Today, we continue the tour of Egypt with a visit to Karnak Temple Complex. It is the largest temple complex ever built by man, and represents the combined achievement of many generations of ancient builders. So today with bring you:
13 Photos of the Karnak Temple Complex
Our dad in the Hypostyle Hall

Our mom and the Avenue of Sphinxes

The Sacred Lake


Column Carved as a Bundle of Papyrus

Carvings in the "Botanical Garden"

The Defeated Enemies

The Hypostyle Hall

Avenue of Sphinxes

Statue of Ramses II


Cartouche of Ramses II


Tags: Thursday Thirteen, Egypt, Karnak, Karnak Temple, Ancient Egypt, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, hairless cat, hairless kitten, kitten, Sphynx kitten
These are so so great excavation!! I am so so honored could see them!!!!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos~!!
I really likes the sphinx kittys. They looks likes you two!
Can there be a more exciting place to be that in these stunning Egyptian temples? Well maybe snuggled up together inside of the sleeping bag! You both hardly fit in there, but it is so cozy and mommy just loved that photo!
You dad sure does enjoy his parrots:)
Thank you for sharing your world with all of us.
I love you both...Peachy
That whole row of sphinxes was really neat.
I really liked the avenue!
All of those photos are beautiful. The Avenue of Sphinxes was particularly impressive.
those pictures are gorgeous!
Ooh Egypt looks wonderful and warm too! :)
Wasn't it a wonderful trip for your mum and dad ? Although I have made the cruise 2 x and visited Luxor 3 x I am not tired of it !!
What was your Mom's favorite place to visit there?
Hi Dragonheart & Merlin!! Those are some wonderful pictures your Mom and Dad took! Mom loves the history channel when they do Egypt history. One day she hopes to be able to go! Thanks for sharing them with us!
Your FL furiends,
PS: Our dates for our Post today are written month first and day second!
Dear Dragonheart, Mom says she couldn't run a marathon if her life depended on it, so she thinks YOUR mom is the cat's meow.
Mom loves the pictures. Thanks for sharing. When she takes PlusOne to the Museum of Fine Arts, she will tell your mom all about it.
Those are cool pictures of your Mom and Dad at Karnak. Egypt is such a great place to see all the pyramids and of course Sphinxes!
Isn't it amazing that this was ever accomplished, and more, that it still stands! Just incredible.
Gosh that's amazing. What a trip!!!! I bet they'll never forget all of the amazing things they saw.
Yep, our Mommy is drooling again over your pictures. They are very nice and Mommy has always wanted to go to Egypt. We say that a soceity who worshiped kitties cannot be all that bad!
The ancient Egyptians were an amazing people. What pretty things they built and carved with no power tools!
Is this one of the temples where cats would have been worshipped and been fanned and fed stinky goodness and catnip? That is how I like to picture it...
That is soo cool! We love seeing your pictures! We can pretend we are there.
~Queen Snickers
No we don't have your Germany address. Can you email it? We will have daddy put it in the mail on Monday.
What an awesome place!!!!!I bet you left with plenty more yet to see. Thank you for sharing!!!!!
Those pictures were just great :)
Purrs Mickey & the Mom
Fantastical pictures!
Your beans have a lot of great memories and I bet they learned a ton!
purrs to all ofyou
These places are so cool! Thanks for sharing with us!
We love this tour of Egypt! But we're still more partial to sphynxes than sphinxes. :)
We always enjoy seeing your mom and dads photos. They have some great adventures!!
~ That Gracie
We love the pictures of Egypt. ~Alasandra & The cats
I like the row of Sphinx statues!
That's a great T13! Best one I've seen in a while ... what a great trip!
We love our virtual tour of Egypt, what an amazing trip!
Those are such amazing pictures! The one place in the world my Mum really wants to go to is Egypt - maybe one day!
Oh wow -- what beeyootiful pickshures! Thankies so much fur sharin 'em with us -- it's like gettin to go right along with yur beans!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hmm... non of the sphinx look like you. It must be because they spell it with a y...
Simply stunning pictures today!
Wow, those pictures are absolutely stunning! Thank you so much for sharing them. Mom would just love to go to Egypt!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Mom sed she'd love to stroll down that "avenue". Yoor beans are so lucky to be able to visit all dis stuff...
Amazing - I wonder if Fred and Ginger would like to go there. I think they would be very tempted after seeing these pictures. FAZ
Wonderful photos! Those are some very nicely done and well lit ones. Nothing like being there tho huh? What a wonderful trip that wuz.
Wow, Egypt looks spectacular!
Wow! Those are fascinating pictures, buddies! I would like to see a real palm tree some day.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
P.S. Those pictures of you as "parrots" from earlier in the week made me laff and laff!
Cool! Karnak looks very interesting. And like a huge litterbox too. Sand everywhere!
Luf, Us
All of those photos are beautiful. The events was really beautiful.
Wonderful photos!! Please thank your Mom for sharing more photos of their trip with us.
Wow, I have never seen anything like those places! I like that cats were important in Egypt, as cats should be all around the world.
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