Since we are cats, we don't eat candy. However, we do eat treats! In these photos, you can see us checking out our Easter treats, including two bags of Dreamies, which are very yummy cat treats!

Since we are cats, we don't eat candy. However, we do eat treats! In these photos, you can see us checking out our Easter treats, including two bags of Dreamies, which are very yummy cat treats!

Sooo cute! Have a nice weekend!
My entry is up!
Dreamies are very close to Temptations it looks like. I am not a treat eating kitty...I just like my stinky goodness from Paul Newman and I eat my crunchie biscuits, that is candy for me:)
Love Miss Peach
Oh I forgot to add the my name is also are right and remembered when I forgot. How daft of me:)
It was cool to see your daddies T~shirt with prostrate cancer awearness on Lapdaddy has that and it is in remission. We all admire that your beans run for so many great causes!
Love Peachy
Oh, I can relate! my favorite "candy" isn't sweet!
Happy hunting and happy weekend, you two :)
Aww so handsome Dragonheart does the look on your face say "more cat treats". Have a great weekend
They are having fun definitely! Great shots too;-)
You should try candies, the sweetest kind, or chocolates. You will love them I bet. Lol. Happy weekend! My candy is up here. :)
Dragonheart, in the second picture I think you are saying "More Candy, Please!"
Our cat doesn't seem to like treats very much, but I haven't tried (or even seen) Dreamies or Temptations.
Mmmmm. Those look very yummy! We hope you get lots of treats for such good modeling, boys!
kitty kat!!!!
Well, I have one candy that's nutless, and one candy with nuts...stop by and enjoy the sweetness!
Have a great weekend.
You two are enjoying your Temptations! So cute!
Wow, those are some cats...
That looks like a great Easter surprise!! You can't beat treats AND toys!
My treats is crunchies that I steal from Molly and Shadows bowls now. hehe Shhhh don'ts tell Mommy Bean though.
We all has tried treats and really do nots like them as much as catnip. It's greats you got treats on Easter, we's only get it on the big green tree day. ::sigh:: I has to get the mommy bean to take notes
Oh how smart you are to show cat treats!!! They look really good too :) I bet it's hard to decide which one to have firsy :)
Purrs Mickey
harharhar! i don't eet candee either! but i do like temptashunz miself.
i'm so happee dat i can vizit u again dh. it wuz verree disturbin to me befor u fixed da problum.
You look like you are begging for them to be opened.
We don't usually eat treats but The cat Realm sent us some in our prize and we loved them. MM is going to search for more :O)
Purrs, Sukie X
they are cute kitty...happy hunting!
Mine is here
We both love treats. Mum bought some new ones for us in Spain when they were on their cruise. They are called Malt Crossys and are delish.
Oh, dat must be the German version of temptations...that is definitly cat candy!
Yummy treats can be better than candy for more than cute kitty cats ;-) Excellent shots!
Treats are cat candies, lol ! I am catching up I am back from Greece.
yay for kitty candy!
(ben lucy toni)
That's a lot of treats you have there.
You have lots of great treats you guys. What lucky cats!
We've never heard of Dreamies before. They look like Temptations. If they are similar, it must be yummy.
Yes, treats are wonderful "candy" for cats!
you two must have been good to get all those yummy treats ;-)
Wowie, Dreamies look a lot like Temptayshuns! Enjoy, enjoy! I bet they're furry yummy. You're right, they are kitty kandy!
And you two look so handsum and regal, as always!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Mmmmmm, Dreamies sound absolutely dreamy! Enjoy yours, my sweet and debonair friends!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
cat candy, daisy had some also
You are so cute to sit by those and not tear into them. I would not be nearly so good.
Hi Dragonheart and Merlin. It's nice to see you enjoying your treats.
Dragonheart, you look like you're requesting some help to open the bags for you and Merlin.
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