Merlin on dad's chest:

Dragonheart on mom's lap:
Tags: Meezer Rule Wednesday, Meezer, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, hairless cat, hairless kitten, kitten, Sphynx kittenThe daily adventures of four Sphynx: Dragonheart, a black and white tuxedo; Merlin, a blue lynx point and white fighting large cell lymphoma; Devi, a black and white rescue; and Chloe, a crazy tortoiseshell.
Excellent rule, Merlin~!
It DOES always work!!!
That sounds like a great rule. I am still young and still learning, I hope I can learn this lesson...
The Spice Cats know this too! And they practice it every single day.
Sweet! We both agree 100%!
Nice rule that I haven't learned. I guess it is the Tortie and red Persian in my blood, but I am not a lap kitty. I love to sit right beside my mom and get petted all day long, but the lap is not for me. Mom says I need to ask for lessons!
Great rule and super cute pics! You two are soooo cuddly!
Purrs, Goldie and Shade
Oh boy!!! That really is a good rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
excellent rule!!!
merl ... i'm gettin to know u better an better! u make me laff!
Very good rule to live by.
Purrs, Sukie X
That is a good rule! Especially for Mr El Destructo. hee hee
A great rule that I follow every day! Affection totally gets you out of any tricky spots. Just purr and they can't be mad.
Wise advice. ;)
Great rule!
Since I am not much for showing affection I have to count on my incredible good looks to keep me being forgiven.~~Junior
I guess I better snuggle and purr more!~~Orion
That is very clever, Merlin! Dragonheart--I did a Tuxie postie today, even though it's Wed.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Eeek that is very good to know about chiropractors. Luckily momma's VET does little of that, it is a combination of minor adjustments, physical therapy and massage. Momma will be extra careful from now on! ~Queen Snickers
Mummy's toes are mine all mine! ;)
I guess being a troublemaker makes you even more adorable... just experienced that with Pumuckl ;-)
Merlin and Dragonheart
THIS is the bestest rule of all...
That's a great rule. It could also be a tabby cat rule because that's what Maggie does!!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Oh, I can't believe either of you guys would be troublemakers!
Great rule ~ we follow this one a lot!
You are so right, Merlin! Build up that goodwill in case you need it some day when you do something a little bit wrong.
That is a great Meezer Rule and it seems to be working perfectly!
I better go snuggle MomBean before she spots the toilet paper I shredded.
An when the Bein is pinned down, they dont squirm too much!
Awww, how great to have affection.
Lots of affection here, too, after returning from the trip.
Dat's a furry good rule!
Very very good rule guys! And thanks for the demo pictures!
Exvcellent rule, Merlin. We are glad it's cool, cuz we love cuddling. Some of us more than others.
Roxy & Lucky
PS Mom thinks of your mom in the morning when she is running. She is nowhere near what your mom runs mileage or time-wise, but it is a start.
Yes, that's a most great rule!
Luf, Us
Doesn't work in this household. I get extremely suspicious if Mitzi or Bella suddenly start purring and rubbing around me. They either want something or they've done something...usually both.
Of course, while I'm working Bella insists on jumping onto my lap...ever tried typing with a cat in the way? It's not easy and she gets most offended when I put her off...but still tries again later.
So very true!
Very sensible approach. I also love your memes - you two cats live really well!
You two look so purreshus cuddlin with yur Momma and Daddy! I like bein in laps when I'm not spazzin. And Marilyn, well she's a Velcro cat. Dorydoo likes laps sometimes, too, and Brainball likes to lay on Daddy's lap and Momma's feets and legs!
Those are adorabble pickshrues of you two, as always!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Merlin must spend a lot of time on his Daddy, heehee.
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