!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
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