As she says, being a military wife has advantages and disadvantages. One advantage was obviously the opportunity to live in Munich for three years and do a lot of travel while living here. It goes without saying that visiting all of Europe and places like Egypt are a lot easier to do from Munich than from Canada!
There are also disadvantages of course. The major one: being left alone to worry while our dad is deployed on missions overseas. In all likelihood, unless Canada has a major change in government between now and then, when we are posted back to Canada, our dad will likely have to do a six month tour in Afghanistan. Our mom knows how hard it was the last time our dad was deployed overseas, for a six month peacekeeping mission in Eritrea, and Afghanistan will be harder, since it's a lot more dangerous over there.

We've had a couple of questions about some of our posts this week. So, we will do our best to answer them.
What's an ATC ? ATC stands for Artist Trading Cards. They are small cards that are works of art.
What's a Meezer? Meezer is short for Siamese. Siamese = meez = Meezer. Merlin is a Seal Point and White Sphynx, so he is a pointed Sphynx. All pointed Sphynx get their pointed colour pattern from Siamese ancestry somewhere in their bloodlines. So Merlin is a "Siamese" Sphynx since he is a Pointed Sphynx, and so he's a Meezer, of sorts.
Do Dragonheart and Merlin have Siamese blood? Both of us are purebred Sphynx. We are registered and have our "papers." However, as explained above, all pointed Sphynx have Siamese blood somewhere in their ancestry; it's what gave rise to the pointed colour patterns in the Sphynx breed. Merlin is a pointed Sphynx, so somewhere, generations back, there is Siamese blood in his pedigree. Dragonheart's dam (cat mom) was a blue point Sphynx, so again, there is Siamese blood way back, somewhere in his bloodline. So yes, we both have Siamese, many generations back, in our bloodlines.
We hope that helps answer some of your questions. If you have any more, please let us know!
Our mum has been very interested in the photos of Egypt as she is also fascinated by the country (Ancient rather than modern).
You must miss your dad very much when he is deployed overseas, but it is good for your mum to be able to visit different places.
it's a lot more dangerous over there.
Thanks for answering everybody's questions. I think you are good ambassadors for all Sphynx cats!
Mom is going ga-ga over the photographs from Egypt! We sure hope and purr that your Dad stays safe and out of harm's way. We also wish that all the Troops could come home.
Having an Egyptian name, I too am interested in all the lovely things your Mommy say while visiting Egypt! Ramses and Tigmut'hep both share this interest too... :) As for your Dad having to go on active duty overseas for 6 months, some time in the future - well we shall all purr for your Dad while he is away and also for your Mom as we know it won't be easy for her either... Mummy's step-Dad was stationed in Germany for a number of years as well as a few other places. Luckily Mummy being the eldest had left home, but all her siblings and our Nana got moved a lot and had to deal with this sort of worry too - well Granpur Ken was a bomb disposal expert...
Your photos are extra-frooty today! I really enjoyed them!
we are always purrring for your daddy. we want him to be safe.
Things are so terrible over there and we are just very proud of the troops that work so hard together to inporve the lives of those in this world that are living under tyranny and fear
You and Merlin are very nice kitties. I am so glad to know both of you.
Love and purrrs always
oh we love the pictures!!
mommy is really enjoying the pictures of Egypt. that's one place she hopes to visit in her life.
We wish you daddy all the best overseas. A friend of mine was stationed in Afghanistan last year and he was really having a hard time.
Loved your pictures of Egypt. Great you liked it there, I love it too, of course :) The only sad thing when living in Egypt instead of coming for vacation only: Tourists get more sightseeing than me due to a lack of time. ;)
Have a great weekend!
We did begin to think there might be a new breed of cat called 'Meezer' He he! I bet you are sooo nice to cuddle with all that soft skin. Do you like strokes just the same as us furry kitties? ;O)
We are happy you live close enough to travel and show us pictures :)
Your Mom & Dad visit places we are not likely to see :)Thanks!!
Purrs to your Dad that he stays safe wherever he serves!!
Purrs Mickey
Those are very beautiful photos. We enjoy seeing new places. That would be very hard if your daddy has to work away and in such a scary place. We're purring for him.
You guys look very regal today!
Shade and Goldie
Well the LL is a history freak so she's totally loving the pictures. I get that whole "are you Siamese" thing all of the time. No one seems to understand that most breeds have meezer in them but we're all separate until many many generations back. I am a pure bred Oriental Shorthair but I just happen to have lynx coloring (like Merlin is pointed). Anyhow, you're both totally handsome!!
I'll be askeered for your dad too if he has to go away. He's a brave man!
Mom and PlusOne love Egypt, so they have loved your recent posts. We hope your dad stays safe when he is in Afghanistan.
I did my wish meme, if you want to see it. I think I made a good wish.
The unrest in the world is truly sad. We will purray for your Dad when he has to go to Afhghanistan.
It seems there is a little bit of meezer in a lot of cats!
Awesome frootbats!
We purr and purray for all the troops overseas. Thank you to your dad for serving.
Purrs to your dad and the service he is doing! What a brave dad you have. And how very brave you all are! We loved reading and seeing the photos of your trip to Egypt. It looks so amazing. We would like to go one day. Happy Friday!
Our Mommy has always been glad that our Daddy did not become a career Marine because she does not think she could live the military life. We always purr for your Daddy and will purr even louder if he has to go to Afghanistan.
Thanks for telling us about your bloodlines, it was very interesting.
We will purr for your Dad to be safe when he is deployed overseas. We purr for all the troops to come home soon and safely.
Yes, I think it might be hard to have your dad over in the country where the afgans come from. It is not a good time to be over there. And six months is a long time. Maybe something will change and he will not have to go.
Hi Dragonheart & Merlin!! You both look so cute in your frootbat pictures today. Egypt has so much history to see and we love being able to see it through the eyes of someone who has been there.
Your FL furiends,
Look at your lovely photos of you two frootbats.
I think it would be hard if your Dad gets posted to Afghanistan. I would like to think that that wouldn't have to happen but it is hard to see how.
You are meeZerz too?
Very interesting post in many ways.
Going to Egypt, where the cats (as far as we know) did domesticate Humans and declared Gods (The black Middle age we did survive in Europe - miehehe).
Then, your heritage. Very interesting. I did not know. It's been a kept secret for me.
As for Manx. Nobody seems to know we are Tailless. They talk about a missing Gene. Haha. Do humans have Tails? Do you too have a missing Gene? We are in many ways wiser than humans, but we will keep that secret between us.
Papa going to Afganistan? I would voted against. Need a man at home, even in Canada. Canada, where is that? Is it cold there? Can we be outside? Can we emigrate piece of cake or do humans need to check us up, like we should be --- whatever,
mom is around. We will help her sprint the last 50 meters in every Maraton she does run.
Have a great weekend
Rosa and Felicia
It's good that your Mom and Dad are taking advantage of living in Munich!
We love seeing all the pictures of Egypt.
We're always purring for troops that are deployed far away!
Your pictures of Egypt are amazing!
I hope your Dad knows how much us Canadians appreciate the work he does. I know it must be hard on him and on your family too.
We hope yer Dad will be OK while away from home some Big Moons from now!
We sure hope yoor dad won't hafta do da danjerus dooty. It's much better to be stationed somewhere dat yoo can travel together from...
Thanks again for sharing the photos with us, I also love seeing these, Epypt might be the place that everybody wants to go~!! I am very happy for your beans has been there already :) That is wonderful~!!!
I love your photos of today!!!!
And thank you so much answering everyone's doubt!!! You are very very sweet!
We love those pictures of you boys! We've really be enjoying the pictures of Egypt and appreciate you sharing them with us!
I love that the Egyptians made lovely status that look like you two - that is Sphynx statues! You two must be important kitty cats to Egypt!
Those are lovely pictures of you two! My mom's always wanted to visit Egypt, also, so she's visiting vicariously through your beans! :)
I can say you guys is the first Spynx cats I've met. Thats neet how we are kinda related. I'm also enjoying the Egipt pitchurs.
Hello you lovely fruitbats! Sorry I haven't been around much lately, I've got very behind. I, too, am fascinated by Ancient Egypt. The pictures are just great:) xxx
I has meezer blood too fanks to my Grandma-cat who is a purebred meezer. I meeze a lot too even though I do not loook like the average meezer.
You guys look very handsome today in your pitchers!
What is the skin situation of your human parents after the trip?
All the photos makes our humans want to go visit Egypt, too! Especially since our mom sometimes studies Egyptian-style dance (Mom studies Middle Eastern Dance, which includes various styles).
We will always be here to keep your mom company and to purray for your dad's safety if and when he's overseas.
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