Saturday, April 05, 2008

Photo Hunters: Glass



We both love to sit in front of our large glass windows and feel the nice warm sun on our skin!



Lisa said...

Even though I'm not a cat I love to do that too. Enjoy your weekend.

Sarge Charlie said...

careful, you could get sunburn

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cats!

Randi said...

My cat also love to sit in front of the window! Nice take on the theme!

jams o donnell said...

Aww I love your translucent ears. Og to have your lives! Happy weekend

MaR said...

Awww, how cozy! (and I wish I had such clean windows, lol!)
Lovely shots, glad you liked mine.
Happy PH and happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

You look very warm and comfy - isn't glass useful.

 gmirage said...

might hurt the skin! What a lovely thing to do!Sunbathing by the window!=) Happy Weekend!

imac said...

Beautiful and cute.Great post for PH Glass.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Nice way of spending the afternoon :) Lazing by the sun rays and taking a nap :P

Anonymous said...

Are you sure that the Ozon layer is ok over you???? if you are not sure then don't sit over there.

Jersey - The Furry Diva said...

Ooooh... we share the same hobby!
I love sitting in fornt of our large windows, too.

Happy Hunting!

Anonymous said...

The huge windows are a purrfect place to stay cozy and warm!

Schoenes Wochenende!

Ingrid said...

My cats love that too !

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Ach, ain't you both exquisite creatures - glass or no glass!

Have a great weekend.

Daisy said...

The more glass, the better! Full length glass is the very best.

Anonymous said...

Ouh.. I will never sit in front of the glass just like that. It is very hot in my country. No winter whatsoever (= haha.. happy weekend (=

david mcmahon said...

Glad you liked my stained-glass windows post. You would like our weather at the moment - it's autumn here in Australia!!

Dragonstar said...

All cats like to be warm and comfy, and you two look both!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Sunspots in front of windows are the best aren't they! I wish we had them, but even if the blinds are open, Vishus Deer Hill blocks most of the morning sun and then the sun goes to the other side of the building. Sigh.


What do your meezer meows sound like?


Liz Hinds said...

Yes, I can just feel the warmth on my back from your photos! Lovely.

By the way, George says, 'Woof,' (in a friendly way!)

Pumpkin said...


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You look very nice sitting in the window in the sun. The windows make the sun feel lovely and warm, even if it is cold outdoors.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure this post will create buzz for your blog in's very intersting and i enjoy it very much.keep it up.thaks for the post.

Mr. Tigger in Cat-Lands said...

Hi Dragonheart & Merlin! You two looked very relaxed and sunshiney today. I love the sun on my furs, too!
Hi 5 paw,

Cindy said...

Ricky will be jealous of you being able to sit in your windows like that. We don't have a ledge big enough for him to lay his fat self on.
My glass photos are

Samantha & Mom said...

Wow, those are beautiful pictures of you Dragonheart & Merlin sitting in the sun in front of the GLASS windows! I love the sunshine on my furs, too! (Sam)
Your FL furiends,

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww, I see contentment!!!

My 'glass' is shared, I sure hope you can find time to drop by for a visit if you haven't already.

Happy Saturday to you, and happy hunting!!!

Melli said...

Yes indeed! And TALK to the birds - right? Mmm hmm!

Leslie said...

We like to sit in the window too, soaking up rays of sunshine. It's autumn here now - sometimes we get the electric blanket turned on!

Unknown said...

I bet is a beautiful place to chill!

Great photos!

Happy hunting!

Unknown said...

Cute post!
Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

Looks like she loves it there and won't give up that space for you. He he.

Anonymous said...

Ah it must be really comfy. :)

Ana said...

Huge class windows are great for sunbathing. Have a sunny weekend!

Anonymous said...

I love wide glass windows also!

Mickey's Musings said...

I think big GLASS windows are the best fo sun snoozing :)
It looks so cozy,warm there too ;)
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...

I wish we have that in our house.Maybe soon! Glass windows are expensive!

CRIZ LAI said...

Awww... sunbathing time. Can I join in? :P

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Hello Handsome boys!!!
Happy sunny Saturday

Isis said...

You two look great there sunning by the patio door!

Anonymous said...

I love those pictures of the cats baskings in the sun. My dogs do that too.

Anonymous said...

Smokey spends lots of time in front of windows too, talking to the birds. I enjoy the sunshine like that on a cold day. Good shots!
Thanks for sharing.
Mama Bear

Carver said...

Great take on the theme. I love the warmth in front of glass doors and windows, especially when it's in the winter.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

You boths look very handsome in your piccys. I enjoy the suns alot too. It feels so warm and cozy on the furs!

Anonymous said...

You two handsome boys look very cosy in front of the warm glass. My Liberty loves sunning herself by the window, too. Have a lovely, purry weekend.

Anonymous said...

A lovely place to bask in the sun!

And I see you've joined Entrecard too, so welcome :)

Boy said...

Do you guys need some sungwasses?

LibertyBelle said...

Ahhh...nothing like the warmth of the Spring sun through the glass!
happy weekend

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dh,
fer sum time i wuz unable to open yer paje ... but today ... success! an i'm glad becuz dere iz lotz to see espeshullee how big an hansum merl iz gettin.
luv--yer grate frend--jh
pee ess--it'z baseball seezun heer ... i hope yer warin yer yankee cap! (laffin)

Cecil the Cougar: said...

It is very important to wear sun screen when sun bathing, you do not want to get burnt to a crisp like when my Mommie tries to make biscuits. I wish those little biscuits would wear sunscreen too!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Basking in the sun is one of lifes greatest pleasures!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the sunshine through the windows too!

Happy Weekend.

PastormacsAnn said...

Nothing beats a sunny window! Cute picks for "glass." You look very comfortable and warm!

-tnchick- said...

My Nixie loves to sun, too - beautiful photos, as always.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh you look so lovely there in the window! I think you are the best part of that glass photo!

DK & The Fluffies said...

There is nothing like a nice sunspot to rest in.

Parker said...

Hi Guys! I like to think of glass as kitty TV! I love watching out windows and chittering at the birds and stuff.
I get to go out on the deck today!
ps - you are A+++++ in my book!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You boys look so comfy in your nice big window of sun!

~ Noah

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You two look very cozy sitting in the sun! That picture of Merlin really shows how much he has grown!

jmb said...

I'm sure it warms you up and I see you are sitting on your Gizzy quilts. Have a good weekend.

Babs (Beetle) said...

We love the warm sun. A fire is a good alternative in the winter. Do you have to be careful in the sun as you have no fur? I hope not.

Purrs Sukie, Livvie & Mitzi X

Anonymous said...

My dogs love to do that :)

Thanks for visiting.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

What handsome boys - er I mean Big Man Cats - you are!! You look like royalty in those photos.

The Devil Dog said...

We like thta too, when there is sun. Right now, the sun is coming in and out, and it is not warm. phooey.


tommie said...

Great interpretation of this weeks' theme.

I don't think I have ever seen a hairless cat!

Thanks for visiting my hunt. Happy weekend.

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Sun spots are the greatest! We are so glad to see you are enjoying yours!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We wanted to drop by and say hi. We didn't do a photo hunt this week. Love your idea for it. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

Frances said...

Beautiful cats! I love those shots.

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

We think it is really cool how your ears are translucent in the sun when you sit by your glass window!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

maryt/theteach said...

Dragonheart, I'm getting to like bare-naked cats! How pretty with the sun shining on you! :D

gaj38 said...

great pics looks very cosy!
view mine if you wish here

Andree said...

I can feel the warmth of that sun in your photos. I wish I felt it here, tho. Lovely photos of the two of you as always. Merlin is quite a handsome young man now!

CastoCreations said...

What gorgeous creatures!!! :)

Teena in Toronto said...

Nice place to catch rays!

I played too :)

Heather said...

Love both shots but the second is just perfect!

Anna said...

Absolutely beautiful. Great shot.. What a cutie, thanks for sharing...
Mine is up
Every Beat Of My Heart
A Little Bit Of Everything

4 Boys and a Lady said...

You both look so handsome in your photos!

Anonymous said...

Both beautiful shots! Of course it helps that the subjects are so stunning ;) I particularly enjoy the light shining through their ears. lol

Sunny's Mommy said...

You two look very, very warm in front of the glass. Right now I wish I had a warm glass to be in front of. It's chilly here today and cloudy. Bbrrrrr.